Chapter 33

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A/N: I've pulled my hamstring and feel terrible but my cat keeps me company. That's my 'child' Anita. She's the cutest 😍😍 Back to the story; is there anything you'd like for me to go into detail about? I'm getting closer to hitting a time skip again.
Connie arrived with Serena and her daughter took off with Helena to play something children are prone to.
"I've brought along boxes of clothes I made for both the boys."
"That's great, Connie. I'm still surprised at how fast you can make clothes."
There were solid elements that everyone usually had one of but there were also subcategory elements which were more elusive. Connie had one of the latter elements which didn't have a specific name but it helped her make clothes. Usually people who are given magic from the subcategory fell into depression but Connie made do with what she was given.

"It's my little secret," she whispered conspiratorially with an evil chuckle. With magic she brought five trunks of clothing from her pocket before enlarging them. 

They landed on the floor in the sitting room off to the right of the front door. 

"I'll be right back. The boys have been in the kitchen since I told them about the Air Wafers."

Connie had an amused look as she continued opening the trunks to make sure everything hadn't been ruined on her way over. 

"Do you think they're still digesting," she asked with humor. 

"It's been about an hour so they should've been done by now. Unless they ate more than two," I surmised as I left Connie in the room to go search for the boys. 

Miller was standing by the stove cooking dinner for tonight and kept glancing over his shoulder and towards the ceiling with laughter. When I stepped into the kitchen he burst out laughing and looked towards me before looking back towards the corner. 

"I added a bit more air in these ones. It seems it was a bit too much perhaps," Miller spoke up as he turned back to the stove. 

I followed where his eyes kept glancing and almost lost it myself. Nathaniel was furiously gripping the ceiling and trying to kick off it to reach the floor. Vincent had his eyes closed and looked to have fallen asleep curled up in the corner. 

"Lily, help me down! This insane chef of yours has done something to me."

"Nathaniel, calm down. Air Wafers usually don't last very long. Maybe I should've helped you both with controlling it before allowing you to have some."

Air Wafers were on a plate set on the island in the middle of the kitchen, so I grabbed one and put it in my mouth. 

"Ah! Don't eat it, Lily!"

Nathaniel was really too cute. I felt the element hit my system and realized how right Miller was. There was an excessive amount of Air in this batch as opposed to the ones before. I allowed the element to lift me from the floor but controlled it enough to let me move towards the boys. 

"Come on. I'll bring you both down and remove the Air Wafer from your system," I looked back at Miller, "Although, a certain chef could've done the same."

Miller looked sheepish but still held a smile, "Someone had violently cursed at me so I found it a fitting punishment. The other one seemed to not mind though and hadn't asked for help."

Vincent had leisurely opened his eyes when I approached them and given me his hand when I reached out to both of them. Once I secured them both to me I pushed the air out from me slowly to reach the floor. 

Both the boys were still upside down as I dragged them with me, which made for a rather funny picture. Using my Magic I pushed the Air Wafer out of both of their systems and caught them before they could fall. Nathaniel looked a bit queasy at the shift in gravity so I kept a hold on him  until he was steady. 

"I'll never eat those things again," he made a face at the 'things' in question. 

"They're really not that bad and weren't they super delicious," I asked as I nudged him a bit. 

He turned to face me with a look as if to say 'who cares what they taste like, it nearly killed me'. "Regardless, I think I'll pass on anything that is similar to that ever again."

Miller snorted his laughter as he pulled a roast from the oven, which earned him a glare from Nathaniel. 

"Connie arrived with both of your clothing if you want to go look at what she made," I questioned as I begun to walk out of the kitchen with the both in tow.

Nathaniel looked merely curious where as Vincent gave nothing away. 

"When I begin to work and get my own money, I'll make sure to pay you back," Nathaniel said solemnly. 

I looked down at his tiny determined face and felt sad that he held the belief that he needed to repay someone who wanted to care for him. 

"I won't accept any money you give me. You'll just need to learn to accept the things I do for you," I told him bluntly, cutting off any argument. 

"I take it that they were still stuck to the ceiling," Connie's voice broke the silence that had descended their group. 

"Yes," I answered with a smile. 

Nathaniel grunted in acknowledgement and Vincent just walked towards the opened trunks. 

"The black trunks are Vincent's and the grey ones Nathaniel's. Easier to remember if I color coded them to your hair colors." 

Vincent walked towards the two black trunks and Nathaniel moved towards the  three grey ones. When he looked inside his eyes widened in a comical manner but I didn't laugh because I knew that this was possibly the first time he had this much clothing that belonged solely to him. 

His hand smoothed over the fabrics in a reverent manner and I turned slightly to stop staring, allowing him a moment to himself. Vincent had begun taking off the clothes he was wearing and tugging on a pair of smooth grey pants with a white long sleeved button up. Connie stared in abject horror as the child seemed oblivious to anyone else in the room. 

Nathaniel didn't follow his lead but he did tug a few articles of clothing and walk towards the bathroom down here in order to change. When he came back it was a shock for me. He was wearing an adult outfit of black with grey stitching. His belly band was boned and armored to protect his internal organs; contouring in a way that made him look less scrawny and more lean. The pants he wore flowed to his ankle but as he walked it gave the vague feeling that it was merely black smoke wrapped around his body and trailing behind him. 

Connie looked shocked when she finally was able to see all his Markings but she didn't voice her opinion. 

"You look amazing, Nathaniel."

He beamed brightly back at me when I gave him the compliment. 

"What about me," Vincent asked as he tugged on my skirt. 

I smiled gently down at him and honestly answered, "You look just as handsome in your clothing. Now let's go to the dining room and eat. I'll contact Damon and see if he will join us."

"Yes I will be joining you," came a voice from the stairs. 

"Damon, when did you get back," I asked but one look and I realized how haggard he appeared. 

"Not long ago. I'm starving," he added, effectively cutting me off. 

We all trailed behind him as we made way to eat dinner. 

A/N: I'm feeling terrible so I hope this chapter isn't so bad. 

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