Chapter 39

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A/N: This Chapter will be mainly focused on the different Countries/Lands reactions to the magical shockwave.

~Aqua Mist Forest~

The force of the magic that fluctuated wasn't physically noticeable to everyone but the creatures who lived within this Forest were highly sensitive. Mythical creatures such as the Unicorn and Phoenix made noises of protest when the Magic felt like claws running over their skins. People who had lived within this Forest all their lives were frightened because of the loud noises the creatures were making. There were even sounds of Toads and Frogs croaking their protests from within the swamps. 

"What's going on?" person 1

"I don't know. The animals all began to get scared of something." person 2

"You didn't feel that?" person 3

"Feel what?" person 2

"I didn't feel anything." person 1

"What do you mean you don't feel anything? It feels like tar is clinging to my skin." person 4

"That's weird. It feels kind of nice to me." person 3

All the gathered individuals glanced over at person 3 with weird looks. Person 4 looked over and seemed to think that person 3 had lost their marbles. If he liked this feeling then person 4 didn't want to even think about it. All Person 4 wanted to do was scrub herself clean. 

On closer examination, you could see that some people had looks of disgust and others excitement. There were also the odd ones who were simply trying to understand what was going on. They were all looking over the rails up above in the trees to look down below into the waters of the Forest. Creatures had begun surfacing and letting loose calls of protest. 

Many began gasping in surprise when they caught a flash of movement and ending up seeing an animal that hadn't been seen in years. Some people begun to become excited and urging one another to go hunt them down for the money they'd get if they captured them. It begun to spread like wildfire and many citizens began to gear up to go hunting these rare creatures that had resurfaced. 

~Luminous Roots~


I shuddered as something dark passed through the house. My eyes immediately flashed towards the room Helena and Serena were currently playing. They didn't seem to notice the evil magic that had just past through us. 

It terrified me.

"Girls, I'll be right back!"

They didn't even glance up from their dolls as I set a quick pace to walk outside. My husband was out patrolling at the moment so I couldn't ask him. We only had Sissily who helps around the place but she was resting while I watched the girls. 

Outside I noticed some people who had gone outside to investigate like I did. There were also a few people who looked at us with confusion. Probably wondering why we all exited our buildings at the same time. 

From our little house I could see the market not to far away and the lights from the roots of trees surrounding us had begun to brighten as the day wore on. 

"Connie, did you feel that as well," came an out of breath voice towards the walkway. When I glanced over I saw Henry, who was an herbalist in our 'Nest'.

(A/N: I've decided that they won't be called Cities or Towns but Nests instead. It has no significant meaning but I prefer this way of calling individual 'colonies' as opposed to the words we use. So from now on if I say Nest that is merely me talking about a City. This only applies for Luminous Roots Land though. Each Land may or may not call their 'colonies' different names.)

"Henry, are you speaking about that disgusting feeling?"

Henry seemed overly excited so I was slightly confused. He paused in his steps as he heard what I said and gave me a confused look. 

"It felt amazing," he said uncertainly, "Wonder why you felt something different."

I shivered at the remembrance of the disgust that had swept over me at the first touch of that dirty magic. 

~Shadow Skies, Elvin Burials, and Fallen Destination~

As the magic swept these lands, beneath the earth something shifted and glowed. Vibrations from below made their way to the surface and buildings began to shake, animals ran for cover, and mounds that had buried piles of bones began to collapse. 

Bones of the dead that had been hidden for years began to push their way to the surface. 

People who walked the streets of Shadow Skies began screaming as the previous rain had turned slightly acidic. Not enough to melt their clothes or skin but enough to feel the burn. Everyone ran to hide within alcoves or buildings. Unsure of what to do. This land was notoriously known for how it rained almost every day. If the water wouldn't stop hurting then they'd need to leave these lands. 

Fallen Destination began taking on its namesake and a large 6 tiered building collapsed, killing everyone within. Cliffs crumbled a bit and people began panicking as they tried to reach safety. The wire that ran throughout the entire ancient city broke, sending people who had been inside the carts to fall into the abyss below screaming. 

Magic was running wild within the Elvin Burial Grounds. It was similar to how the Deathlands were except this was the land where most of the Elvin clan was annihilated. Flowers, trees, and other wildlife began to sprout from the bones that had surfaced. Most everything was covered in vegetation. The few people who had lived near this had been devoured by the plants, supplementing them nutrients. 

~Distorted Space~

Everything was mostly a void except for the occasional land masses of floating rocks. When the magic fluctuated through this area something unusual happened. Those originally calm floating rocks began to fly and speed towards one another. 

People who resided in this area were profficient with manipulating space so it was no wonder that they were at ease when these strange things begun to happen. They easily brought themselves and their families to safety. 

Once the rocks got close to one another they begun to turn red and looked to have begun to melt into one another before they joined into separate beings. The new rock cooled and then a visible array could be made out on top of the many different rocks within the Distorted Space. 

When the last rock connected together, the new masses begun to spin and dance in a set pattern. White light begun to pulse from the drawn Arrays. A whistling that sounded close to nails on a chalkboard could be heard from inside the darkness. No one dared to investigate though. 

~Falling Wind, Moon Caress, Water's Grace, Faerie Paradise, God's Hand~

These lands were massively protected by 'blessings' and were the furthest from the Deathlands which meant that they didn't feel the shockwave as much as the rest of the inhabitants of Meridia. 

They did however see the change in the large light source in the sky. What had originally been an iridescent purple had begun to become spotted with white dots. It had alarmed quite a few individuals as they looked up and watched the strange changes. 

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