Chapter 11

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I'm not sure on a release schedule at the moment. Currently, the releases are clearly being released steadily but I've got health problems that effect writing. So, this might or might not be my last release for a couple of days. Just depends on how I feel honestly. 

Lily Clairmount:

It had taken Magic in order to remove the mess from Nathaniel's hair. I'd managed to save a bit, instead of sheering him completely. 

(Imagine a bit younger; honestly couldn't find a single image that could fit Nathaniel ;^;)

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(Imagine a bit younger; honestly couldn't find a single image that could fit Nathaniel ;^;)

He wouldn't allow me to help him change either so I'd had to leave the room after setting down a pair of clothes that would fit him. 

By the time he was completely ready to head downstairs to eat with Helena and Damon, almost a half an hour had passed. As soon as I'd slipped my head through the door he'd slid his hand in mine.

"I'm ready now."

I looked down into his haunted emerald eyes before glancing down the hallway. "Okay, let's go join the others for something nice to eat. I know you recently ate the porridge but you can try something a little more solid this time. Just no meat at the moment."

His body was too malnourished and I was afraid it wouldn't be able to break down meat in it's currently weakened state.

From the corner of my eye I could see Nathaniel glancing around curiously at the surroundings. I didn't think much of it but as opposed to the hospital room from my previous life, this place was rather grand in comparison. It held an ethearal beauty how well nature blended with architecture. 

A staircase made from the roots of a Blue Melody Tree twisted smoothly to allow the people residing here to traverse from the upper to the lower level. There were 4 floors and each floor branched off from the roots. Nathaniel and I were on the second floor thankfully but my Medicinal Garden was situated on the 4th. It had the perfect exposure to the sun that barely peaked through the gathered trees of the Land we lived in.

As we stepped on the Melody Staircase, it played a beautiful lullaby with each step as if happily embracing us. Actually, I've noticed that it's the most beautiful when I walk on it but regardless of who, it usually got a reaction out of the roots. They also glowed beneath our feet, lighting up the path during the night when someone wished to walk without awakening the household. 

Mostly this was beneficial for the 'off-site' staff if they stayed the night to complete their duties. Some of the maids and servants didn't actually have to stay on the premises and held a sort of 'working schedule'. There were others who preferred living on the premises and received free room and board. 

Nathaniel and I finally made our way into the dining room where Helena and Damon were currently waiting for our arrival. Damon glanced up and seemed to pause before giving me a smile. 

"Lily, I thought you'd lost your way among the halls," he joked. 

"Mommy! I'm hungry," Helena grumbled as she swung Damon's arm. 

Nathaniel took in all of our actions sort of wearily. Especially after Helena looked at Nathaniel holding my hand, pouted, and then gave a light 'hmmph' before burying her face in Damon's Marked arm. 

Damon was wearing his usual black belly band but this one had embroidered orange and red volcano's on them. His pants were loose and silken in material, matching the black of his top. His hair had grown a bit longer than his shoulders lately so he had it tied back in a topknot; few strands drifting along his forehead. 

I brought Nathaniel along with me and scooted a chair out for him to sit down. As soon as Nathaniel had released my hand, Helena came running over and dragged me to sit on the other side of her. This seat just happened to be next to Damon and across from where I'd just seated Nathaniel. Although the table was one of those stupidly long ones, we'd always eaten close together instead of miles apart. 

After the servers had brought out our dishes, Nathaniel's being the only one slightly varied in comparison, I'd finally brought up the topic that needed to be addressed. 

"Nathaniel, would you like to stay here with us?"

Damon begun to choke on his food and I looked over concerned before smacking his back. "You should chew before swallowing. Seriously, Damon, you're not a child. Even Helena is eating better than you."

Helena began to giggle and stuck her tongue out at Damon. 

"I... don't have anything to give in return.."

"What are you talking about? I'm not asking for something in return, sweetie. I don't want you to be in the situation you were in before. I've also noticed," I paused and glanced at Damon before returning my eyes to the small boy, "your magic has awakened. This has also put a lot of undue stress on your already malnourished body. I'm concerned about what'll happen without proper help controlling it."

"I don't think anyone can help me," he mumbled as he picked at his plate. 

Damon kept looking at him curiously, almost, dare I say, like a bug under a microscope.. or maybe trying to measure the child's resolve in learning to control his magic. 

"Earlier while I-," my cheeks heated in embarrassment because of what I had done, which could've been misinterpreted as being a pervert, "i-i-I s-swear I'm n-not a pervert!"

I'd accidentally blurted that out and I wanted to immediately run from the room. Being the elegant mother of a child that I am though, I simply stared at the ceiling and pretended that if I didn't look, no one could actually see me.

Damon cough-laughed and couldn't shut up from his laughter. Helena didn't know what was going on but seeing her 'daddy' laugh had caused her to laugh to. 

My cheeks puffed out in mock anger but when I heard a light tinkling laughter come from across the table my eyes drifted down with shock. Nathaniel had not only smiled but he'd actually laughed..


A/N: So from here it's going to be a bit slow with the time frame and I'm thinking I'll need to switch POV's sometimes. So instead of it being 'Chapters' whenever I switch, I'll just type the POV i'll be writing in. Then the next released chapter will be the correct Chapter number. :) Hope you guys aren't so disappointed with these little fillers. It's going to be a bit slow in order for you to understand the characters and the way they connect to one another. 

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