Author's Note

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I think I'm going to go back and change out the titles 'Nathaniel's POV && Damon's POV' for just regular Chapter #'s but add the POV in the chapter. I've decided on switching from the point of views and since it will be frequent, I figured it would be dumb to not write Chapter Names/Numbers. 

On to another matter: What do you guys think about the story so far? I'd appreciate feedback and anything you think I can improve on. This is the first time I've written a book like this. In the past, I was mainly focused on Adult Vampire books. I'm very much out of my element here. 

I've also been having trouble with trying to keep my sentences less cluttered and at the right amount of 'informative' without being excessively so. 

Next Chapter will be Damon's POV. I'd like to know how you guys&girls feel about the story not revolving around our MC, Lily Clairmount? I mean, sure, it is still focused around her but I was wondering if it bothered you to have it continue switching POV's?

Thanks again for all of your views and votes, as well as the lovely comments I get. The more I get these, the more I feel the urge to continue writing this book. If something doesn't receive attention it makes it seem that people wouldn't mind if I stopped writing it. 

So I'm glad my work could provide a source of entertainment. 

Sending lots of love, 

Your Quirky Author; MadamKhaos

This will be another character who will be seen in the future of this story

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This will be another character who will be seen in the future of this story. Just an added bonus I thought you'd all appreciate. I've yet to decide whether I want to make him nonredeemable or not, yet.

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