Chapter 31

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After an exhausting couple of hours out with Lily and Vincent, we returned back home.. Did I just call this place home? 

It was shocking to think of any place home to me.

Getting back on track, we returned home to an angry Helena.

"Mom! You left me here all alone and went out to see Auntie Connie without me," she immediately pouted while stomping her blue stocking'd foot. One of her maid's was fussing over her roaming the house with just those on her feet instead of the inside shoes. 

Inside shoes were made of a normal farmed animal called a sheep. Its wool was used for the interior to keep feet warm where as the outside was made from the hide of other animals with thicker skin. Depending on the price, the outer layer ranged from regular animals to magical beasts. 

Lily let out a sad smile, "Sweetie, you were exhausted so I let you rest. Connie and Serena are going to be coming over for Dinner. You'd have been bored if you had gone anyways."

Helena seemed to think it over but all I could think was how much of a spoiled brat she was. She didn't realize how lucky she was to have someone who loved you enough to even allow you to sleep without the need to fear being woken to pain, the dark, or someone holding you down. 

My eyes darkened and not wanting anyone to see I allowed my lids to lower. From the corner of my eye I could see Vincent staring at me with his head tilted to the side. 

I've noticed how bad he is at understanding situations and emotions. 

Helena 'hmmph'd' but seemed to let it go as she walked up to Lily and clung to her arm. 

"I want up," she pouted her bottom lip as she looked up to Lily. 

Lily smiled down at her and lifted her up into her arms. Helena almost looked ridiculous for her age to be down something like that though. 

"Boys, if you want a snack to hold you over until dinner in an hour or two, you can go into the kitchens and ask Miller to make his famous Air Wafers."

"Air Wafers," I asked.

She gave me a mischevious smile, "Oh they're delicious and light." 

At her childish giggling at her own joke that I wasn't privy to, I merely nodded my head in acceptance. 

I tugged on Vincent's sleeve, "Let's go find Mr. Miller in the kitchen."

"I'll have Simmai to lead you there," Lily said as I felt a pulse of her magic run through the house. 

A few minutes later a woman with her light violet hair parted down the middle into two braids, wearing a white and blue servants outfit. 

She bent a bit at the waist, "How may I help you Ms. Lily."

"Both the boys want to go see Miller and have some Air Wafers."

Simmai smiled slightly at her Mistress's sly grin. 

"Right this way, little masters," Simmai spoke to the both of us. 


"Let's get you dressed into something else for when Connie and Serena come over. I'll try to contact your daddy and see if he'll be here for dinner as well."

"Where'd Daddy go?"

I looked at Helena as she worried at her bottom lip. She was a 'Daddy's girl' through and through. Sometimes it bothered me because he was technically her uncle but then I remember the alternative and it no longer does. 

"He said something happened at his main business and it was urgent."

She nodded her head thoughtfully. Celia followed us upstairs and into Helena's room. 

Helena's closet was full of clothing, as compared to other children her age. She was honestly spoiled by Damon and I as well as Connie. Although we spoil her that didn't mean we allowed her to run a muck without punishments. Mostly while inside she was allowed a little more free reign as opposed to being outside among others. 

"What do you think we should put you in today," I thought about how the weather and continued, "You can wear a skirt or shorts with it being so nice out today."

"I want a skirt like mommy's!"

My specific skirt was one that aided my magic so there wasn't one in her possession but as Celia and I looked through her things we came across one that looked similar. It stopped at the ankles and didn't have lace though. 

"How about this one?"

She tilted her head from side to side with her pointer finger tapping her pouty lips. I hid my laugh behind a cough because of how serious she looked. 

"It'll do," she finally said with a regal attitude. 

I took the skirt in one hand and held it over the opposite forearm as I knelt on one leg, "My lady, your skirt as requested."

Helena covered her mouth with one hand as she giggled. I stuck my tongue out at her and we both began trying to tickle attack one another. Celia continued trying to find a blouse, socks, and underwear for Helena to change into. 

A/N: I know this one is a bit short but I feel the need to go back to Damon and his problem that he's trying to resolve. 

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