5. Making one pay

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Here is the next chapter. Those stinky children make me mad. Soon her ordeal will be over T-T.

I don't know why the image came out sideways???




Controlling her breath Clarissa slowly picked herself up from the floor. "Why am I having such strange dreams?" Clarissa asked through a shaky breath.

Clarissa was seriously thinking about visiting a psychologist. Perhaps the dreams were an indirect result of her family's deaths, too much grief?

Having lost the mood to sleep Clarissa stood up slowly and looked at her phone. It was four in the morning. Deciding not to waste any more time Clarissa took her keys and headed out to the cemetery.

Kneeling in front of the twin graves Clarissa placed a bouquet of flowers in front of each. "Mama, papa, I- I found the person responsible for your murders. I did not believe it at first, but it was Uncle who did it. He hired people who destroyed the brakes in the car, when that didn't work they did the drive by shooting, when that did not work they are the ones that caused the poisoning!" Clarissa's heart felt so pained after each instance she mentioned.

After the brakes has been cut her mother had hit a pole, luckily, she had survived with only a few bruises resulting from the accident. But when they found out someone had done the damage to the car deliberately they had started to take more care and hired more bodyguards. When the drive by shooting happened three bodyguards had died, but both parents had survived. When the poisoning happened, that had been an attempt with more finality. The box had been x-rayed and nothing unusual had shown up, that was because it was not an explosive but rather a poison. A concentrated dose of anthrax spread throughout the air immediately after the box was opened.

It was only later when the doctors at the hospital had told Clarissa that her family was poisoned that she finally realized what had happened. To this day Clarissa still felt the most guilty, because the original box where the poison had been wrapped up had her name as the sender. That was why her parents had trusted it and opened it. It has been her name that had led to her parent's deaths.

The paper had said 'accidental' means were the preferred method for the murders, but clearly her parents had been too lucky, too well protected, so they had finally resorted to using her name. Her name had been used for such a horrible thing, how could she not hate herself!

But at least she was properly able to lay her parents to rest. Her brother was another matter. He had been involved in an aircraft accident when he had been on his way home to attend their parent's funeral. It had been their private jet, but while fragments of the plane had been found only traces of blood of her dearest brother were found. She would never even have the finality of burying his body and honoring his life. She had actually attributed his death to a very unlucky accident but now she knew better.

"I promise you Mama, Papa, I will seek revenge for you, once that is done, finally you will be able to rest in peace!" Clarissa had no more tears to cry, only a heavy and guilty heart.

By now it noon. Once back in her truck Clarissa opened her phone and called the CFO of Allen corporations.

"Chairman Allen, what may I do for you today?" The man asked politely and respectfully.

Clarissa got right to the point. "Destroy any companies that have relations with Timothy Allen. Freeze all accounts and cards associated with him. Following that find all organizations dealing with the Scorpion Brothers and crush them!" The anger in Clarissa's voice was palpable and caused a cold sweat to develop on the CFO's back.

The CFO could only nod and agree to the orders, afraid to cause the anger clearly voiced through the phone to be turned on him.

"You have four hours to do it!" Clarissa hung up and dialed another number.

"Yeah?" the deep male voice on the other side of the phone answered the call.

"I have read through your report. I will pay you another Six Million to annihilate all the members if the Scorpion brothers," Clarissa through the offer out onto the table.

The man remained silent for a few seconds. "Double it, and I will get it done. Triple it and I will get it done in three days."

"Fine, I will pay you triple." Clarissa agreed and hung up. Even at eighteen million the amount was none-important compared to how much hatred she held for the people who actually carried out her parent's murders. The sooner those people paid the sooner her parents and brother would stop rolling in their graves.

Clarissa clutched her phone in hand and then threw it at the couch. "Uncle, first I will get rid of the money we gave you, the power we trusted you with, the influence which made you greedy, then I will get rid of those who surround you and support you. Once I am done I will have you kneel and ask for forgiveness!"

Within four hours all accounts involving Timothy Allen had been shut down.

Mr. Timothy Allen knew something had gone wrong immediately. He had the Allen name, so only someone with the same name and more powerful then he, would be able to leave him in such poor condition. Knowing that Clarissa was the only Allen left he knew he had been found out. Taking a small briefcase, he immediately went into hiding, taking only some thousands of dollars he had in cash.

Clarissa received a report of every move and only laughed despairingly each time. She had still held a very small smidge of hope that her uncle would cry injustice, maybe that someone had framed him, but the man who she had regarded as family was only acting guiltier by the second. Still, Clarissa did not make a move yet, curious to see what he would do next.

Sitting in her living room Clarissa sat down staring at the newest reports. The hours passed and after some time the silence lulled her tired body into sleep. She slumped in the chair and she hoped she would not dream again.

She was not so lucky.

The little girl lay on the ground breathing very shallowly. Her once clean outfit was now brown and dark red, stained with dirt, and dried blood.

She hurt everywhere but she could not bring herself to give up. If even a breath was left in her body she wanted to spend it doing her best to get closer to justice for her parents. Struggling to her feet she fell down immediately hitting her forehead on the dirty ground. After sucking in a deep breath from the sharp pain she picked herself up again. Moving her legs forward she took one step and nearly tripped again, that is when she realized one of her legs was broken.

Wincing in pain she ripped a piece of her dirty dress and tried to bind her leg. Being successful, she hugged a nearby tree and used the surrounding trees to move slowly forward. She needed to get out of the forest and find help.

She walked for as long as she could, but eventually the pain got to be too much, her consciousness faded and finally she crumpled down in front of a tree.

Clarissa cringed in pain while she slept, she had never seen such a sorry sight in her life. Even though only her family was in her heart this little girl's plight was really beginning to affect her.

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