2.2 Guessing Game

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"Put me down first, then we can talk." Master Lu nodded. Once on the ground her little hand was again enveloped in the larger one. Hand in hand the two youngsters walked behind their Grand Master.

Master Lu happily started another conversation. "So, little Sister, while I have already introduced myself you have not done the same." Master Lu smiled at Clarissa and held her hand a little tighter as he swung it. Now that she seemed to be accepting him more it was time to get down to the more specific details about her.

Even he knew he was being a little annoying, but he was really happy to have a new companion and hoped that she would open up to him soon.

Clarissa took another look at the man who held her hand. As a young woman she had known many men and was unable to count how many she had dated, but she had to admit she had never seen such a gentle and scholarly looking man. Due to her short childish stature the man towered over her, but his aura was so calming and quiet that this produced no fear in her. He looked to be eighteen or nineteen, very youthful. On his face were a pair of emerald green eyes, so gentle that it could disarm any person and cause them to immediately place their trust in him. His face was lightly tanned and sprinkled with a smattering of freckles. His hands were long and thin just like a pianist. His gentle look was completed with his long pure white robes. If Clarissa didn't know better, she might have mistaken him for a scholar or the gentle young master of some prestigious clan.

Clarissa turned her head away from Master Lu. How was she supposed to answer him? Her real name? The little girl's name? Before she knew at least a little about the girl she did not want to make a premature move. But she also knew this man was persistent to the bone and would not leave her alone if she did not answer.

"Master Lu-" She started to answer her question and stopped immediately when Master Lu stopped walking and glared at her. She suddenly felt a dark and cold aura surround her and she shivered.

She glared at him and mumbled some curses before she gave in and trampled on a little bit of her pride.

"--I mean Elder brother Lu, my name is precious, so... How about you guess it?" She answered his question with a riddle and a well-placed cute smile which maximized her cherubic looks. Master Lu considered for a moment and then smiled brightly.

"Sure! It will help us pass the time. You tell me if I get it right, alright?" Having spoken his share Master Lu pulled on Clarissa's hand and walked quickly to catch up with Grand Master Xi.

Clarissa who was suddenly jerked forward again cursed under her breath at Master Lu, trying to keep up with his much longer legs as he practically skipped away.

This guy, can't you act your age and stop trying to scare me into answering your questions! Thought Clarissa as she recalled how the man had used the same overbearing aura from earlier a few hours before to force her to call him first senior brother, then elder brother when he changed his mind.

She had not wanted to call him any type of 'brother', but her surrounding had become so cold and ominous every time she refused. After some time, it was so cold she had begun shivering, her insides even churned as the atmosphere became even more oppressive.

From then on she had learned to fear him a little. She was still not sure what 'cultivation' referred to exactly, but she was no fool. She was sure he had caused her to feel those terrible feelings and had changed the air itself. When she realized that she felt more than fear. She had also felt exhilaration because she had also realized she had definitely made the right choice. If she could exude the same aura in the future, wouldn't all her enemies run in fear? She could surely protect herself and maybe then she could once more have someone close to her without fear of them dying before her.

A few hours later Clarissa had heard thousands of names. She had quickly come to regret making Master Lu guess her name. She should have known the man was capable of making even a simple game into an arduous task. She was at the point where she was seriously considering just telling him her real name, who cared what her current body's name was. Later if that caused any problems, she could deal with the matter then.

"How about Cai Cai?" Master Lu tried out name six thousand four hundred ninety-seven.

Clarissa felt like crying. ".... Elder brother, how about I just tell you my name?" she suggested.

"My name is Cl-" before she could finish her words a long thin finger covered her little pink lips.

"No, no. We have a few more hours to walk. How about you let me keep guessing. If I win, I want a reward. Alright?" Master Lu smiled ever brighter, almost blinding Clarissa.

Clarissa's eye twitched at the possibility of having to continue this impossibly annoying game any longer. "No, I will just tell-" again a finger covered her mouth.

Master Lu kept staring at her with that bright smile as he raised his eyebrows. A sudden shiver forced Clarissa to arch her back. "I mean, let's keep guessing then."

Again, Clarissa gave in and at the same time became more determined to become stronger. Someday she would definitely beat this man to within an inch of his life. Only then would the oppressive heavy feeling in her heart completely disappear.

"Mm. Alright, how about Nuo Nuo?...."

After several more hours Clarissa's ears were ready to fall off and so were her legs. They had been walking all day without rest. She did not know but Master Lu and Grand Master Xi were walking slowly only for her benefit. If it was just them two their cultivation allowed them to run faster than the wind.

However, for her current self who was only a weak little girl, only her strong perseverance had allowed her to endure thus far. But her tingling legs, the sweat on her forehead and back, as well as the tired expression on her face easily gave her away. Unfortunately, her master was a dunce when it came to other people's feelings and Master Lu was too preoccupied trying out different names.

Lucky just as Clarissa was about to give in, they reached their first destination. A very small town still within the confines of the dense forest they had been traveling.

Master Lu found them rooms and then he headed off to complete whatever orders the Grand Master had given him.

The first thing Clarissa wanted to do was train. Hard work was the first step to become the strongest... But her body did not agree. Seeing the rough bed in the room she could not help but drift to it and fall asleep immediately.

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