6. Finding a Wounded Miss

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Hi Guys,

here is the new chapter. I appreciate any feedback!

I usually update every Friday, but I probably won't be able to do so this next Friday.

I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

I am debating whether to use Chinese titles like Wangye, Gonzhu, and so on. I think they would add a nice air to the story.

Don't forget to check out my other stories!!

Until next time.



An old man with a stately posture and an omnipresent air walked through the forest with a younger man of similar kind following behind him. Both seemed to walk in way that made them appear to be floating, their steps were quiet, and their movements were regal and fluid. Both had kind faces even though there were no smiles or expression on them.

As they walked the young man paused behind his master, noticing something off to the side.

A small rabbit like animal jumped around in his peripheral as if it was trying to draw his attention. The young man watched the pink animal and finding its behavior odd, followed after it. The older man paused his steps and stared after the younger man.

Following the rabbit for several steps the man laughed and hurried his steps so as not to lose the animal. "Hey little guy, what are you doing? So strange..." Deciding to capture the cute looking critter the man smiled widely and jumped up. Flying through the air he intended to land in front of the little animal; however, his intentions and reality differed.

As he was about to land with his back to the nearby tree, intending to corner the little guy, he saw a dirty bundle of clothing. Realizing there was a human where he intended to land he over reached his landing and nearly tripped and fell. Just at the last minute he managed to hold on to a low branch and jump onto it like a monkey, swinging in a circle he landed firmly on the ground facing the bundle of dirty clothes in front of him.

Walking slowly forward the young man moved the matted dark hair from the person's face a nd realized it was a small child. "A little girl?" Appalled at the sight of the disheveled, dirty and bloody child the young man immediately ran back to his master, completely forgetting the adorable rabbit like animal.

The young man knew the little girl needed help immediately and his master had lifesaving medicine, he just hoped it wasn't too late! "Master! There is a child in need of aid. May I have one of the healing pills you hold?"

The young man waited anxiously, it would be up to his master whether or not they extended a hand to help.

"Hmm." The old man retrieved a bluish tinted pill and handed it to the younger man.

Running back the man held the child in his arms and opened her little lips to feed her the pill.

'Ngh' the child whimpered in pain, her face scrunching and turning even paler, reflecting how much pain she felt from the sudden movements.

Eating the pill, the little girl slowly stopped whimpering and her breath leveled out. Finally, the girl settled into a painless and still sleep.

The old man took his time to arrive, but once he did he quietly stared at the young man who held the girl so tenderly with a worried look in his eyes. He blinked once and then slowly moved toward the child and his disciple. His steps were extremely quiet and effortless despite being on uneven ground. Clearly even these simple moments testified to the man's high level of cultivation.

As the older man stepped in front of the couple he extended a withered hand and gave his disciple a small bundle.

The young man took the bundle and unwrapped it to find two treasured items. The first was salve which smelled like mints and precious herbs, the second was a pill to enhance life force. Both items were unique and created by the older man. If the little miss managed to wake up these items would surely heal her completely.

After a little while the small rabbit like animal returned and scratched at the young man's sleeve. "Oh, little guy, you are back! Were you trying to lead me to this little miss earlier?" He asked and reached out a hand to pet the little guy, scratching under his chin. "You did a good job!" he praised the small animal.

The little animal purred, and its fur bristled in pleasure as the young man caressed its back and scratched it. The little animal scurried up to the young man's shoulder and balled up as its tail swished on the young man's back. At this time the young man stood up and following his master moved slowly through the forest. The young man carried the girl gently and every so often checked her complexion.

Soon, they arrived at the gates of the very place the young girl had just been thrown out from like a piece of garbage. The Arachnid sect's gates.

As soon as the guards at the gate saw the approaching trio their demeanors changed, their backs becoming straighter, their breaths slowing down to nonexistent levels, their eyes widening with a touch of fear and admiration.

One of the guards respectfully backed up and then ran like the wind to find someone in charge.

"Master, master!" A disciple of the Arachnid sect ran madly to find the master after hearing that such an esteemed guest had arrived.

Master Ren had been cultivating and was highly irate at being interrupted. "What is it?" he snapped. His voice was very fierce as he turned his pitch-black eyes to look at the approaching disciple.

The disciple went down to his knees and spoke quickly with a high pitch. "Master, the Grand Master is here!" The disciple immediately reported.

Master Ren nearly chocked on his saliva when he heard that name. Technically Grand Master Xi was no longer his Master, because he had been informally discharged as an inner disciple of the Hana Hana sect, but even if that was the case Grand Master Xi was well renowned and highly regarded, any master had to receive Grand Master Xi and willingly serve tea.

Running out of his room Master Ren arrived at the gate just before Grand Master Xi reached the gate.


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