2.9 Han Ei's Teachings

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"What do you know about cultivating?" Han Ei asked quietly.

Ai Li Sha nodded. "Nothing at all." and answered in complete honesty.

Han Ei's lip twitched at the complete honesty. She was not sure if from frustration or amusement.

"I see. Then the first thing to do is explain how to take in natural energy. Sit down and then close your eyes and relax your body."

After Ai Li Sha did so Han Ei continued. "Natural energy is all around us. It comes from the life in plants, trees and animals. You can gather natural energy from the air itself, but it is always best and easiest to gather energy from the element you are affiliated with. In this case you are an earth affinity type, thus I brought you here. This stage is built from a ten thousand-year-old evermore tree. In the future you should always train here as this tree will put you in direct contact with all earth related natural energies." Han Ei waited for Ai Li Sha's acknowledgement and then continued.

"Within us there is a reservoir, we must fill it with natural energy, when we do, we advance a level. As the level becomes higher, naturally the amount of energy required will also grow. Understand?" Han Ei asked quietly not wanting to disrupt Ai Li Sha who was already trying very hard to observe this mystical energy.

Ai Li Sha tried for a few moments, but nothing happened. Then she thought of something. "Senior Sister, earlier master tried to help me build a foundation, but I stupidly caused his efforts to fail and he even suffered a backlash... Is that why I cannot feel anything right now?" Ai Li Sha lamented not believing in Grand Master Xi before and hurting both him and her future advancement.

Han Ei considered for a moment. "What master was trying to do is not something I can teach you nor do for you. Since he tried to build your foundation with his own power, he must like you a lot because that it dangerous to do. As you now know due to the backlash he suffered. However, had you succeeded then once you had begun to cultivate you would not have needed much time to reach the peak of the third level. Usually up until the fourth level one can easily cultivate given a few years, after that it can take years and even decades before any sign of advancement to higher levels starts to show." Han Ei felt sorry for Ai Li Sha because the girl had truly wasted a golden opportunity.

"Naturally you can still reach those levels on your own, but now you will have a harder time and you will require three times as long compared to if what Master had been trying to do had succeeded."

Ai Li Sha crinkled her entire little face in regret. She exhaled sadly because she only now realized just what she had missed out on!

"Anyway, since you cannot feel the energy I mean, let me help you." Han Ei placed one of her small white fingers on Ai Li Sha's glabella and slowly released a visibly blue energy.

Almost instantly Ai Li Sha felt a profound change in her mental state. It was like her mind was unfurling and reaching new depths.

Han Ei removed her finger and stepped back. "Do you understand?" Han Ei asked.

Ai Li Sha slowly opened her eyes. She was completely speechless.

"I-I saw blue wisps...or energy?" Ai Li Sha said unsure of herself. She had seen tiny little sparks that turned into wisps and floated around. Before long it had been like her mind extended and she saw those blue wisps surround Han Ei and slowly dance around her body.

It had been like Han Ei was surrounded in a dancing blue halo.

"Yes, this is the energy that surrounds me because of the many years I have cultivated the Water attribute. You must focus your mind and search for the energy that is attracted to you. You are an Earth attribute so search for that natural energy. Only by finding it can you exceed the human limits."

Han Ei sat down opposite of Ai Li Sha. "Now that you have seen my energy search for your own. Once you find it, I can then show you how to take it into your body."

Ai Li Sha tried for a very long time to see those little wisps, but not only did not a single wisp appear she couldn't even see a tiny spark!

Every time she felt like she was close she would lose the comprehension.

Time passed and night arrived. Han Ei left but Ai Li Sha kept trying. Yet still every time she almost achieved that needed comprehension it would escape leaving her just as ignorant as before.

"Little Sister," A soft voice interrupted Ai Li Sha.

"Little Sister." The voice repeated.

Frustrated and very tired Ai Li Sha opened her eyes.

Even after she opened her eyes the figure in front of her was still very blurry, sweat fell from her forehead onto her eyelashes and traveled down past her lip.

"So tired." She whispered as her head fell back.

Master Lu quickly caught her falling figure and picked her up. "Silly little one, you overexerted yourself. Do you think comprehension beyond the human limit is easy? You tax your mind every time you try to comprehend how to use your attribute." Sighing he carried her away and took her to the room she had not even had a chance to get acquainted with.

"Tomorrow will be a new day. Do not worry little one, you will certainly get over this first hurdle." Master Lu cleaned her face with a damp cloth and softly patted her head as he comforted the sleeping girl.

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