11. Will you come with us?

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Here is the new chapter! This is the last of the first arc.

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***********Cang Xi's Story is now complete!!!******** If you like this story I think you will like that one too =)



Master Lu was taken aback by her reaction, but he found her pursed lips, furrowed brows, and bright narrowed eyes so... so incredibly adorable! He had never met a child he wanted to spoil quite as much as the little miss in front of him. Very quickly he lowered himself to her eye level and proceeded to try and gain her trust. His voice was soft and slow just like a calm tide. "Little sister you don't have to be so worried. Master has made a special exception and he promised to take care of you. Ren has been punished heavily and will never be able to hurt you again. As for me, you can call me..." Master Lu paused for a moment and thought about which way sounded best to be called by her. "You can call me big brother! Aren't you happy?" Master Lu grandly and proudly explained the situation and even assigned himself such a familiar title without any shame or permission.

Clarissa's eyes flashed with surprise when she heard his first few words and irritation when she heard the last few words. Little sister? Who's your little sister?! Clarissa's eyes narrowed even more, and she moved back a couple more steps. Only one person was allowed to call her little sister, and that was her deceased brother.

Clarissa quieted her mind and adopted an aloof attitude. On her fully-grown self, such an attitude made her look like an ice fairy, lofty and domineering. With her current cherubic appearance, it just made her look like a sweet child trying to pretend to be an adult. A child throwing a fit.

Oblivious to her appearance Clarissa raised her head high, straightened her spine, and folded her little hands over her belly, then she spoke again. "I repeat who are you?" She used her frostiest stare trying to bring down the man in front of her a few pegs.

Master Lu's heart flipped at her cuteness. He bowed his head down and properly introduced himself. "Little sister, I am called You Lu. You may call me Brother Lu. He he, you are quite a.... super cute little sister!" Unable to stay serious he leaned down to squeeze Clarissa's dumpling like cheek, a big smile on his face.

This time Clarissa lost her temper and slapped his hand away, just like she would do to a persistent fly.

"How dare you! I am not your little sister!" She spoke chillingly as she sidestepped him and walked toward the door with large steps.

At this time Grand Master Xi finally intervened. "Child," The elderly voice caused Clarissa to pause one second, then two, finally she turned around. Her mother had been adamant when she taught her to be extra respectful to the elderly, so right now she could only bow down to those teachings and give her attention to the older man. She also slightly respected the two men because they had extended their helping hand toward her host's body. Even if they were not able to save the host's life at least they had tried. That was more than any other had done for her.

Grand Master Xi watched the little girl turn around and lower her little head. "Yes, sir." She said, her tone a lot less freezing then earlier.

Grand Master Xi could not stop the sudden twitch of his eyebrow. He could not remember the last time he had seen a child he found so adorably obedient. She clearly wanted to leave, clearly did not trust them, yet she was still respectful to him. She was clearly much better than the flighty disciple Lu!

He wanted to praise her, but his normally awkward personality and his tired body did not allow him to be too engaged in even a short conversation. He had to rebuild his cultivation, which would take a few days, presently he was giving his all just to appear normal.

After a long silence, Grand Master Xi mustered the energy to slowly approach Clarissa and pat her head. "I can see a strong will in you," was all he said before turning to leave the room.

Clarissa's eyes widened, and a shiny film suspiciously appeared, making her bottomless black eyes bright like a starry night sky. She was so incredibly touched by his words! Even if the elderly man did not know what she had been through she had been missing someone who would praise her and pay attention to her. She had needed someone who would notice she had done her best all along. She had needed someone like a father, then she would not feel so lost and alone.

Clarissa folded her fingers in front of her lap and bit her lip. She had promised herself she would not cry anymore!

Master Lu missed not a single one of her movements. Carefully he approached her and enveloped her in a soft hug.

At that moment Clarissa's walls came down. She could no longer remain aloof in the face of two people who appeared to care for her.

"Little sister?"

"Hmm?" Clarissa answered softly without thinking.

"Will you come with us?" He asked her.

Clarissa closed her eyes and slowly, slowly, returned his embrace. She had known these two men for only a few hours but already she felt so very close to them. She had seen them in her dreams and learned of their deeds. She had felt their care and been touched by their intentions. She was no fool, before she had been twisted by the murders of her family she had been a very trusting young woman. Today for the first time she saw goodness again, and she wanted to embrace that feeling!

Clarissa spoke into his chest, her muffled voice brimming with restrained pain and longing. "If I follow you both, can I become strong? Can I become someone who can protect those I love?" She asked the question at the forefront of her burdened and broken heart.

Master Lu chuckled slightly, but when he spoke his words were clear and sincere. "I promise you, there is no one stronger in this continent than Master. As long as he teaches you, no one will be able to win against you, no one would even dare to harm those you love. And if someone is stupid enough to try, this big brother will beat them up for you." He said full of righteous conviction.

Clarissa's heart lightened, and her body relaxed. "I do not need you to protect me. The world is one where one must be strong and influential in order to survive, but I will take you at your word. I will follow you." She said and pushed him off away gently. Her eyes were no longer tearful, her heart was no longer heavy as lead, finally, she felt some measure of peace.

In her heart Clarissa knew, this was her chance to succeed. In the past, she had all the wealth one could ask for, but she could not protect those dearest to her. So, she knew, this time she would learn to fight, and she would gain all the influence she could. All those except her most beloved people would become ants under her shoes. As for that old woman, she would find her someday and crush her, but not before she found out how to get back to her uncle so she could destroy him!

End of first Arc~ ~ ~

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