2.7 Officially Accepting a Master Part 1

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Soon the ceremony began.

"Master." Ai Li Sha respectfully bowed in front of the elder. Her back was curved at a perfect ninety-degree angle. She slowly knelt on the mat in front of her and then kowtowed three times, she did this nine times.

This type of subservience had been the hardest part for her. As Clarissa Allen she had been at the top of the world. She had lacked nothing and if ever there was anyone she found sore to her eyes she could directly get rid of them.

In this world she would have to bow her head to anyone who was of higher status and anyone who was stronger than her. Here disrespect might mean death!

Luckily thanks to her new background as a direct disciple of Grand Master Xi, not many people would receive that honor in the future.

Today however she did not mind bowing because she was doing it for someone she truly respected and planned to sincerely accept as her teacher.

"Step forward Ai Li Sha." Grand Master Xi said slowly.

She obediently stood up and moved in front of the table with the crystal ball stone. Her master stood on the opposite side of the table. Like always he stood quiet and stoic as if the world simply passed by him instead of him being a passerby in the world.

"Child, from this day forth you are my disciple. Take this name plate." Grand Master Xi handed her a small turquois token engraved with her name.

"In the future if anyone gives you trouble tell them who your Master is. From this day forth no one may hurt you or look down on you. Remember your place and never let me lose face." Grand Master Xi spoke the longest he had spoken in perhaps ten years. Each word was deeply rooted into Ai Li Sha's heart because this would be her new home and new family.

Grand Master Xi was offering her protection and power. Having someone do that for her made her feel extremely ticklish in her heart. But even if she really liked the feeling she would still work hard, she could not always depend on others to protect her.

Ai Li Sha fastened the name plate on her waist similar to how a a tassel would be.

"Thank you Master." Ai Li Sha for the first time formally called Grand Master Xi as her master, not only in name but also in her heart.

"Very good! Now that you are a formal disciple let us continue." Master Lu took the crystal looking stone and holding it with both hands held it up in front of Ai Li Sha.

"Simply place your hand on the stone." Master Lu instructed.

Ai Li Sha did so. Everything went silent as everyone waited for the result with bated breath. Soon the testing stone would break and release an element. only then would they know what her affinity was.

Seconds then minutes passed finally the stone shook and Master Lu removed his hands. There the stone floated while Ai Li Sha's fingers rested on it. The stone trembled and began to change color. Pieces of it began to break away and finally an explosion caused Ai Li Sha to release the stone and fall back onto her little bum.

"Ah? Oww---- w-what just happened?" Ai Li Sha had never experienced such a thing. The stone had felt so warm, so comfortable, but then it had begun to heat up becoming more and more intolerable, and yet she couldn't let go! Now the stone had exploded, but around her several flower buds had suddenly popped from the ground. It was like she was a spring fairy!

"Wonderful, you are affiliated with the earth element!" Master Lu was truly happy for Ai Li Sha. Though the earth element was not the best, and it would have been better to have more than one affinity, at least it was the easiest to cultivate with. The earth element relied on all of nature to help cultivate it. There was no shortage of resources for cultivation. Not too mention that such an attribute was the best for those that practiced healing arts and pill making. A cutie like his little sister surely would be best as a healer instead of a fighter.

"Oh. Is that good?" Ai Li Sha asked completely oblivious to how weak her attribute was.

"Perfect!" Master Lu exclaimed.

The other three girls looked on at Master Lu strangely. His attitude was a little too excited. Comparing Ai Li Sha to him how was she 'perfect'? He had dual attributes and was already a fifth level master. At nineteen that made Senior Lu a genius. Others would not reach his level until they were close to their fifties, sixties, or maybe never!

Grand Master Xi shook his head, only now realizing his disciple seemed to care a little too much for the little one.

"Ah, that's right junior sister, you never introduced yourself!" Un mei blurted out after realizing the oversight. It's not like they hadn't wanted to know, but everything had been going on too quickly for them to ask. Blame their Senior Brother for not saying it when he first introduced her.

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