2.3 A Revealing Dream

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A tired little girl lay unceremoniously in bed in a very deep slumber. Her little brows furrowing at different intervals and her mouth mumbling words unbeknownst to her. The little girl's closed eyes moved as her mind replayed moments long forgotten.

A woman in green robes embroidered with flowers and birds carried a child in her womb, her smiling face focused on the older man dressed in an equally splendid manner. He gazed down at her lovingly with dimples on his cheeks. The two looked greatly in love, their sweet clear eyes often looking down at the woman's belly. The grounds surrounding them are rich and well taken care of, clearly this is a well to do family.

The scene shifted, the same couple now holds a birthday party for a young girl, it was the girl's tenth birthday. This time it is not just a happy man and woman but rather a family of three. It is a touching moment when the young girl runs up to the man and hugs him tightly. He picks her up and twirls her around as his mouth opens in elated laughter. Off to the side the woman looks on at the two lovingly with a face full of mirth and happiness.

The scene changes again. The young girl still looks about the same age but this time fires rage behind her and her little face lacks the smiling expression. In its place the girl's face is dirty with soot and dirt and streaked with tears. Large droplets fall down her small face as she runs around, frantically searching.

Again, the scene changed, and the little girl was in the streets watching as a haggard woman and an equally haggard and wounded man were led up the steps of an execution platform. The woman looked out into the crowd her eyes full of despair and pain. The man looks at the crowd with burning anger in his eyes. A soldier stands before the gathered crowds and announces the crimes of the couple.

"Traitors to the Empire! Tried to establish relationships with enemy countries! Deserve death! By the Emperor's order!"

Hearing the words, the woman falls to her knees. The man turns around intending to take one last stand, but at that moment he spots a little figure in the crowd.

Stilling the man smiles one last time, his dimples barely noticeable as his smile turns into the expression of one that knows the end is near.

In her sleep the little girl turns, uncomfortable with what she sees.

The woman follows the man's eyes and sees the same little figure. Then, she slowly stands up and opens her mouth. Soon a melodious voice clearly resounds throughout the grounds as a lullaby no one has ever heard before is sung.

"My little child forget the sad days.

Here your mother stands with open arms to hold you.

If in the future if you feel alone, recall the loving arms of your mother.

My little child remember the happy days.

Here your mother stands with an open heart.

If in the future you feel like crying, recall your mother will always hold you in her heart.

My little child today may be sad but tomorrow may be a brighter day."

The woman closed her mouth and then taking one last look at the figure she turned to look at her husband with trembling lips.

The man looked back at her and nodded. Then smiling painfully one last time at her he ran at the guard nearby and wrestled the sword from the guard's hip, then before anyone could react he slashed the woman with the deadly precision only a military man could have, then he stabbed himself. Within a matter of seconds both were dead.

The little girl in the crowd was so shocked she had no words. She stood rooted to the ground before fainting.

The sleeping girl awoke with a start and fell off the bed. Holding her head the girl cried tears of sorrow, but it was not her sorrow.

"Wh-what did I just see?" Clarissa held her head as pulsating pain caused her eyes and nose to sting.

Once Clarissa calmed down she analyzed what she had seen. Those had been the memories of her young host. It seemed whether it was her previous life or her current life, their dreams were a connection.

Clarissa sat on her bedside and digested everything she had seen as well as the bits of knowledge still floating through her tired mind.

Following the condemnation from the Emperor troops had been sent out to quietly destroy her host's family. Her parents had died while trying to protect her, the baby of the family.

After waking up from fainting her young host had desperately sought a way to prove the innocence of her family, but she had been unable to. Her young age and pampered background had left her with few options, and soon she found herself starving on the streets.

She had been lucky, or so she had thought, to attract the attention of a man looking for some students. To her that had meant some scholarly activities or a righteous sect, she had never imagined her fate would lead to her death.

Ultimately despite how hard she had tried she simply had no aptitude for cultivation. Her lonely end had come when she had been left to die in the forest.

Clarissa was unclear why she had taken over the Little girl's body, but at least now she knew the name of the body. Ai Lun Keila Lisha, Ai Li Sha was her pseudonym after the fall of her family.

For the first time in her life Clarissa decided to show the ultimate respect a woman of her stature had never had to extend. "Little girl, you have provided me a second chance to live, for this I promise I will right the wrong your family suffered. Remember your mother's last words and may you rest in peace." Clarissa spoke to the air and then bowed her head respectfully. Before long, a quiet wind passed her and pushed the wooded window open, then the room was completely quiet once more.

Clarissa did not believe in supernatural things but today, in this strange world she had arrived at, she decided that a ghost was not so bad.

"Once again thank you little girl, in your honor this miss will certainly seek justice for your family. From this day forth I shall adopt you name." Having said this Ai Li Sha felt a wave of tiredness and this time she fell into a peaceful and dreamless slumber.

Waking up the next morning Ai Li Sha felt a lot of pain throughout her bones, but regardless, she stood up and dressed. Today she fully intended to learn more about this new world and its mysterious powers.

How could she have known her Grand Master Xi was actually one level of strange higher than she had thought. She had searched the whole inn and had been unable to find him. Finally, she gave in and reluctantly found Master Lu who led her to Grand Master Xi as he continued to guess her name.

She could tell him a name now, but it seemed Master Lu had yet to tire of the game, so if she tried, she would just be shushed again.

When Ai Li Sha finally spotted her master, he was in the middle of dense thicket of trees meditating.

It turned out this was where he had been from the moment they had arrived at this town. Having a perfectly good bed in a warm place, he chose to hang out in the middle of a forest and meditate in the cold. If that wasn't weird what was?

"Grand Master." Ai Li Sha greeted the elder.

A long silence followed after which Grand Master Xi slowly opened his eyes.

"Hmm." He replied airily.

By now Ai Li Sha was used to these short replies and was not at all offended.

"When are you going to begin teaching me?" She asked seriously.

Another long silence.

"Come." Grand master Xi stood up and walked further into the thick forest. Ai Li Sha scrambled to follow.

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