8. I Ship It! Aiana ✔

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Alana's POV

I won't encourage you to take risks so soon.

Instead, take a leap.

We do things too safely, let's walk on the wild side for a second.

Opps, one more thing, don't get burned.

Its been two weeks since Aiden and I started dating and I loved every minute that we spent together.

There wasn't a day that past that he didn't come to see me and he was actually taking it slow with me.

Saturday morning I padded around my house, not sure what to do, Lion was on my bed sleeping and I was basically all alone.

Plopping on my bed, I turn on the T.V just as some background as I walk to the kitchen to get started on lunch.

Chopping some bell peppers, someone knocks on my front door and I furrow my eyebrows, I place my knife down, walking to the door, swinging it open I am met with sparkling eyes and curly hair. My mouth immediately goes up in a grin as Aiden pulls me into him, giving me a tight hug.

"Hi there sunflower."

"Hello to you too." I smile and he steps in.

"What smells so good?"

"Me. Duh." I joke and he chuckles taking off his coat.

He walks into the kitchen and stands behind me as I continue to cut the bell peppers for the spicy chicken recipe I was making.

Is it hard to believe that Aiden and I have never kissed before?

It doesn't bother me .  .  as much,but I wouldn't mind at all if he made a move. Then again I was the one with my walls all up, maybe he's afraid that I'll reject him.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" He asks leaning against the counter and I shrug.

"Nothing serious."

"I still wanna hear."

"Are you afraid that my walls are still up?"

He takes a moment to think before answering.

"They're not completely down but. . . you're letting me in day by day now so no I'm not."

"Okay, good." I smile and get back to cooking, then all of a sudden he's pressed against me.

"You're wondering why I haven't kissed you yet?" He reads my mind and I merely nod. "I'm just waiting for the right time. Soon, don't worry."

"Gosh you're making it sound like I'm desperate or something." I joke and he chuckles.




Peeling open my eyes, I find Lion standing below me and I frown.

I was on the couch, and so was Aiden, except he was fast asleep.

Thank the heavens, He doesn't snore.

"Shhh. You hungry buddy?" He barks again and I stand, walking into the kitchen and filling his bowl.

"So this is the famous bulldog." Jumping, I frown at Aiden as he stands not to far away from me. "Sorry." He smiles sheepishly.

"Its fine. And yea, this is Lion."

"Really? Lion."

"Hey! If you're going to question my baby's name its best you stay quiet." He chuckles and grabs my arm pulling me to him.

I place my head on his chest ad we just stand there enjoying the feels of each other.

"Hey, what's this?" He asks sliding his hand into my pocket and bringing out a silver chain.

"What in the world?"

Did I steal something earlier?

I'm pretty sure I didn't.  .  .

He laughs at my reaction and grabs my hand again.

"Alana Winters, I know we've only been seeing each other for a few weeks but. . . will you be my girlfriend?"

I gape at him and then back at the chain.

"Well that was curt." I tease.

"I'm not Shakespeare alright?" I giggle.

"So. .?" He drawls.

And this is where, I take my leap.

"I will." I grin and he returns it full blown revealing a dimple in his left cheek.

"Finally, now I can do this." He grabs my chin and connects our lips in a sealed kiss. We move intently and soon I'm lifted onto the counter, playing with the skin at my waist.

When he leaves my mouth, he assaults my neck leaving featherish kisses all of it.

I feel my breath hitch and I hold in a moan as he nips on the side of my neck.

I'm gripping his waist and he pulls away, breathless.

"Damn." He murmurs and I blush. "I need a cold shower."

I giggle and he smiles softly.

"At your pace okay?" He says referring to the relationship and its my turn to smile.


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