15. Ooo, Daddy✔

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Alana's POV

I love how he says my name.

And how he reserved such a special place in my heart.

Where I felt more for him than I did for others.

Many might say its too soon but what do they know? Its my heart.

"How about we take a vacation. . ." I suggest to Aiden as we sit eating cereal together and he raises an eyebrow.

"A vacation?" He repeats and I nod.

"Okay.  . but when?"

"Today?" I squeak out and he drops the spoon.


"Today.  . . or maybe in the night or maybe-"

"Next week."

"No!" I yell and he looks at me quizzically. "I mean, we all need a break right? Look at all that went down. It'll be great to just take some time off."

"But. . where?"

"How about. .  . London!"

"London?" He repeats leaning back and crossing his arms at me.

"Yea. Its amazing, and we have so much in common. They speak our language, . . . they. . . eat. . . and uh. .  take showers! See ?!" I force a grin and he stares at me amused.

"Uh. . . huh. ."

"What's really going on sunflower?" I sigh and go straight for it.

"Leo's a werewolf whose trying to kill you because you killed his girlfriend." He stares at me in disbelief searching my eyes.

"But. . . werewolves don't. . . exist."

"Oh believe me they do." I state showing him my mark that has yet to fade. He gapes.

"What in the world. . . you were dating a werewolf?"

"Well yea."

"Weren't you afraid he was going to like. . . eat you?"

I burst out laughing but he was dead serious, eyes wide.

"Werewolves don't eat people." I inform him as my laughter dies down.

"But he wants to eat me." He states and I roll my eyes.

"Of course not. He wants to kill you."

"Wow, I just feel so much better. I think I've most my appetite." I could sense that he was serious and I frowned.

"Babe don't be worried. . . we're gonna be okay."

"Easy for you to say, you're not the one he want to tear limb from limb." I walk up to him and grab his cheeks forcing him to look at me.

"Aiden. You're not going to die okay? So snap out of it. Inform your company of your sudden vacation and I'll arrange everything alright?" He nods warily and I press a firm kiss on his lips before walking towards my computer.

* * *

"London!" Aiden yells while falling onto the bed and I roll my eyes amused.

"I thought you weren't so keen on coming." I tease and he smirks.

"I just realize that I had a whole vacation to me and my sunflower." I grin and he winks at me.

"Are we unpacking right now?" I asks him and he shakes his head.

"Nah, I'm beat. Now come over here and let me kiss you." He demands.

"No I think its better if you go to sleep. 'You are beat' " I joke and he scowls at me. "Hey, your words not mine."

He grabs my arms and pulls me over him so that I'm straddling him and I gasp.

"Aiden!" I yell smacking his chest lightly and he smirks.

"I like this position." He says, making himself comfortable and I lay on his chest also.

"Um, I think you owe me a kiss?" He says and I groan.

"I'm tired." I whine and he complaints. Over and over again until we both fall asleep.

* * *

The next morning I awoke and found myself in the exact same clothes.

"Ew." I mutter and I look up to find beautiful eyes staring at me.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Hi handsome." I smile getting off him.

"Where you going?" He asks.

"To take a shower, duh."

Fifteen minutes later, my hygiene is on point and so is Aiden's as he took a shower in the other room.

I stood with my towel around me and he had a red polo shirt with light blue ripped knee length jeans. He had some red Reeboks on and I grin at his deliciously sexy appearance.

Excuse my French.

"You look great babe." He winks at me before sitting on the bed.

"Thanks." I lean in and he turns his face. I stare at him in confusion and he raises an eyebrow at me. I try again and this time he leans back placing an arm in front me so I couldn't lean in onto him.

"What? What're you doing." I ask and he shrugs.

"I'm not doing anything."

"Then stop moving." I lean in again and he stands this time. I stare at him in disbelief and he stares at me right back.

"What?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Give me a kiss." I demand and its his turn to rolls his eyes.

"I'm tired." He mocks and I frown.

"Shut up." I grab his shirt to pull him down to me and he resists removing my hand from his shirt.

"Stop." He says.

"No you stop." I whine and we stare at each other. He looks at me until he couldn't hold in his laughter.

"What? What's so funny?"

"You look like you're about to cry."

"Shut up. You're an idiot." I mutter turning away to grab my clothes.

"Aw babe I'm sorry, cmere." He grabs my waist and I move aside.

"Don't touch me."

"Cmon baby." He teases and I hit him. Hard.

"Ouch woman!" He yells and I give him a fake smile.

"Opps." I say sarcastically.

He sighs before smiling down at me.

"Here." He grabs my waist once again before crashing his lips down on mine. I still wasn't dressed yet and I know that it was affecting him. . . down there. He groans, tugging on my lips slowly.

"Now hurry sunflower Daddy's hungry." He slaps my butt before walking out of the room and I roll my eyes at the retreating orangutan.

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