19. Teamwork Makes The Dream Work ✔

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Alana's POV

Hold on to what you have.


And love.

Life doesn't get easier, it gets harder, so don't waste your time being bitter.

I frown moving away from him and he returns my facial expression. I cross my arms averting my eyes and he sighs.

"I know it may seem to soon, but that's. . that's how I feel and I'll say it again I love you."

"I can't believe this." I mutter and he stares at me. "I can't believe I let you say it before me."

His face breaks into a grin, looking relieved and he grabs me back into him.

"You had me worried there for a second." He says and I smile. He joins my lips with his and moving slowly and I moan as he slides his tongue. He grabs my butt picking me up and placing me on this lap.

I break apart, to lean on his shoulder not wanting to ruin this moment with his too excited self.

"I love you too." I murmur, with all my heart and he grins.

"I know you do babe."

The door barges open and my eyes widen as john walks through with a gun pointed straight at Aiden's head.

"Why hello nice ass, How's it going?" He greets rudely and I scowl at him.

I knew it.

I get off of Aiden, eyeing John and he smirks.

"Not talking so much now huh bad boy." He says waving the gun and Aiden's head and he grits his teeth.

"You do all this just to kill me?" Aiden scoffs as if a gun wasn't pointed at his head.

"What is this? What do you want?" I ask and he grins.

"Leo sent me."


I gasp.

That means Dustin. . .

"Now I'm just going to take you're little boyfriend and you're gonna stay here or else I blow his brains out." John smiles sarcastically and I gulp. Aiden showed no trace of fear and I bit my lip.

"No." I tell him and Aiden's head snaps to me. "I'm the one who killed Ashely-"

"Ashely, who in the world cares about that female dog. Literally. Leo just wants revenge for lover boy here, taking you away from him Luna."

"What?! He didn't take me away from Leo. Leo chose his own path." I argue and John rolls his eyes.

"Look I don't have time for this alright? Leo wants him, Leo's going to get him."

"I'm not going anywhere. " Aiden shrugs plopping onto the couch and I gape at him.

"Babe." I whisper laughing nervously. "Not to be captain obvious here, but there's a gun pointed at your freaking head!"

"He's not gonna do crap." Aiden rolls his eyes and John takes a step forward.

"You sure about that pretty boy." He was distracted and I take that chance to drop kick the gun out of his hand. Aiden quickly lunges for it, suddenly alert and soon the gun was pointed at John's head.

"Wow." He says raising his hand in a surrender motion. "What's that phrase? Teamwork makes the dream work? Well. That's cute but as always you have to be prepared."

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