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Alana's POV

Never give up.

Don't stop fighting.

Don't say I can't.


I watched as Aiden angrily grabs James color and I bite my lip, thinking that maybe I went too far with this prank. . .

I step out timidly and Jackson's eyes land on me.

"Alana?" He calls out suddenly and Aiden head snaps to me.

"What in the world?" He murmurs walking up to me quickly.

"Ta daa!" I do jazz hands and he purses his lips.

"This was a joke?" He asks and I avert my eyes. "I hate to break it to you Alana, but right now? This moment? Isn't a joke, and you might as well have just blown our cover."

"You were just so. . grumpy back then-"

"How the hell is this supposed to calm me down!" He screams and I actually flinch.

"Aiden. . man. ." James touches his shoulders and he shake his hand off.

"Let's get back into position. And Alana do as you're told."

"I'm not a child." I tell him defensively and he rolls his eyes.

"Well stop acting like one."

"Y'know what?" I angrily stomp back towards the house.

Who does he think he is, yelling at me like that?

Gosh why didn't I answer? I feel so embarrassed.

I enter the house, slamming the door and he soon comes in.

"What do you thing you're doing?" He asks lowly and I narrow my eyes at him.

"I am doing whatever I want."

"Alana, stop being stubborn. You're playing with lives here." He says.

"Oh so now you want to talk civilly?" I snap and he sighs, rubbing his hand all over his face.

"Babe, I'm sorry for yelling at you back then alright? Now can we please get back out there?"

"No." I place my hands on my hips.

"No?" He repeats.

"Exactly what I said. No."

"Alana, you're playing with lives here-"

"Then tell them come in, I don't care."

"Why are you being so stubborn right now?" I could tell he was trying to control his voice and I roll my eyes.

"Listen. He wants me, not really you, why not just give him what he wants?"

"What are you even talking about? I already apologized for yelling at you." He says lifting both arms. "Look, we don't have time for-"

"They're here!" One of the three yells and Aiden glares at me before running outside.


I was about to go outside when a click is heard.

"Stay in." Aiden demands before running off.

"What?! No. Get back here!" I yell and he keeps running. "Aiden Sanders if you dont get your butt back here to un-"


I try the windows, but they were sealed shut. When did he have time to do this?

With no choice, I'm forced to stay by the windows and watch.

I couldn't hear what they were saying and that irked my ever spirit. I look around, and grab a book, sending it at the window, but I only hits it with a slap and falls to the ground.

Looks like they hid every object hard enough to break the glass.

Smart bitc-

* * *

Aiden's POV

"Where's Alana?" Leo says getting straight to the point and I stand firm. "Oh I see! You brought your little friends. Well, fat friends but still."

James basically growls from besides me as all of us holds up our guns pointed straight at Leo and his goons.

"Listen lover boy. I want one thing. And one thing only. I think you know what that is. So, where is she."

"You said thing. Not person." Jackson tilts his head and Leo rolls his eyes.

"Whatever! Just get me Alana, before things get. . . bloody."

"We suggest you leave before you get hurt." James says.

All this crap was getting to me. Don't you ever wonder why people wait until bad things happen to shoot?

So with out further a do, I cocked my gun and fired at Leo. It hit him in his chest and he groaned.

After that, it was a gun war. Bullets everywhere. We ducked behind trees and bushes. Aiming squarely for the bad guys.

I can hear glass breaking and I really hope Alana wasn't being too stubborn about taking cover also.

I knew I was going to get it later for locking her in but I couldn't risk the chance of her getting taken. It was always my plan. As soon as they arrive, grab her a lock her in the cabin. She just made it easier for me.

Distracted, I barely noticed when the three boys were suddenly missing. I'm grabbed from behind and I elbow the person in their ribs, but I soon stop as something cold reaches my temple.

"I have to admit. You fight well." Leo? I thought-

"I'm sorry, did Alana not tell you I was a werewolf? I heal faster than you puny humans."


"Now. Where. Is. Alana?" He grits out and I look around to find the three brothers, held also. It was surprising to find them, so huge, held back by even bigger guys.

And that was saying something.

"Why don't you go pick the lice out of your hair mutt." I spit and he grins.

"That's cute." He reels back his hand, before bringing it down on my face. I barely had time to register it as he grabbed my gun.

He kicks me in the stomach and I drop to my knees groaning in pain.

"I'm going to ask you one more time." My hands were held behind my back as he placed his gun in the middle of my forehead. "Where is Alana? I peer up at him, and spit, giving him his answer.

"Alright well-"

"Wait! Here! Here I am!" Alana yells climbing out of the windows where bullets once ran through.

"Alana! What the heck are you doing! Get back in that cabin!" I wiggled as she slowly walked towards him and she avoids eye contact with me.

"There we go." Leo smiles evilly as he pulls her to him. "Simple. Now you don't get to die." He says to me and I grit my teeth.

"Alana." I hiss and she peers up and me, tears glistening in her eyes. "Why aren't you fighting back? What are you doing?!"

"I- I can't risk you getting hurt Aiden."

"Well we must be off now. Try anything and I'll blow her brains out." He says eyeing James who was practically growling at them.

"Alana. . " I murmur once last time.

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