17. Respect His Lady✔

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Alana's POV

Everything you have has been given to you as a gift from the big man above.

Take care of it.

Whether it be the item you wanted. The brother you didn't. Or the love you never expected.

Watch over it, and grow with it. It'll turn out great in the end.

"What is it with you and books?" Aiden whines as I drag him to the book store, rolling my eyes.

"You're the one who threw my book out the window."

"It slipped!" He yells and I purse my lips.

"Sure it did."

* * *

"How about this one?" Aiden holds up a book that says " heartbroken" and I raise an eyebrow.

"You're not planning on breaking up with me are you?" I joke.

His face turns guilty all of a sudden and I furrow my brows.

"What?" I ask urgently.

His face suddenly turns into one of pure amusement and I roll my eyes, but don't miss the feeling of relief as it floods through me. He grabs my from behind, placing his head on my shoulders as I search for books.

He stays like that, stepping when I step, shifting when I shift and I can't help but think of how much of a baby he is. I love it.

"Babe." He whines again.

"Alright alright we're leaving." He sighs and leans off as I grab, "Together at last."

He grips my other hand as I buy the book and as soon as we exit the bookstore he complains that he's hungry.

"I saw a restaurant not to far from here?" I suggest and he raises an eyebrow.

"Yea. . I'm hungry but the last time you bought food you got poisoned so I think we'll stick with cooking for now." He grabs my waist and pulls me to his side as we get into a cab.

My heart soars and I grin to myself, staring out the window.

"Baby?" I call.

"Hmm?" He hums in response.

"Have you been to London before?"

"Many many times." He confesses and I gasp.

"I knew it!" He knew the places way to well.

He chuckles and I shake my head at him accusingly.

"What? You never asked."

* * *


Dorito after dorito hits my head and I frown at the book.



"Would you stop that?!" I snap and he smirks, raising his hand in a surrender motion.

"Thank you." I get back to reading.


"You know what." I slam the book shut and walk towards him.

"Oh crap." He mutters running away and I chase after him grabbing the cushions. I send one at his head and he groans while momentarily dropping to his knees, I use the other cushion to beat him.

"Stop. . . disturbing. . . me. . while. . . I. . .read. . " I yell after each hit.

"Mercy woman mercy!" He screams and I narrow my eyes at him before walking off.

"Oo, the view from here is quite the stuff. By the way, the fridge is empty."

I clench my jaw and spin on my heel, running towards him again.


* * *

"Do you remember the first time we went grocery shopping together?" He states staring at the fruits and I smile to myself.

"Yea. I didn't really like you back then."

"Yup, what did I tell you before I leave?"

"You said, that you would be the one to treat me right. ." He smirks, leaning down and pecking my lips.


I grin happily before looking at my list.

"Babe watch out!" Soon the cart goes crashing into a familiar brown haired man and I gasp.

"I am so sorry." I exclaim and Aiden snickers from beside me. I slap his chest and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Seems like we always end up crashing into each other huh?" John chuckles and the same unsettling feeling comes upon me. I force a laugh and nod.

He stares at me and I seek Aiden's hand, squeezing it.

"Alright well, nice reunion with you but we must be going." Aiden states and I have to remember to thank him for the save.

We were leaving when John decided to speak up.

"Nice ass." He murmurs and Aiden freezes. I tug on his hand, begging him to ignore but he doesn't take heed to my warning.

"What did you just say?" Aiden turns around and I sigh.

"I'm sorry lover boy, but I think I was talking to her." He smirks.

"How about I punch you so hard that you won't even be able to talk to the cops when they pull up after this. Respect my girlfriend bitch, or we're gonna have a problem."

"I think we already have a problem." John stands square to Aiden although he was shorter.

They stare at each other long and hard and it seems as if Aiden was about to throw the first one so I step in between of them, making sure that my backside was towards Aiden.

"Alright how about we just go our separate ways?" I suggest and I can basically feel Aiden shake with anger. I grab his hand and pull him away, even though he was very reluctant.

"We're you just about to fight in a grocery store?" I scolded and he blew out a breath.

"He disrespected you baby." I try not to show that I was melting on the inside.

"I know but just. . . take it easy okay, we don't need to draw any attention." He nods and I smirk up at him.

"That was extremely sexy though." I wink walking in front of him and he smacks my butt.

A gasp is heard and I turn to find the same woman from the park covering her daughter's eyes again.

"Oh boo hoo! she saw it already anyway."

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