18. Dang it✔

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Alana's POV

Getting off of the call that I just had with Dustin. He assured me that he was training and that everything would be okay. Thirteen more days to go.

Aiden honestly didn't seem to mind as he ran around the house, smacking my butt every time he saw me.

"What're you doing?" I ask him raising an eyebrow.

"Well. . . I kinda just want to get sweaty so I can rub it all over you." I cringe stepping away.

He knows I strongly despise the feeling of his icky sweat against me.

"You gotta get use to it. Do you think that our sex would be so lame that you would keep dry during it?"

I gasp, blushing hard before covering his mouth.

"Please, not another word." He winks and I'm just standing there averting my eyes.

He moves his mouth and places a kiss onto my cheek.

"You're so adorable." I glare at him, still flustered before walking over to turn on the T.V.

I sit and as usual, he followers, taking up all my leg space to lay on my lap.

I sigh and play with his hair gently and he actually groans.

"Damn, I love it when you do that." He moans and I roll my eyes amused.


* * *

"So babe, I'm doing this survey thingy. How do you feel about marriage?"

Distracted I didn't really think about it, only gave him my automatic answer.

"I honestly dont know what the big deal is and well. Its a waste of money. Who wants be tied down like that only to get heartbroken and divorced later? Marriage is definitely not something, I would give my time to." I look up to him and almost miss the look of disappointment on his face before he goes blank.

"I agree." He states dryly and I internally face palm.

Besides, I haven't even gotten to confess that I love him yet, why would

I mean, I don't love him.

Do I?

Isn't it too soon to be feeling this way? Its only been four months. . .

But does love even have a time period. Isn't it based on how you feel?

How about love at first sight? Many people would confess to having that same feeling.

So maybe I do love him. So what? Who cares if I crash and burn, maybe. . . maybe I might not.

Maybe this is my time. .

I'll tell him, but at the right time. And if he can't return the words genuinely with his whole heart, I'll wait for him. I know he would do the same for me.

"I mean. . maybe seven years ago I would be said that but now. . maybe marriage isn't that bad. To be forever in a bond that connects you boldly with the one you love. I guess it is worth the money. I never really, really thought of it. . . but now I have." His face lights up momentarily before he clears his throat truing to keep down his smile.

"Thanks, I'm really glad to hear that."

"Isn't it for your survey?" I raise an eyebrow amused and he blushes.

"I-it is but I, uh also, liked to hear it because, y'know f-for the future." He stutters and I giggle pecking his lips softly.

"I know what you mean babe, I do." He breathes a sigh of relief and I grin. "Babe.  . does. . does John give you a weird feeling?"

"Other than the feeling to pump my fist into his nose. Not really. Why?" He sits on the stool, pulling me towards him using this as an opportunity to rub my butt subtly.

I roll my eyes amused before carrying on.

"Yea. . . it just feels like he's hiding something." I bite my lip and Aiden nods but his eyes went on where I was biting.

"Focus you horny goat." I mutter and his eyes snap to mine, laughter dancing in it.

"What do you think he's hiding?"

"I don't know. . . but maybe we should steer clear of him."

"Alright. As long as he doesn't comment on what's mine again."

"Excuse me? You're not the one struggling to get into simple jeans." He chuckles laying his head on my stomach.

He breathes out, and this moment seemed so perfect so. . secure.

"I love you sunflower." He murmurs softly and both of us freeze.

Uh. . .

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