26.Xtra Chapter. The Bridal Shower✔

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(A/N: Before I end, let me just grace you with part 1 out of 2 of lasts chapters ❤)

Alana's POV

"Bridal shower in the morning, Bachelorette party tomorrow." Trina winks. This girl has became my best friend and I was loving it.

She had curly hair like mine except hers were a little more tamed, she was about 5'7, which beats my height by far and she graced me with the best wedding gift. The gift of friendship.

"Alright, everyone's outside, Cmon. ." I stand and immediately the shorts I had on began to ride up my legs.

I roll my eyes pulling them down as I walk towards the living room.

"Here she is!" Trina yells and I grin as my employees and friends stood in front of me cheering and grinning. "Let's get started with the games shall we?"

The first game was some, pin the tale on the human.

And I had to do it!

I was so excited, that I ended up stabbing someone's back with a pin.

Don't worry, it didn't go through.

All the way.

So that game soon came to end due to the dangers then we had a dance party. I laughed as Trina decided to get it on with one of her coworkers.

They looked so hilarious trying to do the running man in sync.

"You're not doing it right!" He yells frustrated and apparently he didn't know Trina.

"Shut up you ugly sack of potatoes." She angrily stomps away and he chases after her angrily.

I watch as everyone casually  eat and talk, occasionally swinging to the music.

I sat on my 'throne' and talked to the boy who complained to me every minute.

I don't want to be here. I want to be with you :( -  H.T

Hey, he set his name a long time ago, don't look at me.

Babe, I'm seeing you tonight. Just have fun with the boys. -.-  -Sunflower

I miss you T_T - H.T

I smile at that message and Trina grabs my phone.

"Hey!" I yell.

"No!" She points her finger as if she was scolding a child before putting my phone in her pocket. "Gifts time!"

Everyone one stopped what they were doing to rush towards me as Trina held out the first gift.

I smile, taking it into my arms.

I remove the cover from the box to find. . .lingerie.

"Well then. ." Trina coughs and I gape.

That's supposed to fit me? And where does that part g-


I laugh nervously before smiling, while everyone giggled.

"Um, thanks.  . Estevan?" I turn my eyes to find an old man winking at me.

What in the world?


"I have no idea Alana. I have no idea."

* * *

Over seventy boxes filled with lingerie.

Gosh is the only thing I'm going to be doing is getting it on?

Dang people, get your heads out of the gutter. Not even a bar of soap for after?

"Alright well. .  my turn!" She pulls out a small box and I narrow my eyes at her.

This better not be-

Ripping it open, I find a small book, marked.


"Aiden helped me with it." I flip the pages and found pictures of me. One at the cafe when we first met and I was talking to a customer as he was waiting for his treat. One in the grocery store, I was smiling at the weird shape of the banana. One while I was sleeping on the couch, Lion stood beside me, seemingly licking my fingers and the rest goes in order. Till we reach the proposal stage.

Written under it was.

You have a great friend, trust me I couldn't do this on my own.
You're my little beautiful sunflower,
That shines on my darkest nights,
That calms most of my frights.
You see the real me,
Not the rich me,

I laugh slightly at that awful line and it continues.

You're the chocolate to my milk,
The apple to my pie,
The smoke to my high
The one I wanna marry.

And oh my sweet Alana, I love you, I love you so much and I can't wait to be able to call you wifey.
Forever mine.
Forever yours.

Tears were streaming down my face.

"Aww. . he wrote this?"

"Yup. I just made the book, he got me the pictures."

"Damn this is so.  . " I choke on my tears and Trina reads it aloud so everyone won't look at me like a belong in the psychiatric unit.

"Aww." They murmur one by one.

"Trina can I have my phone please?"

"Nah, he's already here." I lift my head to find, Aiden leading against the doorway.

I stand and he walks towards me with a huge grin on his face.

"You are so whipped." I mutter trying to cover up the tears as he pulls me into his arms.

"Yea, but only for you baby."

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