24. I Ain't Got No Worries✔

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Alana's POV

It's so good when you can walk around free again.

Happy to be alive.

Happy to be in love.


I woke up the next morning with a wild headache.

"Crap." I mutter holding my head as I tried to stand up. Aiden was fast asleep and I rolled my eyes as he pulled my pillow closer to him.

I walk to the bathroom with my eyes closed and search the cupboards for ibuprofen or paracetamol, just something to stop this terrible pain.

I find both, and I grab two pills, swallowing them both. I walk back into the room to find that my phone was vibrating.

I picked it up and saw it was Trina.

Gosh, I was so excited to go home.

"Um, Alana, when are you coming back?" She squeaks out and I raise any eyebrow rubbing my head.

"Tomorrow, why, what's up?"

"The cooks are going crazy alright?! They won't stop screaming at me. They're confused and unsure of their recipes. Just please get back here! I'm going crazy too y'know. We miss you." She whispers the last part and I smile.

"I'll be home tomorrow T, for now, just close the shop and we'll  reopen when I get there."

"Oh thank you lo-"

"Trina I asked you to taste this pineapple two minutes ago!" Someone yells.

"I'm done with you guys!" She screams before hanging up and I roll my eyes.

I pray they don't burn down my shop.

"So, who has you smiling this early morning? It sure isn't me." Aiden speaks up and his morning voice was deeper than usual. I smile to myself, the headache slightly easing up.

"Its my workers. They're going crazy without me."

"I'd go crazy without you too." He murmurs burying his head in my waist and I smile warmly at him.

"I know you would."

"So modest." He deadpans and I giggle."Our last day here. What're we doing?"

"Um, let's just walk around. . take pictures. Y'know the usual."

"You're right, we don't have any pictures together." I feel him frown.

"Too bad we have to take some with all these scratches on our face." I sigh.

He lifts his head to stare at me.

"Well, it'll just be a cute reminder of how we can conquer anything." He grins and I snort.

"Gosh you are so whipped." I murmur standing and he gapes.

"Really?! That's what you say?"

* * * * *

We walked through the streets of London and the first thing on my mind was why did the brothers have so much girl clothes.

"Let's go shopping!" Aiden yells and I grin as he excitedly pulls me into a mall, and we visit each shop.

"I like this." He motions towards a cute yellow rose top.

"Me too." I reach over to trace over the rose.

"Its on sale!" One of the salesperson walks up to me and I look towards her. "Only 73.50."

"What?" I gape and Aiden raises both eyebrows.

"The rose.  . was hand sewn. Every detail was made from-"

"Alright, let me save you from the long history chat. I'm not buying it."

I never understood why celebrities or people with money spent so much money on clothes and they only use it once! I can get exact clothing item on Amazon, and it'll still look great.

"Y'know.  .  I would've bought it for you if you wanted it." Aiden says grabbing my hand and I shake my head.

"I can get the exact one online."

"True. Hold on let me tie my shoelace. . "He bends down on one knee, but his shoelace is tied.

"But your shoelace .  ." I trail off as he grabs a small black box from behind his socks."Aiden?"

"Hello, there sunflower." He smirks, opening the box and this pretty ring makes it debut. It was simple with a yellow diamond sitting at the top. On the sides, two metals run town and if you look close enough, you'll see, S.F & H.T.

"Alana, we've been through so much during our time together, and it just proves that we can get that we can get through anything. A few months earlier I told you that I was going to be the one to treat you right and I meant it. Let me do that properly, let me love you with my whole heart, no going back. So without further a do. .  Will you marry me?" I was basically in tears as I nod. We had attracted a crowd and I smiled warmly as they all cheered. He slipped the ring onto my finger, and stood, gripping my waist and grabbing my chin with one hand.

He smiles at me and I return it.

"Why weren't you as nervous as all the guys in the movies?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well, I knew you'd say yes so." I roll my eyes amused and he sighs.

"Nah I was dying on the inside. Just couldn't let it show."

"H.T? I know S.F is sunflower.  ."

"Horny Teenager." I gape as he as that and soon we're both laughing like deranged hyenas. The crowd, slowly stops clapping after eyeing us like we needed to visit the mental hospital before spreading out and going about their day.

We stop and once again he pulls me to him.

"I love you so much. . you don't even know. ."He murmurs staring down at me and I grin.

"I love you too babe, but, I'm guessing you already know that." He chuckles and its about time that he join his lips with mine. We seal our deal with a kiss, and soon everything is as it should be.

No Leo.

No Ashely.

No worries.

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