The mysterious death of the Somerton man

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Ps. There will be the real narrators talking for this is Bret and Ryan so this one is: Bret. And this is: Ryan

This is one of the creepy cold cases of all time

The time was on December, 1948 in Somerton beach of the south of Adelaide, Australia.

A body was found there dressed in a suit and his head leaning against the wall.

Everyone thought the cause of death was heart failure but it wasn't.

They even thought it was poison but there was no sign of poison inside of him

The only thing he had ate was pastry
There was no wallet or ID on him
Not even a name tagged

Here is what gets freaking weird
The fingerprints they got from him was unidentified
This man was off the grid, nobody could identify him

And it was weird since it was on the news asking everyone to help identify the man.
Everyone around the world came to see the body but could not identify him

Bret: how many is lots of people? People are taking selfies with the body
Ryan: yea this is 1948. So uh
Bret: oh! You didn't-left out that part!
Ryan: oh I said that at the very beginning!
Bret: does it get weirder? Cause it doesn't seem THAT weird

4 months later
In his trousers, they found a secret pocket and inside of it, they found a roll up piece of paper of a rare book called the rubia
In the paper, it said Tamám Shud. Which translate it is ended. They thought it might be a suicide but who kill themselves with unknown poison.

So now they are searching for the book, but they can't find it so they bury the guy.

8 months later
A man walks into the police station with the copy of the rubia.
He claims after the body was found, he found the book in the car that he parked by the beach. He thought nothing of it until he heard about the death in the news article.
The book has the final page torn out and it fits.
They're ven found phone number and a strange code

The phone number leads them to a women name Jessica Thompson who lives nearby and when they interview her and she almost fainted when she saw the same copy face of the guy
During the whole interview, she was crying. And said she gave the book to a guy name Albert oxbon
They thought that's the mans name but that man is still alive

Later, they found out that Jessica has a son and the son kinda looks like the man.

Now on to the code, it still to be not cracked

Today, there are still asking who was the man
They think the man might be a spy

But this case will remain



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