The puzzling death of Gloria Ramirez

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Gloria Ramirez was a 31 year old woman diagnosed with cervical cancer. On February 19,1994 around 8:15 pm, Gloria Ramirez arrived at the Riverside General Hospital emergency room where it was found that Ramirez heart was beating at a rate too fast for her body, the medical staff attempted to Defibrillation but soon notice that Ramirez's body was covered in an oily sheen and that her mouth was emanating a strange fruity garlicky smell.

Shane: what the heck?

Ryan: i mean, could you even detect fruity garlic if it came down to it?

Shane: i bet they talked about for ten minutes and were like, "What is that?"

Ryan: *wheeze*

Shane: and one of them was like... "fruity garlic!" and everyone was like "ohhhhh yeah!"

Ryan: either that or they were like "Jesus, ken... God, we have a patient here"

Shane: *wheeze*

A nurse named Susan Kane began to draw blood from Ramirez and upon doing so, Kane noticed the blood had a chemical odor even stranger medical resident Julie Gorchynski noticed the blood filled syringe also contained strange Manila-colored particles floating in the blood, an observation also noted by attending physician Dr. Humberto. Shortly after, Nurse Kane abruptly fainted,  Kane stated that her face was burning and was escorted out on a gurney, this sparked a bizarre domino effect. Medical resident, Julie Gorchynski, complained of Lightheadedness and also fainted, she shook and experienced Apnea, a condition where a person stops breathing for a few seconds at a time.
Right directly after that, respiratory therapist, Maureen Welch, also collapsed. Here's a quote from Welch:
"I remember hearing someone scream. Then i woke up. I couldn't control the movement of my limbs"

Other staff members reported feeling sick and the hospital declared an internal emergency, all patients were evacuated to the parking lot and a small crew continued to work to save Gloria's life.

Shane: seems odd to evacuate all other patients

Ryan: why?

Shane: maybe just... send the stink bomb out to the parking lot

Ryan: that is  true, why didn't they just take her out

Shane: like, it had to be a huge amount of work to move everybody else out. "what if we take all the patients outside and put the in the parking lot?" "Yup, good idea!"

Ryan: hahaha and then the one guy in the back, " you know, we could just"-

Shane: "SHUT UP"

Ryan: ahhhhh


However at 8:50 pm, Ramirez as pronounced dead. The body was moved into an isolation anteroom by two other staff members. Sally Balderas, a nurse who helped move the body, began to vomit and reported feeling a burning sensation like Nurse Susan Kane. Balderas was hospitalized for 10 days and experienced Apnea like Gorchynski. However, Gorchynski was in the worst shape of all, staying in Intensive care, experiencing a malady of issues including Avascular Necrosis, a condition where bone tissue does not receive enough blood and begins to die, she used crutches for months after hospitalization. All staff members that had been affected by Ramirez's body were treated in the parking lot and their clothes were removed and put in bags at a fear of a toxic chemical. In the end, Ramirez's body affected 23 of the 37 emergency room staff and five staff members were held in the Hospital overnight.

Around 11 p.m, about two hours after the incident, a hazardous materials team in full hazmat suits . They search the hospital for two toxic chemicals that could possibly be responsible. However, no chemical was found. Six days later, an autopsy was performed by the Riverside coroner's office in airtight suits in a newly configured airtight examining room. They took samples of blood, tissue and even air from the body bag, nothing conclusive came from the autopsy.
County officials called her death
"The most baffling in local history"
And the mystery became a media frenzy.By the end, medical detectives from ten different local state and federal forensic department investigated the case. On April 20th, 1994, Gloria was finally buried in Riverside, California. A full two months after her death.

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