The secret society of the Illuminati

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Now we have Shane
The Illuminati actually has a very real historical foundation. In 1776, in Bavaria, Germany, Adam Weishaupt, a German professor, inspired the ideal of French philosophy. Mainly secularism and rational thought, decided to form an organization to protect those beliefs. Adam Weishaupt considered joining the freemasons to help propagate his views but unfortunately, could not afford the admission fee.
So instead, Weishaupt formed a secret group of his own. He called it, The Order of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati had an anti-religious stance and focused on the goals of self-knowledge, self-improvement, social reform and free thought. Naturally, conservatives considered this is threat to the church and by the mid to late 1780's, the Illuminati was stopped and the active recruiting people into secret societies, was criminalized. However, Weishaupt and the Illuminati would go Kobe in the fourth quarter. and continue to push on, persisting with meetings and eventually spreading to France before disappearing into obscurity but some people believe, they survived.

They believed that the core group was formed back then and has evolve and so back in the 1920's, there were some fascists who believed that the Illuminati were a group of Jews who controlled the world. Right after World Wars 2, extremist anti-communists believed that the Illuminati were a group of communists who controlled the world and most recently the Illuminati conspiracy theorists believe that the Illuminati are part of the New World Order.

Many people believe the Illuminati seeked  to make a dominant one world totalitarian government, referred to as the New World Order. In fact,in a 2013 national poll by public policy polling, 28 percent of voters poll believe in the possibility of a New World Order. Some people believe that the influence of the Illuminati and the New World Order,goes as high as the president of the United States.

What is the New World and what will it do?
Assuming the Illuminati and the New World Order are one in the same, let's hop down the rabbit hole and take a look at some of the theories as to who is in the New World order.

The first theory is from a man named Mark Koernke AKA Mark from Michigan. A right wing militia activist and propagandist who believes that the New World Order is made above the U.S. Government, the UN and various other organizations pushing an international agenda. He believes this organization will take away American's rights, form an all powerful government and put non-Illuminati members in camps run by F.E.M.A.

The second theory is from David Icke who believes that world leaders including Queen Elizabeth, Barack Obama and the Clintons are actually shape shifting Lizards.

Shane: haaa *wheeze* so this is the one-

Ryan: hah...

Shane: -you're really into?

Ryan: no *wheeze*

Shane: you believe this one?

Ryan: no-i never said that...I just said there's other ones.

These lizard elite,are behind the freemasons and the Illuminati. The lizard race feeds off the human race and occasionally demands human sacrifices. In fact, the same 2013 national poll image an earlier reveal that four percent of voters polled believe that "lizard people control our societies".

The third theory is that the New World Order is connected to the anti-Christ because the Illuminati are Satanists. Pat Roberson, a conservative Christian wrote a book on the New World Order, that claims the group is responsible for the French Revolution, the writing of the Communist Manifesto and the creation of the Federal Reserve, all in the service of making:
" A new order for the human race under the domination of Lucifer and his followers"

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