3 Horrifying Cases of Ghosts And Demons

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We are doing the Winchester house, The island of the dolls and the Sallie house

Before we start, we are putting some conversation of Ryan and Shane with father Thomas

Ryan: what is the difference between a ghost and a demon?

F.Thomas: A ghost would refer to a disembodies human soul. A ghost is a preternatural angelic creature that rebelled against God.

Ryan: it's not human.

F.Thomas: no, it's not, their life form is dying. They have been dying since the moment they rebelled. And so they are attracted to human beings for two reasons. One, because they are a parasitic and they feed off our life form, but secondly, their goal is to take as many of us to h*ll with them as possible, because they already know they've lost.

Ryan: Do you have any advice for us going into some of these places where we may come into contact with not so nice spirit?

F.Thomas: If these places you're going claim to have spiritual attachments, i would do nothing to invite them into any kind of conversation. I would do nothing to invite them to somehow show them self or taunt them in any way. You don't want to create a tie with them.

Ryan: He told me, do not be afraid. If anything happens, just do not be afraid. That's all you have to keep repeating, he said that much times in the Bibble.

Shane: Jesus said chill.

Ryan: yea sure.


Winchester house

Sarah Pardee was born around 1840 to a very wealthy family. In 1862 in her early 20's, Sarah married William Winchester whose father, Oliver Winchester founded the company that made the Winchester repeating rifle, A rifle that will become the ultimate weapon of death in the wars to come. In 1866, Sarah and William had their first child, Annie Pardee Winchester, but unfortunately their daughter would die from a disease called Marasmus only a month and a half later.
In 1880, William's father, Oliver Winchester passed away leaving the company to William, but William contracted tuberculosis shortly after and tragically died in March 1881 only a few months after his father.

Let's get into the legend: William's death was almost unbearable for Sarah, who according to legend, reached out to spiritualists and mediums in Boston to help her understand the deaths of her daughter and husband. Many believe that it was one fateful visit to a particular medium that would change her life. The medium told Sarah that her family was being haunted by the spirits of those killed by the Winchester rifler, and that her family members' deaths were retribution. The medium said Sarah's family was cursed, and that the only way to lift the curse was to move west and build a house and never stop building. The good spirits would guide her on what to build and if she continue building, she would live forever. But if she stopped, the evil spirits that were victims of the Winchester rifle would haunt Sarah forever. Needless to say,Sarah followed the Medium's advice and moved west where she built an eight room farm house in San Jose. It is estimated that 500 to 600 rooms were built, but due to her constant remodeling, only 161 rooms remain, one of which was newly discovered in October 2016.

Shane: you think the ghosts just checked in every like 3-

Ryan: hahahahahhahh

Shane: 3-5 years?

Ryan: checked her timecard?

Shane: like, "we should see if she's still building that otherwise we gotta kill her".

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