The Ghosts and Demons of Bobby Mackey's

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The Bobby Mackey's is know to be a portal to h**l. Aside of being a portal, Bobby Mackey's also has plenty of rich history that lends itself to  spiritual haunting.

Originally, Bobby Mackey's music world was believe to be built as a slaughterhouse and meatpacking plant in the 1850's. The building would go through many incarnations including a hotel in the 1920's, a country club in the 930's and a club and casino called the Latin Quarter throughout the 1930's and in the 1950's. The club was actually run by a Cleveland gang syndicate and was reportedly heavily involved in the mob, it's unclear how many undocumented deaths and crimes may have occurred during these mob times.

The men's bathroom used to be an office in the casino that may have had darker implications. There's also safe room they used to house the casino money.

The Casino was closed in 1961 by local sheriff's cracking down on organized crime. Now we established the general history, let's go over some of the history and legend that haunts Booby Mackey's.
Reportedly, in the 1940's, a pregnant woman named Johanna killed herself after her lover was murdered. Johanna may have been the daughter of one of the gangster casino owners and reportedly was also a dancer at the club formerly housed in Bobby Mackey's. The story goes that her father had her lover,said to be named Robert Randall, killed. Eerily, Bobby, which is the first name of the bars current owner, is actually a nickname. Bobby Mackey's full name is Robert Randall Mackey, leading some to believe that Joanna thinks Bobby Mackey is her former lover Robert Randall.
After her lover, Robert, was reportedly killed by her father, it said that Johanna poisoned and killer her father before poisoning herself in one of the dressing rooms at Bobby Mackey's.

Another interesting area in the bar is the former kitchen where Bobby Mackey's first caretaker, Carl Lawson, had an exorcism performed on him. Lawson claims that he became demonically possessed during his stay at Bobby Mackey's. As a caretaker, Carl Lawson actually live in the apartment located above the bar, where he reportedly had experiences with many entities.

Let's examine one last bit of dark History. On January 31st, 1895, 20 year old Pearl Bryan was brutally murdered by her boyfriend, Scoot Jackson, and his friend, Alonzo Walling. Pearl had been five months pregnant at the time of her death. Jackson and Walling were both dental students at the time and legend has it that they felt their medical knowledge was sufficient enough to perform an abortion. If that was the case, then obviously things went horribly wrong and they eventually decapitated Pearl in an attempt to conceal the body's identity.
Thought some believe this wasn't an accident and Jackson and Willing intended to murder Pearl the entire time. Either way, Jackson and Walling were hung from the same scaffold at the same time, claiming innocence until the end despite the piles of evidence against them. Legend says that Alonzo Walling threatened that he would come back and haunt the area after he died. Some believe he may have kept his word.
Horrifically, the head of Pearl was never found and the two never revealed where they put it. Legend has it that they threw the head down the well in Bobby Mackey's basement. But history of death and violence isn't the only thing that brings this basement to life. Around the 1890's, the building that will become Bobby Mackey's closed its doors as a slaughterhouse. After it closed, it's been said that Bobby Mackey's and the basement in particular became a site where a cultist performed rituals and when combined with the dark mob history, there's no telling what dark entities could reside in the basement. In fact, located in the basement, there's even a cage that functioned as a makeshift prison during mob times.

Nobody can say for sure if Bobby Mackey's is haunted but just going off the countless accounts of paranormal and even dangerous activity but whether or not, Bobby Mackey's is definitively haunted will remain


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