The bizzare death of Elisa Lam

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On January 26,2013. 21 year old Canadian tourist, Elisa lam checked in to the Cecil hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

On February 19, 18 days from the last time she was seen. Her body was found dead and naked and floating in a 4foot, 8foot water tank on the roof of the Cecil hotel where she was staying.

It was discovered when the hotel guest complain about the water pressure of the hotel. One couple said that the water turn black and having a bad taste but they didn't complain at that time cause they thought it was normal in L.A

The manager said that Elisa was in a hostile share room, but later was move to her own private room due to complains from her roommates of her "odd behavior".

The last time she was seen was on a surveillance camera of the hotel in the elevator. It is kinda weird. here it is

There are some theories, one of them is that she might be on drugs and since Elisa was bipolar, she had to take four medication for it but the excerpt from the autopsy report said " Toxicology studies did not show acute drugs or alcohol intoxication".

Another theory is that she was murder but the autopsy found nothing of trauma in her body Nobody knows how she got there but if she wanted to go the roof she either

A= Gotta go through a fire escape but have to go through a window

B= Go through a lock rooftop door but alarm gonna sound but no alarm sounded that day

Even if she got there, she had to climb a 10 foot ladder, open a 20 pound lid, get into the tank, somehow close it and maybe had taken off her clothes.

Another theory is ghosts, if u look at the video,u can see her talking to someone right outside the elevator. Which made someone in the internet believe she was talking to serial killer, Richard Ramirez, who was convicted of 13 killing in that hotel from 1984-1985, also Ramirez is a Saint.

Bret: Absolutely not

Ryan: So, you're saying you don't think there's even a little bit of a possibility that this place is a little haunted and it can drive people to do some crazy things

Bret: To me it's basically like saying, so you don't believe there's a little possibility that the spaghetti monster did thi-

you know like.

Ryan: there's no record history of- of a spaghetti monster. I don't know where you're getting that.

Bret: show me the scientific journal in which they've posted all there uh ghost studies

Ryan: there is footage of things moving on their own

Bret: footage is not science!

Ryan: well there's no one that's like " I'm gonna be a ghost scientist "

Bret: why not?

Ryan: because that's a we-

Bret: there's footage!

Ryan: just think of that title on a business card, that's weird. " I'm a ghost scientist"

Bret: yea!

Also in the Cecil hotel, it also played home for serial killer, Jack Unterweger in 1991. There was an unsolved murder in 1964, and the last place where the Black Dahlia was seen alive. Plus there was tons of people who jumped to their death on the roof of that hotel.

So the investigators ruled her death as accidental drowning.

And Elisa Lam family sued a wrongful death lawsuit against the hotel which was dismissed.

So we aren't sure what really happened to her which is why the case remains


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