The horiffying unsolved slaughter at Hinterkaife farm

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In the evening of march 31st, 1922 in Bavaria, Germany
6 people in the family were murder by a pickax
Husband and wife Andreas and Cäzilia Grover. Their widow daughter Viktoria, her children cäzilia and Josef and their maid Maria Baumgartner

2 year old Josef was murder in his crib. The maid Maria was murder in her bed. The rest were murder in the barn and they were stacked on top of each other
This is where it gets creepy
Whoever done this, the killer stayed in that house for days after killing the family.

It was the maid Maria first day of the job. To replace the other maid who quit 6 months earlier who claims the house being haunted.

She claims she heard footsteps in the attic and voices.
6 months earlier before the family were murder, they also heard footsteps in the attic.

The husband went up there and found unfamiliar newspaper on the floor, the house keys gone missing, the tool shed was scratched that looks like someone was trying to pick the lock, then finally footsteps were found by Mr. Grover in the snow coming from back of the house.
There was no money taken. And they only had one suspect, the neighbor Lorenz Schlittenbauer

They even took all heads to be tested but then lost the heads which means, the family had to be buried headless

Bret: dude, its 1922
Ryan: how do you lose?
Bret: things get lost
Ryan: that's 6 heads! That's so many heads. How do you lose that many heads
Bret: i... government, man
Ryan: (wheezed, laugh) the goverme (wheeze) what

They demolished the house a year after the murder and put a monument in that place to remember the family

And this case will remain


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