The Chilling Exorcism of Anneliese Michel

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Born in 1952 in small town of Klingenberg, in Bavaria Germany, Anneliese Michel was raised as a strict Catholic and was described as very bright and likable.
In September 1968, when Anneliese was 16 years old, she experienced her first episode of losing consciousness. And later that night, she felt as if something was pressing down on her chest pinning her to her bed.

11 months later in August 1969, a similar event occurred and her mother took Anneliese to their family doctor, Dr. Vogt and a neurologist, Dr. Luthy who examined her and even ran an EEG, a brain scan, but found nothing wrong. They hypothesized that it could possibly be a form of seizure. Over the next three years, Annelise would have two more similar episodes and was prescribed  two medications, an anticonvulsant medication and an anti-seizure medication called Dilantin. On both occasions, an EEG would come back normal with some minor irregular patterns, but nothing that would definitively explain her symptoms. 

It was in Spring 1973 that things took a turn for the stranger. Annelise began to hear knocking sounds in her bedroom. Sounds her sisters would hear as well.  But even more  alarming, Annelise also reported hearing a voice damning her to hell. Her mother was further rattled when she witnessed Annelise furiously staring at a statue of the Virgin Mary with:
"Eyes turned black, jet black. And her hands seemed to turn into thick paws with claws."

Shane: whaa *wheeze* Those are some chunky paws on our daughter.

Ryan: hahahahahaha

Shane: uh oh.

Ryan: you know what, let's move on, let's not get caught up on the bear hands. You know what i shouldn't even have said that part

Shane: yeah we can't move past her having paws

Ryan: i-i-i-i knew... i knew you weren't going to like that, i'm just gonna move past...

Shane: she had little kitty cat paws.

In September 1973, in a neurological visit with Dr. Luthy, Annelisse described horrific visions of demon faces that were tormenting her, and stated that she felt that the devil was inside her. She also reported smelling something that had the aroma of burnt feces, a stench that many around her reported smelling at later times.
Around this time, Anneliese's mother described these strange occurrences to Dr. Luthy, who according to Mrs. Michel, advised them to consult a Jesuit, a claim that Dr. Luthy would later deny. Whether or not that's true, the family definitely searched for a priest, and eventually found a priest named Father Alt.

In November 1973, Anneliese met with a Freudian Psychiatrist who diagnosed her as a neurotic with possible epilepsy. And another neurologist found she had
" epileptic patterns" and took her off Dilantin and put her on Tegretol, a much stronger drug.

In July 1975, Anneliese's extremely odd behavior worsened. She barely slept and prayed fervently all night. She ate spiders and flies and even licked her own urine up from the floor. She destroyed rosaries, crucifixes and holy pictures on the wall. Anneliese also exhibited strength that was
" close to superhuman"
Throwing her sister
" As if she were a rag doll" 

And incredibly was observed effortlessly squeezing an apple with one hand into
" Fragments exploded throughout the room"

A priest named Father Rodewyk, a man considered an expert on exorcisms by his peers reported that he was convinced that Anneliese was possessed and after deliberation with the bishop, an exorcism on Anneliese was formally approved. It was to be carried out by a priest named Father Renz. On September 24, 1975, the first exorcism rite was performed Father Renz allowed some of the exorcism sessions to be recorded and 42 audio recordings of the exorcisms were made in total.
Unfortunately, i cannot find recordings for this book so i will write down what they are saying. so feel free to imagine her talking with a demon voice

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