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You ran as fast as you could. Jumping over branches so you didn't fall.  H/c h/l hair glowing behind. Hart racing and thumping rapidly due to the adrenaline in your veins. The sound of a nother pair of footsteps coming from behind you made the adrenaline rush skyrocket.
Your breaths came out short and raged. The sight of a small porch came. It was your house. The only safe place you could go. You smile wide as you ran faster. You would be surprised about how fast you were going but honestly you Only cared about escaping this person behind you.
As you came closer to the porch, your small fingers reached the railing on the stairs. And with a last effort, you jumped up the stairs instead of taking them one or two at a time. You landed on your stomach and rolled over and threw your arms in the air. "I win!" You cried out with joy. Your little brother pouted at you as he tried to pout but it was short lived because he had to catch his breath.

"No fair Y/n!" He says between his gasps for air. "It's my fault your slow" you teased him Which resulted in him punching your shoulder playfully you and him had just finnished trick or treating and you had Already wiped your face paint off and you won the race back home. You frowned at him but neither of you could hold it for long. You both broke down laughing and you clutched your stomach. Your brother helped you up and smiled "that's the second time" he says and you pat his back and he shakes his head.
Your brother Danny, was only 8 but he was big for his size, he was almost as tall as you. His deep brown hair was somehow always bouncing around with each step he took. His bright green eyes seemed to have the same shine as the sun.  You were only 10 and if you were honest, you were a bit jealous of how he got most of the attention but nonetheless, you still loves him to bits. He was always there to back you up and Support you. Even if he knew you were wrong, he would always side with you.
"Come inside you too. Dinner is almost ready. I need you both to set the table" your mother called. Your mother was alone when it came to taking care of you. Your Fauther had been arrested when you were six. Your brother didn't really remember him but you did. He would go out at night and then come back drunk. One time he got into a fight and had killed someone. That was the last you saw of him. Your mother never really wanted to see him after that so she never let your brother nor you see him again.
You looked at Danny and raced to the kitchen. You grabbed the playes and Danny grabbed the silverware. Soon you your brother and your mom were eating Mack and cheese. It was yours and Danny favourite. It was your favourite because your mom always made homemade muddles and melted the cheese herself. It was truly the best food you had ever eaten. Putting your dishes away, you went upstairs and went on the computer. You had a few games on there. Your favourite being webkinz, you had a few of the stuff animals and there was one that you loved the most, you called him Neo. You went to get Neo the (favourite animal). You set the small plush toy on your lap and faced him towards the computer screen. It made him look like he was watching it with you.

After a couple minutes after you had loged on your account, and started to play with the digital (favorite animal).

"Hey!" The Voice of your brother whined by the door. You groan as you move your swivel chair so you could look at him, "it's my turn to play on the computer!" He pouts
You frowned at his little tantrum he threw as he stops his foot.
"Grow up" you say scoffing at him. Sure you loved him but he needed to stop acting like a baby. You knew that kid's picked on him during school and this was one of the reasons.
He frown at this and puffed his cheeks. "No! You need to be nicer!" He yelled at you. "Mom said it was my turn to go on it" he says.
You huffed "well, go be a tattletale then. Go tell mom you brat!" I said and his frown grew worse "ok then, I will!" He yelled as he ran down the stairs. Sadly, you sometimes wished you didn't have this family.
When your mother came up the stairs and to the entrance to the room you were in she frowned. "Y/n, I am very disappointed in you." She scolded. "You are supposed to be a role model for him. Not be mean to him. You know he has a difficult time in school as it is." She frowned at you in which you returned.
"I never asked for him!" You blurted out. She gasps and grabbed your wrist and dragged you down the hallway. You honestly didn't mean to say that but anger had been to powerful. She put you on a chair in the kitchen "you are to stay here until I say you can get up" she says and you cross your arms. Your mother went to go calm Danny down and you began to think. There was no way you were just going to stay here. You quietly opened the front door. You wanted to just take a walk.
You started walking, putting your thin jacket on and walked off to the path that led to the lake in the woods. It had always been your favourite. You and Danny had found this place while exploring. Of course it had gotten you and him into trouble but it was in the past.
You sigh as I you ran a hand through your hair. You looked at the top of the trees but you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Each tree had fewer and fewer leafs on them. You look down to see you were no longer on the path. It was no where in sight. Your eyes widen and you look around, trying to find out where you were but the trees made it difficult.
Your feet shake as you started to run, refusing to cry. You ran for what seemed liked forever. But you eventually got tired. Your legs started to get a burning feeling and your lungs began to ache. You slowed down and try to catch your breath. You walked and tried to find something that looked familiar.
What if you never saw your family again? You wanted to go home. Your mother and brother must be worried sick. You sniffed but something orange caught your eye. You titled your head as you walked towards it. As you came closer, it turned out to be a pumpkin that was carved into the tree.
You stopped in front of it and ran your fingers to feel the groves on the pumpkin. What caught your eye was a shiny door nob and you grabbed it. You didn't expect it to open but it did. It opened up as if a door Would. You looked inside and there was nothing but a black like void. Looking around you saw that there was a circle of trees. One had a Christmas tree, a Easter egg and some other holidays. You sigh as you began to walk away from the door. Disappointment filling you that there wasn't anything in it.
You began to walk away but there was a strong wind started to pull you back. Your eyes widen as you struggle to get away but go no avail. You scream as you were sicked into the door and you fell. The darkness surrounding you. You didn't even have time to react any further as you Blacked out.

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