not so happy family reunion

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You slowly came up to your house. You gulped as ayou reached for the door nob. The door was unlocked. So it was easy to open. You stepped in and started walking around "Hello?" You called out, Hoping your brother would come running down this stairs shouting 'Y/n! We've missed you' and glimpse you into a hug or you mother to come Hugging you as she cried while she somehow managed scorned you for taking off.

But that didn't happen. The floors seemed a bit dirty. Maybe they were out looking for you? You let out a shaky sigh. As much as you wanted to believe that, you couldn't. There was something in the back of your head saying that something horrible happened.
You went towards tthe kitchen and you blood went cold. Your mother, was laying on the floor a small puddle of dried blood near her head. The fear you had was too consuming for you to scream but a few tears went down your cheeks. You took a few steps back and then sprinted up the stairs "Danny!" You yelled out hopping, praying that your brother was ok. When you reached his room, you ran Inside and froze. You wish you didn't see this. He had a knife in his chest and his skin pale, his eyes wide open like moms and their once beautiful glow in those orbs kissed by death. You fell to your knees. You couldn't think. Your thoughts became a blur as they all races inside your head. But soon enough, you felt light headed as a ringing sounded and that was all you could feel as you fell over and hit the wooden floor beneath you. Then, your vision was cut short.

When you woke up, you grown holding your head. You looked up at the body of your brother and you cover mouth and moved to the corner of your room. The memories of yesterday flooded your head. You shook your head. The last thing you did with your family was argue with them. Now you wouldn't be able to say sorry if that you love them.

You wept for what seemed like hours until your tears ran Dry. You sniffled as you got up. You needed to get out of this house. You got up, your legs buckle under you as you do so. You went to your room and grabbed your school backpack and stuffed some thing like a blanket and of course your plushie. You also grabbed a poket knife just in case for protection. You put some granola bars in it as well and you headed to the woods. You didn't know where to go other than Hollowen town. But will jack let you stay with him?
You sighed not knowing of any other choice. But.....where was the door? You didn't see it anywhere. No matter how hard you looked you could not find it and you searched for 5 hours. You shook as you heard something behind you. You didn't want want to know what was it was. You ran you found yourself on a streetwalk and you looked down shaking. You wanted them back. But you knew they wouldn't want you grieving over them. But that was all you could do. Walking into an ally way, and pulling your backpack off you took out you blanket and looking around, you found a hole in a building. Shaking violently from the cold, you wrapped it around you and went inside it.
It was actually warmer than outside and luckily there wasn't any snow in it. And most of all it was big enough for you to go in and your whole body to fit. You sigh, and cried softly and fell asleep.

Two days had passed. It was now Christmas. You had tried to go through the cemetery but they way jack took you didn't work. When you opens the small door, it just led you to where they stored the coffins. So there you sat. In your little hole looking at the wall. You looked down at your lap and thoughts raced through your head. Strangely, you felt anger more than sadness. An anger to get revenge on who hurt your family. You crawled out of the hole, determined to go back to Halloween town. Your eyes widen at the sigh as you stepped out. There on the wall in front of you, was the pumpkin door. You didn't think much of it. The only one who knew everyone was Santa. And you heard the three kids talking about Oogie Boogie.
You took in a deep breath, opened the door and jumped in.

This time, when you hit the ground, you didn't pass out like you did the first time you came here. You ended up in the graveyard and you started to run towards the town. You smiled gratefully at the hill as it quickly uncurled so you could run up it. Once you reached the gates, you didn't slow down. You just turned to your side and slipped through.

"Y/n?" Lock asked you as she tilted her head in confusion. "I thought jack sent you back" she says and Jock and barrel looked at you. But you didn't bother to answer."Where does Oogie Boogie live?" You asked between your breathing. "It's past the gate." Lock said "to the right and there's a small tower" Jock chimed in.

Before they could ask why, you had bolted off, dispite your lungs screaming and shouting for you to stop and take in some bigger breaths. Once the tower came into view, you ran up to it and started to go into the small elevator that was just wood and metal and rope. That is, until you heard yelling. Your eyes darted under where the elevator was. Maybe you could lift up the elevator thing and climb down?
Getting off of the contraption, you managed to hoist it up and you decended down. It only proved you correct when the yelling got louder. You climbed into the small vent and looked through the holes in it.

It was Santa. He was strapped down on a table. You frowned as some kind of greenish bag man walked away from him leaving the santa alone. Mentally preparing yourself, you opened the small vent and quietly climbed down. You snuck down and stalked towards Santa. No one was there luckily so you could go up next to where he was. "Psst!" You tried to get his attention and luckily for you it did. He looked around then he looked at you. "What? Who are you? Wait. Don't tell me. You're (y/n)." He says
Your eyes widen trhat he knew who you were but then again, it's Santa here. "Shh. I'm here to get you out." You said as you began to untie Santa's hands.

That was until you heard someone walking towards you from behind "well lookie what we have here" a deep voice laughed " this big sandy claws sending out for help. A kid no less! Ha! Your little elves don't care anymore " he laughed. "Now kid. Let's join him shall we?" Oogie laughed grabbing you by your (h/l) hair and lifted you up as you yell out in pain.

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