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Jack fell, and fell. Until he couldn't.  He hit something so hard, he blacked out. It was only a few hours when he finaly woke up again.

Jack blinked a few times and liked around. He somehow landed in a cemetery.  See I floated slowly towards jack with his jaw in his mouth, a sad look on his face. Jack slowly reached out and got his jaw back as zero dropped it in his hands. Jaw put his jaw back in place and let out a sigh.

"What have I done? What have I done? How could I be so blind? All is lost, where was I? Spoiled all, spoiled all Everything's gone all wrong."

"What have I done? What have I done? Find a deep cave to hide in In a million years they'll find me Only dust and a plaque That reads, 'Here Lies Poor Old Jack"
Jack sung sadly as he leaned back on the book the statue of the angle was holding and zero whimpered sadly.

"But I never intended all this madness, never. And now I have made two grave mistakes. How could I? All I really wanted was to bring everyone something great! Why does nothing ever turn out like it should?"

He sang and he frown and shot up so he stood on thww angles book.

"Well, what the heck! I say tried my best . And, by god, I really tasted something swell. And for a moment, why, I even touched the sky! And at least I left some stories they can tell, I did!"

"And for the first time since I don't remember when, I felt just like my old bony self again. And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King........ That's right! I am the Pumpkin King, ha, ha, ha, ha !"

He says as he started to cheer up forgetting about his worries and sadly the reason he needed to get back to the Halloween town. He ripped off the rest of his now torn Santa claws outfit and laughed Evily.

"And I just can't wait until next Halloween 'Cause I've got some new ideas that will really make them scream. And, by God, I'm really going to give it all my might!........ Uh oh, I hope there's still time to set things right. Sandy Claws!"
He exclaimed as he went through one you the gravestones. "Come on zero! This isn't over yet!" Zero watched him in disbelief as he followed Jack, growling that he had forgotten about a certain girl/boy that could very well be in danger.

Once Jack had gotten back to Halloween town. He went to the well and the only ones who were still there were lock jock and barrel. The trio gasp at Jacks sight. "y-you're alive!" Lock said in shock. Jack growled "of course I am! Now. Where did you talk sandy claws?!" Jack hissed angrily and he picked her up by the color of her shirt. Lock started to shake " h-he's with y/n!" She shook. My eye sockets widened as he looked down at her. "Where are they?!" He boomed, his voice so deadly serious "i-i don't k-know!" She says as she couldn't breath well due to the way he held his shirt making it choke her. He chuckles at the way she stuttered. He could smell the fear coming off from her. And to him, it smelled Delicious. It was intoxicating. He could even smell jocks and barrels fear as they too shook. This is why jack does what he does. Fear. Tasty tasty beautiful fear.  ((Anyone who gets this reference gets a cookie times a hundred)). He shook his head a few time and his teeth somehow sharpened and his jaw disconnected like a snakes does to open iys mouth widen ((it looks like whst he is doing on the cover of the book)) he made a strange alien like noise.

Lock held back a scream but onlyy to let out a cry as she shook in fear. "T-they're i-in oggies d-dungon!" She cried. Jack let out a loud huff as he carelessly tossed lock aside and ran off.

~your pov~

You shook as you and Santa were on a metal table. Ready to be dumped into a large circle lava. "Ashes to ashes and dust to dust." Oggie laughed as he cranked the lever that kept you alive on the table, a few times. " I'm feeling weak. With hunger! One more roll of the dice should do it." He says as he rolled the dice but when it landed on snake eyes he hit the table it was on to change the results and he laughed in 'victory'. "Eleven! Looks like I won the Jackpot! " he laughed as he pulled on the lever again "bye bye little hero, and sand man" he mocked. You closed your eyes in fear. But the feeling of skin pealing heat never came. Instead, you were hoisted up and face to face with none other than the famous skeleton himself. You were going to cry out in joy that he had saved you, that how happy you were that he wasn't dust. But to your disappointment he put his finger to his teeth meaning that he wanted you to be quiet. You nodded and he set you down and put you next to Santa and went back headed towards oogie. And he went on the table that you and Santa were previously on.

"Hello, oogie " Jack said with venom and hatred toward the said creature as oogie pulled the table down.  Oogie looked dumbfounded at the sight of jack. "J-jack?! But they said you were dead. You must be.......doubble dead!" Oogie exclaimed as he stepped on a button, making his knife holding men that started to spin the knives come out. Jack frowned as he saw oogie run off to set of his next device. You shake as you watched, praying that he wouldn't get hit.  Luckily, Jack somehow managed to dodge each one. If you weren't afraid, you would be cheering him.

"Well come on bone man"  Oogie mocked. Jack frowned and continued to dodge the large blades coming at them. And instead of stopping to wonder what happened when oogie pressed a button to  change tactics of attacking Jack, like you did, Jack kept marching foward. "Oooo. Pull an arm"  Oogie laughed as three mechanical men each with a gun came out. Jacks eye sockets widened only for a second before going into a frown as he jumped up and stepped on the gun to miss being shot.

Oogie saw that Jack was getting close so he panicked. He pushed a button and Jack seemed oblivious to the giant saw that was coming towards him. "Jack! Jack look out!" You screamed as Santa had to hold you back from running towards him. Jack saw the blade (No pun intended) and jumped in the Nick of time. When oogie saw he had no other choice he pulled a lever and the floor sprung him up on a large fan like thing. Jack let out a animal like growl. He caught the one string and looked up at oogie "how dare you treat my friends so shamefully " jack hissed.

Oogie gasps as Jack pulled at the string that was holding him together. Eventually he was nothing but bugs " my bugs! My bugs!" Oogie cried. You watched in horror and turned around. Jack was grinning and he jumped up to where oogie was and he chuckled darkly. "I'm not finished oogie" Jack said as he stood in front of the used to be oogie. Jack placed his foot and pushed h9m onto the vat of lava. Jack smireked down as he heard the bugs all scream before they died out.

When he was done, he walked over to you and Santa with a saddened look on his face. "Forgive me Mr. claws, I'm afraid I've made a terrible mess of your holiday." Jack said sadly as he pulled out Santa's hat and Santa snatched it with a frown. "Bumpy sleigh ride, Jack? The next time you get the urge to take over someone else's holiday, I'd listen to her/him! She's the only one who makes any sense around this......this...... this insane asylum!" He snapped as he pointed at you. You didn't know weather you should feel happy that Santa was giving you such credit or feel bad for Jack. "Skeletons " Santa says rolling his eyes as he gave a small smile towards you and you couldn't help but let out a small giggle/chuckle.

"I hope there's still time-" jack got cut off as Santa interrupted him  "to fix Christmas? Of course there is! I'm Santa claws !" He says before he stuck a finger up his nose and flew off ((I had to look that up! I didn't make it up! That's even in the movie! XD))

You smiled as you stood next to jack "that's flying off in styles you joked but when jack didn't  smile you grew worried.  "Jack?" You ask. He still didn't respond but before you could react, you had been scooped up and brought into a warm embrace. You smiled and hugged him back and he let out a shaky sigh. "I-I ......I thought I lost you." He says says sadly and he didn't show any signs of letting go. You didn't mind though. It felt nice. It wasn't like a lovers embrace but more of a parentals affection. Like.....the father you always wanted.

Your thoughts were cut short as a light flashed in your face. "Jack! Y/n!" The mayor said happily. "There they are! One's alive and dead! Just like we said! " barrel said  and the mayor threw down a rope ladder "grab a hold my boy!" The mayor said and Jack smiled as he looked down at you as he headed to the ladder "let's go home" he said gently.

(1644 words!!)

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