This Is Halloween

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You burst awake. A coughing fit following after. It felt as if your lungs were burning and your brain had turn to mush due to the fall. You say up, hearing small cruncher from under you, you looked down. There you sat on a pile of leafs. slowly and shakily, you got to your feet. You looked at your hands and the rest of yourself, to see if you were ok. Luckily you were except for a few scratches here and there. It was a miracle that you were still alive.
You looked around you and saw that you were in a forest..... again. But this one had completely dead trees. Not on leaf on them.
You decided to keep walking and you shook slightly. It was getting cold and you were wishing you had broght your jacket. It wasn't to the point where you were frezzing but it still was enough to make you shake and huddle yourself together.
You started to walk, in hopes to find some type of civilization. Wait....there was laughter. Your eyes widen at the noise. Laughter led to people! People led to help! At this point you just wanted to get home and only home.
You ran as fast as you could to the noise. After a bit of running, you could faintly area town. You Smile widened and you ran just a little bit faster. The singing became louder with each step you took. But you Couldn't exactly figure out what they were singing.
As you came closer,you went up and over a stone wall. What you saw made your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets.
Monsters demons zombies and other horrific creatures had just finnished singing. And a rather tall Skeleton had come out of a fountain and Everyone cheered. Where were you?!
You shook your head as you quietly ran off. You didn't want to be seen. Who knows what would happen if anyone saw you.
You ran past a group of disfigured men, all with a weird instrament. Which one's, you weren't so sure off. You only seen what a violin, tuba and a flute looked like due to the program in school for kids who want to try and instrament out and join band or orchestra.

You eventually came up to a large black gate and saw that it led to a cemetery. Do it was go this way or towards those creatures. You chose the first option.

Slipping through the bars, you walked towards some of the tomb stones. Your fingers grazed them, they were obviously cold and gritty. Your e/c orbs as you heard the gates open. Turning around you saw the same Skeleton from before walking into the graveyard. Quickly, you hid behind a tombstone and he eventually walked right past you. He seemed to be friendly since he politley talked to the other Monsters when they congratulated him. He stopped near a small dog house gravestone and pats his leg and out came a small ghost dog. It barked Happily and he walked a little.

"There are few who deny, at what I do I am the best
For my talents are renowed far and wide"

He sung, he had a proud expression on. Leaning on a statue of some kind of Ghost or dog thing.  You couldn't really tell from your position.

For my talents are renowed far and wide
When it comes to surprises in the moonlit night
I excel without ever even trying
With the slightest little effort of my ghostlike charms
I have see grown men give out a shriek
With a wave of my hand and a well-placed moan
I have swept the very bravest off their feet!

You ran around another tombstone to get a better veiw. He was now leaning on another statue, it looked like a sad Ghost.

Yet year after year, it's the same routine
And I grow so weary of the sound of screams
And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King
Have grown so tired of the same old thing.

He sang, slowly walking towards the spiral hill. His expression turned into a depressed and disappointed one as he walked to the top of the hill.

Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones
An emptiness began to grow
There's something out there, far from my home
A longing that I've never known

He says. Your heart sank a little. You didn't even know the guy....or Skeleton, you could feel how sad he was. It made you sad about how he felt.

I'm a master of fright and a demon of light
And I'll scare you right out of your pants
To a guy in Kentucky, I'm Mister Unlucky
And I'm known throughout England and France

And since I am dead, I can take off my head
To recite Shakespearean quotations

He said. Your eyes widen as he looks down as He leans over and took off his head. It chiled you to the bone as he did this. You don't know why but it did somehow.

No animal nor man can scream like I can
With the fury of my recitations

But who here would ever understand
That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin
Would tire of his crown, if they only understood
He'd give it all up if he only could

He says as he held up a fist near his face. You wanted to get a better look so you ran to a tombstone that was closer. You quickly ducked as his small dog looked at you. Luckily for you the ghost dog decided to leave you alone instead of going to you.

Oh, there's an empty place in my bones
That calls out for something unknown
The fame and praise come year after year
Does nothing for these empty tears

You truly felt sorry for this man. You could tell what he was going through. You too wanted something new. You slowly and carefully filled him. Maybe if you followed him you could find a way back home. You just didn't really want him to see you. Who knows what would happen if he saw you? Sure he might be nice to the other people on in this town but what does he do to human? Scare them of course but what about kill?
You careful hid behind the trees as you followed. That was until something hard hit your head. You looked down to see.....a bone? Yup, it was a rib bone. You picked it up in confusion. Who did this? Althw small Ghost dog came floating up to you and barked Happily. Your eyes widen as he did. Your cover was going to be blown.
The small dog barked at his owner and the Skeleton shook his head "not now zero" he says,he didn't even turn around. You felt relief rush over you. But that quickly went away as the dog chased the Skeleton and flew around him barking. "Zero! What has gotten into yo-" the Skeleton stoped and so did the dog 'zero'.
Fear swept through you as he walks towards you "why Hello!" He said as he stopped in front of you. You felt yourself shrink down in fear. "H-hello there mister" you say terrified as you legs buckle under you.
"I am quite sure I have never seen you before! Why, you're a Human!" The Skeleton said with curiosity and joy.
"U-Um.... i-i don't know how i-i got here o-or where i-i am... i-i went for a walk through t-the woods and i-i saw a t-tree w-with a pumpkin on it..... i-i only touched it...t-then I ended u-up here" you squeaked.

The Skeleton looked at you with a saddened face. Tears threaten to slip from your eyes. The thought of losing your small family was too much to bare. "Hey" the Skeleton said gently. He put his boney hands on your shoulders and went on his knees so he could be at your eye level. "It'll be alright. How about we take a walk through the woods and talk?" He asks giving a smile, how he did that since he was a Skeleton alwas beyond you. You quickly wipe your eyes and nodded.

He smiled, taking your hand in his and walked with you, zero "and I almost forgot!" He says putting a hand on his head and he looks at you "  what do I call you?" He asks. You looked up at him, you Smiled slightly. Maybe he was nice after all. "Y/n" you say, that spark of joy seemed to be too contagious for after you said that he grinned "well it is very nice to meet you Y/n. I am Jack Skeleton" he says. You nodded happily as you both walked through the forest. Him asking small questions like favorite food, colour, ect.
But little did you or Jack know. A certain doll like person was watching you and him the whole time, jealousy taking over their form.

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