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Walking through the woods with Jack was actually fun. He was surprisingly nice and welcoming towards you dispite being the scariest in the town. He had a good friend named Sally. He even decided to take you around town after the walk through the woods. You couldn't tell him no because, once you go home, you might never see this place again, so you wanted to take the opportunity.
"H-hey, Jack?" You asked as you looked at him. He hummed in response, looking down at you with a smile. "What..... what if I-I never get home? W-what if im stuck H-here?" You sniffed. Tears threatening to spill at the thought. Jack placed a had on your shoulder and smiled warmly.
"Y/n, I have every confidence that you will get back to your home. I will make sure of it" he says and you Smiled up at him. "Really?'' you ask in which he nods. "Of course" he says

Once your talk was over, he led you back to the town. Some of the creatures scared you so you hid behind jack in which he had to tell you that they weren't going to hurt you. And slowly yet surely you made a few friends with the small bat creature, and the mummy one as well.
When you were done talking jack led you away "jack!" A feminine voice called. You turned around and saw a doll like woman run up to you and jack. "Sally!" Jack said happily as he turned around. "What a lovely surprise! I have someone I would like you to meet!" He exclaimed as he stepped behind you so she could see you.

"This, is Y/n!" He says Smiling "she's new to this town so do be kind"he says. She smiled as she knelt down in front of you "hello!" She says with a tone that was a bit too sweet. "I'm Sally!" She says happily. She got up and smiled at jack. "Do you want to go with me to the lake!" She asks. Jack smiled gently as he shook his head "I'm sorry Sally. But I promised Y/n that I would show them around" he says as he took you your hand and walked off. You looked back at her to wave but your smile fell as you saw that she held a deep frown. You gulped as you looked forward and walked off with Jack.

It was extremely late when Jack decided to head back. He stopped in front of a large tower. "W-where are we?" You yawned and Jack picked you up cradling you a little "this is my place. You can sleep here tonight since it's so dark out and I'm sure you're tired." He says and You nodded.
He walked up the stairs to the top of his small tower and smiled as you were falling asleep already.
Sighing since he had no other place for you to sleep, he set you on the wooden chair and got dressed into his PJ's and picked you back up. He then layed in his bed, laying you on his chest and zero curled up into his own little bed."Have sweet nightmares y/n" he said, before he too, fell asleep.

You woke up at the Skeleton rooster crowing a off key tune. You rubbed your eyes to see that you were cradled by the Skeleton himself. His eyes closed, which again you had no idea how. You Smile as you got out of his hold and looked around the room. He had Halloween decorations here and there. Then zero woke up and barked happily as he floated around you a few times. You giggle/chuckle as he licked your hand and you pet him, your hand got a tingling feeling each time you touched him. Probably because he is a ghost.
Jack woke up as you played with zero. "Horrible morning to you Y/n!" He says happily making you tilt your head and he realised that you weren't used to Halloween town's way of speaking. "Oh, I guess from your place it's good morning" he says and you make an 'oh' shape with your mouth. You laughed a little and nod "horrible morning!" You laughed.
Soon your stomach started to rumble and you laughed nervously. He knew humans had to eat. But what? That's is! They eat candy! Jack smiled as he told you to wait their as he went to go find some for you. After a few minutes jack had come up with a bag of sweets. He dropped the bag in front of you. Your eyes widen at the bags size. It was almost as tall as you! Jack grabbed a handful of candy and handed them to you. Your eyes widen at the sight. This was definitely the best breakfast ever. You started to eatit and jack watched you. It wasn't like he knew how humans ate.

When you were done, jack took you down the stairs and outside. "You will be staying with Sally for now!" He says for you had asked him over and over about where he was taking you.you gulped at his answer but smiled and nodded anyways. Maybe she wasn't mad or frowning at you. Maybe something happened before you met her that threw her mood off.
Sally waited at the bottom of he stairs "you too have fun!" Jack said as he waved you and Sally goodbye. Sally took your hand and walked off "we're going to make some crafts but we need to get something first" she says. You smiled and nodded.
Sally took you into the woods and you started to get suspicious but you didn't say anything. Maybe there was something in particular that she needed.
You were pulled from your thoughts as you noticed that Sally was no where to be seen. "Sally?" You called as you looked around. "Sally?!' you yelled as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. you started to run until something hit the back of your head and passed out.

~back at jack's tower~

After he saw Sally and y/n leave, he went back to the top of his tower. Once he reached the top, he looked for his books , searching around he sighed as he couldn't find one that was about humans. He frowned and headed outside.

He nocked and entered Doctor Finkelstein's House/lab. "Jack Skeleton!" The doctor greeted with joy "come in my bit come in!" He says welcomingly as jack startrd the spiral staircase "doctor! I need to know if you have some books about Humans!" He says as he looked at the deformed man. The doctor hummed in response as he turned his wheelchair around. "Of course! May I ask, why the sudden interest? Curiousity killed the cat you know. " He says. Jack Chuckled "I know. " He says.
On the short walk, jack explained how he found you and promised to take you back. In which the doctor understood. But, he knew something Jack did not.
"Jack my boy.....I must tell you something" the doctor sighed as he turned his chair around in front of Jack so he could not enter his library. "Yes doctor?" Jack asked. Confused as of why the doctor had blocked his path. Doctor Finkelstine sighed "my boy. You are not allowed to take Y/n back to her/his family. " He said. Jack was going to say something but the doctor spoke quicker "let me finish. I know it sounds crule. But if she lets word of our existence, more humans will be curious, they'll come here and you know that when humans see or find something they don't understand or feel as if they are threatened that they will attack with even the slightest reason." He says and jack froze. Of course he knew. But he didn't want it to be true. He wanted to see you with you Damian's happy again. What would you say if he told you that you could never go home? You'd hate him. Letting out a sigh, he nodded "Alright, now there are some books in here just take as many as you need "the doctor said as he went off in his chair.
~small time skip~

Jack had returned to his tower. He went up his stairs and sat on his bed. Deciding to push the conversation between him and the doctor to the back of his mind as he opened one book.
After he reached a couple pages a frantic nocking sound was heard. Getting up, jack let out a sigh and descended down the stairs. His eyes widen as he saw Sally with a fearful expression. "J-JACK! It's Y/n! Someone took her/him! She/he was in the forest!" She says frantically. Jack's expression turned into one of anger "Sally you were supposed to watch her!" He snapped.
Sally had not a second to respond as jack quickly dashed passed her, his long slender legs stretching as far as the could in hopes that he could run faster. Once he entered the forest he saw small footsteps obviously yours. He ran as he followed them. But eventually he had to come to a stop as the small Footsteps ended. But they were replaced with a set of larger ones. He quickly ran as followed them.
He eventually reached a circle of trees and his curiosity got the best of him. He looked at a Christmas tree shaped in the tree he was sure that you were in one of these doors. He grabbed the handle and quickly opened it, expecting to see a small hole with you hiding in it. But boy was he wrong. There was a hole, but it was pitch black and you weren't there. When he turned around so he could look through the other doors. But a strong wind pulled him through the Black like void and Everything for him went black as the door shut.....

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