Ironic isn't it?

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(I couldn't stop laughing once I saw this picture XD)

Jack grinned as he was about to take off in his Slay. That was untill a mysterious Fog rolled in and he could hardly see anything in front of him ."oh no!" Jack exclaimed, "we can't fly off in This! The reindeer can't see an inch in front of their noses! " he says and he slumped down "This is a thick brains..." one creature commented and another corrected him "thicker!" They called out. Jack sighs as he shook his head in hopelessness  "There go all of my hope, my precious plans, my glorious dreams." He says and looked around to see everyone either on the point of tears or just really saddened. "There goes Christmas " one of the small monster children cried and everyone 'awed' at the small monster child.
Jack sighed, he had thought that he would never be able to fly. Zero flew over to him and started barking at him happily "no zero, down boy" he says. But his hand removed from his face as the light from zero's nose glew up in his face. His eye sockets widened as he had an idea brewing.  He slowly grinned and sat up straight."My what a brilliant nose you have. The better to light my way! To the head of the team, Zero! We're off! " he yelled in joy. Zero barked at him happily and flew to the front of the raindear and the slay took off, leaving almost everyone cheering with joy as they watched the changed pumpkin king fly off.

Jack grinned widely as he laughed. Seeing the small town below him made him fill up to the brim with joy. He smiled as he landed on a house, knocking some if the decorations off. He went through the chimney and started to place the presents around the tree.that was untill he woke someone up. "Santa?'' A small voice asks from behind him. Jack grinned and looked behind him. It was a little boy, standing there with both fright and confusion on his face for seeing such a odd saint Nick. Jack coughed a little and tried do his impression of Sandy "marry Christmas! What's your name?" He asks as he touched the boys nose gently. The boy didn't respond and stumbled over his words, making Jack chuckle. It reminded Jack of when he first met Y/N. "That's alright. I have a special present for you anyway" he says as he reached in his sack and handed him a dull coloured wrapped present. Jack went in the chimney and went back up it, laughing and he took off in his slay again as he heared the parents scream.
A hour or two passed and Jack was having the best time delivering presents to houses. He grinned as he looked at the list of places to go to. His grin only widened as he saw that it was to visit (y/n). He swiftly turned the raindear into the right direction  and headed straight to his/her house. Oh what a suprise he/her and his/her family will get!
Jack eventually found the (last name) residence and landed hiaa slay. He got out and he looked at it skeptically. The front door was wide open and news papers were piled at the driveway. He slowly went on the porch and he noticed that it was caked In dust. He looked in the housed and slowly walked in (y/n)? " he called out. He wanted to hear their little voice again, calling his name, happy about the presents he had brang. His eye sockets widen as he saw your mother laying on the ground, her body slowly rotting. Of course he wasn't actually afraid of her or the state she was in, but he was terrified of a what could of happen to you. He ran up the stairs in a wild frenzy (y/n)?!" He called out in fear as he went into what he assumed was your room and he frantically surched every nook and cranny for you, not wanting you to end up like your mother or brother that he had now found. He watched your dresser, closet the bathroom, kitchen and then on! He needed to find his y/n! Wait? His y/n? Yes, Jack couldn't deny that he had grown attached to you. In a way he loved you. Not the same way as lovers......but it was like a yerning to keep you safe and see that smile on your face. It was a feeling he could describe, just like how he felt when he first saw Christmas town.

Jack cried out in frustration when hbe couldn't find you anywhere. Hes literally tore up the house trying to find you . It had looked as if as though a bomb went off in the house in each of the rooms. He frowned as the sound of sirens had made them selves known. He ran to his slay and zero barked as he went up to the skeleton "Zero! We need to find y/n and I'm pretty sure that she didn't call anyone for help! The phone line is dead!" He yelled in fear. Zero barked in understanding as he flew back to the front of the slay and jack hopped in. He picked up the reigns and made the dear go and fly. Thw sirens got quieter as he flew. But then they got louder again and he looked around him. Big lights were moving around and jack was confused. What were those for. He shook his head and frowned. 'There's no time to find out what those are Jack. We need to find y/n.' He scolded himself. But when he looked back down something shot up and hit the back of his slay. Zero looked at him in fear. "It'll be ok Zero! Head higher!" He called and the dog did as told, but now they were right in front of the moon. Jacks eyes socjets widen as a large missile hits the end of the slay and there was only a sliver for him to stand on. ''zero! We need to head home!" He yelled in panic. The dog barked and nodded as he picked up speed. And Jack didnt see the one last shot fired, it blew up the slay and jack was sent tumbling down.

~back at Halloween town~

The mayor's face switched two his pale side and he watched sadly from the well. "I knew this Christmas thing was a bad idea. I felt it in my guys he says sadly. He slowly made his way to his car, still in shock and horror, to make an announcement and drove off "Terrible news folks. The worst tragedy of our times. Jack has been blown to smithereens!" The mayor cried out as he drove around the town.

~your pov~

You held back a cry as you say on the cold floor. Oogie had chained you by the neck so you could 'whatch sandy turn to sand' as he put it. '' you a gambling man sandy? Let's play " oogie chuckled as he hit Santa in the face with a pair of dice. But then he stopped as you, Santa and oogie heard  sirens "Terrible news folks. The worst tragedy of our times. Jack has been blown to smithereens!" The mayor, you assumed, cried out. Your eyes widen at what you just heard. And apparently oogie was just in much shock because he hasn't moved or spoken. Then, he slowly looked at you. "Well. How about that. Jack's.......he's gone." He says and he slowly smirks "that's really ironic. Because you and sandy are going to be with him" he laughed and your eyes widen and you look down silently crying. Wishing Jack was somehow ok, no matter how impossibleit sounded....
(1039 words!! Yeah!!)

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