new home

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Hey everyone! As requested by others, i have made another chapter! And dont worry as i will continue the story! Anyways, i hooe ya'll enjoy!
Once you and Jack got back to halloween town everyone was cheering. Each one happy to see that you and Jack were ok. You smiled as you saw lock jock and barrel.  They might be trouble makers but that did help you.

Jack went toward the steps of the town hall and set you down gently. When you felt something touch the too of your nose you looked up and you smiled "Jack look!" You said happily as you pointed to the sky. And to his surprise,  it was snowing and a slay passed overhead. "Ho ho ho! Happy Halloween!" Santa yelled as he flew off "marry Christmas!" You yelled back to him happily. Jack bent down and tapped your shoulder lightly  "y/n look" he says motioning to the town's people in complete awe about the new snowflakes. You couldn't help but laugh at this and not to long Jack joined with you. Each of them were acting just like Jack when he arrived in Christmas town. And somewhat singing the same song. Smiling happily.

But as you were lookingbaround, somethjng hit the back of your head. As a few seconds pass yo uh bnb hear a bunch of laughter coming from behind you. With a grin you quickly grabbed a snowball and tossed it at them, hitting barrlel square in the face. Jack chuckled at this. His metaphorical heart swelled up with pride. He was so proud of how you were holding up. After everything that happened, you still took it well, although he could tell you were still sad about your mother and brother, you weren't showing any sign of depression. It was almost as if it didnt happen.

Dr Finklestein rolled up next to jack, behind him was Jewel. " she's/he's one special kid. You know that jack?" He said as he watched you desperately try to hit one if the trio with a snowball only to have three more launched at you.
Jack shook his head, his smile seeming to get bigger "no doctor. She's/he's my, special child. " he said.
The docror hummed in response, nodding to what Jack had said. " You've grown Jack. " he said. Looking down at the doctor, he tilted his head, a genuine smile of his face.
Jack bid the doctor goodbye as he walked off and towards you, and he crouched down, putting a hand on your shoulder. " hey, (y/n). Why dont we head home?" He asked as he tilted his head slightly at you. Smiling back, you nodded. " alright Jack" you said as he took your small hand in his as Jack and you went to the tower.

~small time skip~

Once inside, you raced up the stairs and smiled as the small ghist dog floated up to you, gapping a few times before giving a few licks to the cheek, which made you laugh.
Smiling at the scene, Jack sat down on a chair and put his hands on his knees.
" so. (Y/n). I know this is your choice. I won't be mad in it for whichever you choose." He said. Looking up at him in confusion "Jack?.....what arw yiu talking about?" you asked. You hoped he wasnt going to throw you out. You prayed he wasn't.
" I wanted to know if you wanted to live here......with me" he said.
A bright smile formed on your lips as his words came to your ears. " if not then....I could find a new human family take you in" he said. Looking at you, he didnt expect you to calmly place your small hand on his boney one. " I want to stay here " you said happily.
Jack gave a nod as he wrapped his arms around you, his chest swelling with joy. But the feeling.....he couldn't quite put his boney finger on. He loved you, a lot. Not as in lovers, but....fatherly.
Jack had no idea how to raise a child. He could ask you for help, but he knew you could easily bend the truth if you wanted. So he would go to santa. Yes, he must know how children work. Like what to feed them, their nesseities and such.
But soon Jack soon broke out of his trance as the sound of slight snoring. Looking down in his arms, he saw that you already had fallen asleep. Jack smiled as he laid you down on his bed and he wrapped you in the blanket, zero soon making his way over snd cuddling beside you. The sight pf you peacefully sleeping made him feel at ease. Using his hands, he brushed some of your (h/c) away from your eyes.
But as jack was doing this, a sudden and strong urge washed over him. Slowly, he vent down and leaned towards you. And with a final action, he placed a boney kiss on the top of your head and pulled back as he rest a hand in your head, stroki nbn g your hair. Even though you weren't awake, he still felt as though this would keep you calm. Getting up, he smiled down at you lovingly.

"Have sweet dreams, (y/n)"

Hey everyone, as I said before, I shall be continuing this story, but i would like to gear from others if you'd all like a sequel, or just continue on this book.

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