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The next morning, Jack had asked you to get something from Sally. Sally had given you some bottles in a basket and you were currently walking back to the tower. you hummed a Christmas song and skipped a little. You pushed the dream/nightmare you had because it was Halloween town. You just assumed that it was good to have nightmares.

When you came back, you saw the vampires looking sadly at jack's tower

Something's up with Jack
Something's up with Jack
Don't know if we're ever going to get him back

He's all alone up there
Locked away inside
Never says a word
Hope he hasn't died

Something's up with Jack
Something's up with Jack

The vampires werewolf and zombie's sang. You looked up at the top of the tower worried. What do they mean? Why wouldn't jack be ok? You walked into the tower and saw jack. He looked extremely troubled. You frowned sadly at him as you sat on his bed hugging the basket that Sally had given you.

Christmas time is buzzing in my skull
Will it let me be? I cannot tell
There are so many things I cannot grasp
When I think I've got it, and then at last
Through my bony fingers it does slip
Like a snowflake in a fiery grip.

He says, sadly and he fustrated.the wind nocked over a house of cards he had put together. He glared at it as he hit it off his desk.

Something's here I'm not quite getting
Though I try, I keep forgetting
Like a memory long since past
Here in an instant, gone in a flash
What does it mean?
What does it mean?

In these little bric-a-brac
A secret's waiting to be cracked
These dolls and toys confuse me so
Confound it all, I love it though.

He sang, he pushed himself from the desk and inspected some objects. His frown turned into a look of sadness. You felt your stomach rumble and then you just realised how hungry you were. You looked at jack as the pain of hunger shot through you. "J-Jack" you say nervously, hoping that he wouldn't get mad that you were interrupted him. But he seemed not to care for your whimper as he just blows it off, to focused in his confusion to be pulled out.

       Simple objects, nothing more
But something's hidden through a door
Though I do not have the key
Something's there I cannot see
What does it mean?
What does it mean?
What does it mean?

He glared as he picked up a doll, shaking it as if it would answer back. He growled at it and tossed it behind him. You flinched as the doll hit your head and you caught it before it hit the ground and you gently placed it next to zero, on his bed as the small dog looked at you sadly as another rumble came from your stomach. Since he too knew that the last time you are which was a day ago, you only had a few pices of candy.

I've read these Christmas books so many times
I know the stories and I know the rhymes
I know the Christmas carols all by heart
My skull's so full, it's tearing me apart
As often as I've read them, something's wrong
So hard to put my bony finger on

Or perhaps it's really not as deep
As I've been led to think
Am I trying much too hard?
Of course! I've been too close to see
The answer's right in front of me!
Right in front of me...

It's simple really, very clear
Like music drifting in the air
Invisible, but everywhere.
Just because I cannot see it
Doesn't mean I can't believe it!

You know, I think this Christmas thing
It's not as tricky as it seems.
And why should they have all the fun?
It should belong to anyone!

Not anyone, in fact, but me
Why, I could make a Christmas tree!
And there's no reason I can find
I couldn't handle Christmas time

I bet I could improve it too!
And that's exactly what I'll do!

He finnished and creepily laughed as the lights exploded when he turned a switch bear the chair. Zero barked at him but Jack didn't pay attention. He when to his window "Eureka!" He shouted, gaining everyone's attention. "This year, Christmas will be OUR!" He says. Everyone clapped in joy all of them cheering.

Jack heard the bark of zero. He looked down to see him actually snarling at him. Jack looked at him, his eyes widening in surprise as he knew zero had never done this to him. Zero was always peaceful. Jack closed his window and he watched zero float to you. His eyes widened further as he heard your stomach growl loudly. He then remembered that he ignored you when you had tried to get his attention.

He stepped towards you, sorrow taking over him. He somehow felt a powerful pang of guilt run over him. "Y/n, im.....I'm so sorry" he says sadly as he picked you up. His hands shook slightly as he held you. "I'm so so sorry" he says as he hugged you.

Not a lot of time had passed, but jack had asked Sally to make you something to eat and she did. It was some type of soup and you heard something about worm's wart but you didn't want to know what that was. When Sally dropped it off, you dig in immediately. Surprisingly, it was delicious. In only a few minutes, you had gulped the whole thing down. Jack chucklsd as he watched you eat. For he found how humans ate fasinating. When you were done he took the bowl and put it away. He chuckled as he saw you yawn.

"Tired?" He asks. You Smiled a little and he picks you up and lays on his bed and puts you on his chest. What you didn't know was that tomorrow, he had something big planned.

It's Great Tiba Me (Jack Skeleton X Child! Reader)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now