Making Christmas

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You smiled as you followed jack was only a few days before Christmas. Everyone in town was so eager to have Christmas. "Oh, isn't it thrilling y/n?!" Jack asked, obviously enjoying this. You smiled nodding.

Clown: This time, this time

Group: Making Christmas

Clown: Making Christmas

Mayor: Making Christmas, making Christmas is so fine

Group: It's our this time and won't the children be surprised? It's ours this time

Child Corpse: Making Christmas

Mummy: Making Christmas

The town sang. You looked around. It seemed so nice that jack wanted to have this for his townspeople.

Witches: Time to give them something fun

Witches and Creature Lady: They'll talk about for years to come

Group: Let's have a cheer from everyone. 

Devil: It's time to party

Duck Toy: Making Christmas, making Christmas

Vampires: Snakes and mice get wrapped up so nice with spider legs and pretty bows

Vampires and Winged Demon: It's ours this time

Corpse Father: All together, that and this

Corpse Father, Wolfman: With all our tricks we're

Corpse Father, Wolfman, Devil: Making Christmas time

Wolf Man: Here comes Jack and Y/n!

The wolf man said and you Smiled. Jack seemed extremely happy at how dedicated they all were.

Jack: I don't believe what's happening to me
My hopes, my dreams, my fantasies!

He sang as he busrt into a cackling laughter in the end.

Harlequin: Won't they be impressed? I am a genius
See how I transformed this old rat
Into a most delightful hat?

Jack: Hmm, my compliments from me to you
On your most intriguing hat
Consider though this substitute
A bat in the place of this old rat
Huh! No, no, no, now that's all wrong.
This thing will never make a present
It's been dead now for much too long
Try something fresher, something pleasant.
Try again, don't give up

Three Mr. Hydes: All together, that and this
With all our tricks we're making Christmas time!

You started to think as your smile fell slowly. This was only for the townspeople here right? Why were they making so many presents and toys?

Group: This time this time
Making Christmas making Christmas
La la la
It's almost here

Group and Wolf Man: And we can't wait

Harlequin: So ring the bells and celebrate

Group: 'Cause when the full moon starts to climb
We'll all sing out

Jack: It's Christmas time!!

Jack laughed creepily. You watched as he arrisen from he coffin sled. Skeleton dear floating next to him. You knew when it came to creeping people out. Everyone cheer and jacked came down to you and Sighed.something wasn't right here....

Jack had tooken you away from the whole commotion so it would be easier to finnish his santa outfit. You were just Finnishing it it so it fit him just right. You sighed "you don't look like yourself jack. Not at all" you say sighing. Your worry for the Skeleton growing "Isn't that wonderful. It couldn't be more wonderful!" Jack cheered happily. You sigh jumping off the stool you used to reach higher parts of the suit and grabbed the clipboard that had a Christmas version of jack and flipped the page over to reveal his normal picture and you climbed up "but jack......your the pumpkin king" you say. "Not anymore. And I feel so much better now!" He says looking at you nodding just to prove he was happy. You shake your head and sigh "jack.....I know you think something's missing but...." You trail off "ow!" Jack yelped slightly and you realised you pricked his finger by accedent "sorry" you say quickly.
This got jack thinking. "You're right, something is missing but what? I've got the beard, the coat, the boots --" he soon was cut off as the same trio he sent off before came in "jack jack! We bagged him!" They call out. "He sure is big! And heavy!" They said. "Let me out!" Yelled the muffled voice inside. They pulled the strings and out came part of santa. "Sandy Claws in person. What a pleasure to meet you. Why you have hands! You don't have claws at all!" Jack said in astonishment. "Where am I?" He says dizzily as he slowly was able to see again. "Surprised aren't you? I knew you would be. You don't need to have another worry about Christmas this year." Jack said happily. Santa looked at him in shock "W-what?" Jack smiled at him and leaned down to Santa's height "Consider this a vacation Sandy, a reward. It's your turn to take it easy. You need not to worry" he says and Santa shook his head "there m-must be some mistake!" He cried out in fear and confusion."wait!  That's what I was missing!" Jack said as he took Santa's hat. Giggling and cackling, the trio pushed him back in the sack and you watched sadly. This whole Christmas thing mixed with Halloween didn't sound to good.....
You let out a sigh. Jack smiled as he looked at you " and there is good news for you Y/n!" He cheered. You looked up at him in confusion. "I will send you home so you can spend this wonderful holiday with your family " he says and you Smiled, all negitive thoughts pushed in the back of your head. You Smiled "thank you" you say and he nodded.
Jack had shown you a better way to get to Hollowen town through the graveyard. Bled you near a park and looked down at you "anything seem familiar? I don't know where you live" he says kneeling down near you. You smiled nodding "yeah!" This is the park my mom used to take me and my brother!" You said happily. He nodded Hugging you in which you returned. You were extremely grateful for him letting you come back, because you knew that you would miss this Skeleton dearly. "Goodbye jack" you say looking down. Jack chuckled "no. Not goodbye. See you later" he says. You smile at this and wave as you walked off.
You smile only grow with each step you took. Your heart pounded when you came to your driveway. But your smile fell as you saw that there were no lights on and the car was still there.

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