Chapter 37

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I awake to Darien's face filling my vision. 

I jump back, immediately regretting it when my head hits something hard. I close my eyes and shake my head to clear my vision. 

"You okay?" Darien asks.

I throw him a look. "What do you think?" 

He nods and leans back. 

I look around the room to find we're sitting in the bottom part of a ship. I turn to Darien.

"Julius's ship?" 

He nods. "Yeah, we've been sailing for about an hour. We'll be at your castle soon." 

"Where's Alissa?" 

"Julius is keeping her above deck somewhere."

I hit my head again as I sit up at the news. Darien crawls over to me and cups my chin in his hand. 

"She'll be alright," he says softly.

I look up at him through my eyelashes. His eyes move past mine to my head. They grow wide. 

"You're bleeding."

I gently touch the back of my head and hiss at the pain. Darien reaches his fingers to his neck and unties the crimson scarf sitting there. He folds it three times and presses the middle to my forehead before tying it around my head where it's bleeding. He leans back on his heel and admires his handiwork. 

"Now you like a real pirate." 

The corners of my lips pull up into a smile. 

"Come on." 

Darien creases his eyebrows. I roll my eyes.

"Well, I'm not going to sail home as a pirate's prisoner, now am I? Let's go."

I stand up and walk over to the bars caging us. Darien walks up behind me. 

"I still don't understand, where are we going?"

I throw him a half smile. 

"We have a ship to conquer." 

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