Chapter 1

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John Watson thinks he's seen it all. But Sherlock's experiment might just change that. In fact, it might just change everything.

Of course, if John met Barry Allen or Oliver Queen, he'd know just how far away the boundary between improbable and impossible really is.

But that meeting is impossible since they live in different dimensions--and traveling between dimensions is impossible...




Whole story by Hazelnut And every one below (only myself { RachelStanley3 }is on Wattpad every one uses different platforms i am just putting it on Wattpad)


If the title didn't make it obvious, this is a Sherlock/The Flash/Arrow crossover. This story was mainly written by me, with the assistance of a group of amazing and wonderful people. Special shoutout to for so much help with Sherlock's dream, and to RayRayGirl for general beta-ing. Every one of my betas (*looking at you, TabbyCallie and High Queen of Dragons*) deserves an award for helping me even when this fic became 140-something pages when I wasn't looking.

Advance warnings: swearing and other crude language, suicide, major character death, minor character death, references to torture, child abuse, and characters getting pretty darn beaten up.

There is an especially dark chapter, which I tagged a warning at the top of.



The day starts like any other. I roll out of bed to the sound of Sherlock tinkering with his most recent experiment. Yawning into the living room, I hear Ms. Hudson call up, "Sherlock! Your inspector friend is here!"

Sherlock ignores her and keeps tinkering with the thing he's building. It resembles a dark blue ring on four mechanical legs. "What's that?" I ask.

"It should be a sort of stable singularity, you could say. But this is a pretty new realm of science, so no one really knows."

"Except you," I reply dryly. Sherlock doesn't even dignify me with a response.

He picks the blue ring up and starts down the stairs. He calls over his shoulder, "Come on! We've got to test this! I need to find out if it explodes."



It's been a quiet day in the lab. I'm in the Cortex, running tests on the tachyon device. I think I might be able to turn it into a device that creates stable singularities, but this is one of the harder things that I've done this year—and that's saying something. The device has a light blue ring with four mechanical legs attached and is glowing a soft orange from all of my tests.

The metas in The Pipeline are really quiet today. This almost feels like a day off. I hope nothing odd happens today.



We have the device sitting in the middle of 221A—Ms. Hudson's downstairs flat.

Speaking of Ms. Hudson, she calls out, "Sherlock! Your inspector friend is waiting!"

"John, go handle her." Sherlock doesn't even look up from where he's working.

I walk out and apologize to Greg. He explains that a dark blue ring thought to help control singularities has been stolen. I am saved from having to reply from the sound of an explosion—although "saved" might be the wrong word. We race into 221A just in time to see a ray of blue fire and smoke erupt from the blue-ringed device. The smoke and fire coalesce into an oval about the size of a person that seems to be pulsing.

Greg, still looking at the blue ring, mutters, "Oh, you bastard."

Sherlock ignores him and sticks his hand into the pulsing blue fire. Lestrade jumps at him, but Sherlock steps into the blue fire. Lestrade, meeting no resistance, falls into the fire.

Of course, I follow them.



A soft beeping permeates through the Cortex. It means that a breach—sort of a hole through dimensions—has been opened in the Breach Room. This happens whenever I feel strong emotion. That way I have an escape if I'm fighting a losing battle.

The odd thing is, I wasn't feeling anything unusually strong...Either way, I have to close the breach manually. I start the walk down the passageway. I've just passed the doorway to the Time Vault when an alarm like a foghorn goes off.

That's bad. Really bad. It means that people have come through the breach. I dash back to the Time Vault and pocket Reverb's goggles along with my own. Opening a breach, I teleport to outside the Breach Room and pull the switch to shut the controls off.



I come out about 5 meters above the ground—where Greg is lying, groaning and Sherlock is pacing. Before I even fully process this, soldier training kicks in and I roll a meter past Greg.

"What happened to him?" I ask Sherlock, gesturing at Greg.

"He sprained his ankle," Sherlock says casually, making no move to help Greg.

I look around. We're in a steel room shaped like a donut, without the hole in the middle. Four metal rings surrounded the area where the blue fire was, which when you look at from below, form a square. One side of the room has a steel door, and the walls are lined with steel bars. There's also a control panel on the left, which I take a step towards, then another step. When nothing happens, I walk over to the controls and touch the button labeled "Open Door." Right after I touch it, I'm blown backward by a wave of sound that's so powerful it distorts the air around me. I'm flung into the wall and I crumple over. I feel like a giant just picked me up and threw me.

Greg groans again, so I go over to him. His ankle isn't broken, but it's tender on the inside of the ankle, indicating an inversion sprain, which is better than I hoped. I tell him to not walk on his ankle, apply pressure to it, and elevate his foot above his heart by lying down with his feet against the wall.

Then a man walks through the solid steel door.


a/n So this I made when I was in 8th grade with a few friends hence the note. This took a while to make about a year and we are proud of this we hope you like this we have a total of 40 chapter some of which are dark. Please comment and vote.

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