Chapter 12

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I hear footsteps behind me, so I put my arm to my right to stop the person from interfering with the battle. I glance away from Sherlock and see Joe standing behind me. He says, "What in the world is going on?" Then he spots Cisco, pinned to the wall with the dagger at his throat. To Barry, he adds, "And why aren't you helping him??"

I reply, "He doesn't want our help. It's a matter of pride...A sort of battle of wills."

Sherlock pushes the flat of the dagger against Cisco's neck and says, "Yield?"

Cisco mutters something that vaguely resembles "Yield", which Sherlock accepts and steps back. Cisco takes the dagger from him and quickly dips it into the pool of his own energy that he's cupping in his hand. It all rushes back into him, and he straightens up.

Joe walks over to Cisco. "Did he just beat you, fighting?"

Sherlock walks up behind Joe, "Of course I did."

Oliver smiles. "Of course, he did. Training, practice, and discipline over any showy superpowers."

Sherlock walks over to me. "I think I just lost a lot of blood. Care to take me to the med bay again?"

Then he faints.


I hadn't noticed how much blood Sherlock lost until he falls over. I look at the floor and notice that it's slick with blood. I've only lost a few drops of blood, so the puddles must be Sherlock's.

John takes Sherlock's limp body and slings Sherlock's arm over his shoulder and starts pulling him up the walkway to the Cortex. I might not be on speaking terms with Sherlock, but I'm not going to stand by and watch him bleed to death. I walk over to Barry and say, "You know, you could help him."

Barry speeds over to John. "Want any help?"

"Not from your superpowers. Superpowers are what did this to him in the first place." He glances pointedly at me.

Oliver corrects, "Well if you want to be accurate, I did that to him. And I do not have super powers."

I ask him, "Did you just blame yourself for hurting someone?"

He ignores me and walks over to John, "If you don't want help from superpowers, I can help you carry him. Or I'm sure Joe, or Barry, or Cisco are willing to lend a hand—the normal way."


As Sherlock's friend, I want to do it myself. As Sherlock's doctor, the longer he spends here, the more blood he's losing. The doctor wins out.

I point at Joe and Cisco. "You two, go grab a stretcher."

Then I beckon to Oliver. He looks the strongest. "While they're doing that, start moving him up. You should meet them about halfway up."

I saw Caitlin tending to Lestrade, and she looked like she knew what she was doing. I nod to her. "Go up and set up the Med Bay in the Cortex for Sherlock."

Everyone scampers to go do what I've told them to do. I go to the nearest puddle of blood and take a sample of it. I race upstairs, past Joe and Cisco to find Caitlin. "You wouldn't happen to have a way I could test this blood to find out its type, would you?" She takes the sample from me and puts it on a test card. The anti-A and anti-RH tests all start clumping, but the anti-B doesn't.

He's A+, which means that he can be given A+, A-, O+, or O- blood from a donor. That's lucky, though. It means we have a high chance that someone in this building will be a donor and we won't have to explain to the hospital who Sherlock is and why we don't have his birth certificate or any record of his existence.

I'm pretty sure I'm O+, but I want to be sure. If I'm wrong, it could kill Sherlock. I prick myself with a sterilized needle and run my test. I am O+ That'll work.

I seem to be deferring to Caitlin a lot, but this is her hospital. "How much blood does he need?"

"He's lost about 4 pints, so he needs around 3 pints of donor blood. That means he'll need 3 donors."


Out of the corner of my eye, I see John run into the med bay. He looks ruffled but generally unhurt. Then I see Joe and Cisco run in and grab a stretcher. Joe looks like he hasn't even been touched. Cisco, on the other hand, is holding the stretcher with one hand. He grabs an arm brace, straps it onto his elbow, grabs the stretcher with his both hands and he and Joe race out.

Then Oliver, Joe, and Cisco come in carrying Sherlock on the stretcher. Oliver also looks untouched. I sit up and hold myself up on my elbow. "What happened?"

John distractedly says, "Sherlock decided to fight Cisco. Who has superpowers."

"Who won?"

Oliver says, "Sherlock did."

I look back. Sherlock is bleeding heavily from his hand, and slightly from the cut in his leg. He's also semi-conscious. Cisco has a tiny cut on his cheek. "Looks like Cisco won to me. He's the one not lying on the stretcher." Cisco smiles slightly.


My elbow throbs in time with my footsteps. It's screaming at me in pain, but I don't let up. We rush Sherlock into the Med Bay and set him on a table and raise his hand above his heart. Caitlin puts a fresh bandage on it.

John looks up from where he is. "You wouldn't happen to have jars of blood lying around, would you?"

I look at him strangely. "Of course not. Who would leave blood lying around?"

Lestrade and John both mutter, "Sherlock." More loudly, John continues, "The things you never appreciate from a hospital until you don't have them... We're going to need three donors. Not including me, that's two." He doesn't even question that he'll be donating. He seems like a devoted friend.

Lestrade looks up. "I'll donate blood for the bastard. Heaven knows we need him back at the station."

Caitlin looks over at him. "You've already lost blood today. You can't donate for another week."

That leaves me, Barry, Joe, Oliver, and Caitlin. John says, "Speaking of blood loss from injury, whoever donates can't be hurt too badly in the next week."

John says, "We should run blood tests before anyone decides."

Turns out, I'm O-, Barry's B+, Joe's AB+, Oliver's A-, and Caitlin's A+. So only Caitlin, Oliver, and I can donate blood.

Caitlin says, "Well, I'll do it."

I nod. I won't let a man die in front of me because I'm too proud to give blood to the victor of our little tournament.

Oliver laughs. "You are all so good. I can't give blood. I'd probably get shot by the end of the week."

Sherlock turns his head. "Isn't it amazing how kind everyone can be? So dismissive of their own welfare?"

So it's decided. Oliver goes to change into civilian clothes from his armor. Barry runs off to get Felicity and Diggle.

John, Caitlin, and I will give blood. Just have to hope none of us get hurt after this.

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