Chapter 31

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I am baffled. Totally baffled. "No one besides me should be allowed through that door...But you did it in just under a minute."

Sherlock straightens his shirt. "49 seconds, to be precise. Would've been less if I didn't have to explain my methods."

John scowls at Sherlock. Sarcastically, he says, "Well, I'm sorry."

Sherlock smiles. "No, you're not."

"No, I'm not."

Sherlock sits down next to me. Then he looks at John. "What am I supposed to be doing again?"

John groans. "You have a word-perfect memory. You already know what I'll tell you. I'm not going to save you from yourself."

Sherlock bites his lower lip and turns back to me. "Caitlin said I should tell you the truth. So. Here goes nothing."

He's still wearing his emotionless mask, but he hesitantly drops it. He looks shockingly human. I can see layers of concern and agony in his eyes. He pauses, then continues. "I would say I'm fine. But I'd be lying. Right now, I can barely move without every nerve in my body screaming. But that's temporary. I'll be fine in...oh, around three hours, twenty-seven minutes, and forty-five seconds. But you won't be.

"Cisco, I'm okay with what you did. I know you didn't have a choice. I don't hold it against you. I don't hate you. In fact, I pity you. Being ruled by your emotions is the worst possible fate I can imagine.

"More than anything, I forgive you." He pauses, then smiles. "Besides, I probably had it coming. Sally would love you for it."

John smiles. "Yeah, you definitely had it coming."


By the time I get back to the Cortex, Sherlock and John are in Cisco's workroom. They're talking, but I can't hear what they're saying.

Cisco smiles slightly at something John said. John reaches down, grabs Cisco's arm, and pulls him to his feet. Cisco still looks unhappy, but considerably less so. This might work.

I wander over next to them. "I have to head back now. Maybe you could stop in after you wrap up in here?"

John smiles. "Yeah, sure. We'd like that."

Sherlock looks at him. "We would?"

John laughs. "Yes, we would. I hear he's got a pretty cool lair-thing."

Sherlock sighs. "Yes, John. I'm sure he has 'a pretty cool lair-thing.' But don't you think we have to be getting home too?"

Barry walks in. He's changed out of his Flash suit. "Nope. Time moves differently between universes. You should be fine."

Sherlock sighs. "That means there's an equal chance that it's been two days as that it's been half a day. Not very reassuring."

Cisco smiles. "C'mon. Are you really in that much of a hurry to get away from us?"

Sherlock starts talking, but John cuts him off with a stern look. "No, we're not. Ignore him."

I start laughing. It's amazing how John predicts Sherlock's words. "Well, if you can drop by, please do so. We'd love to have you."

John smiles. "Yeah, sure. We'll drop by."

Under his breath, Sherlock mutters, "We will?"

John elbows him in the side. Sherlock groans and curls in on himself. Gasping, he mutters, "That was low, John. You know I haven't recovered from my...beating, for lack of a better word." Cisco flinches and turns away.

John bites his lower lip. "Sorry, I forgot." He glances at his watch and starts, "It's already nine o'clock!" He hesitates. "I don't mean to intrude on your hospitality, but we don't really have anywhere to sleep."

Barry and Cisco glance at each other. Caitlin says, "We don't have any spare beds here...Maybe you could stay at someone's house?"

Sherlock scoffs, "John would be found in the morning."

John glares at Sherlock. "You would probably have abandoned me by then."

Sherlock smiles. "Do you really think that I'm going to sleep? Look around!" Almost giddily, he adds, "The potential scientific discoveries for our universe are unimaginable! I mean, physics works differently here. And we've just proved the existence of a multiverse."

John sighs. "No chance I'm getting any food in you until we go home, is there?"

"None at all!"

I smile as I listen to them banter. They just fall in with each other so easily. But there still is the problem of where John can sleep. I think, then say, "We have a place where you could sleep..."

Diggle glances at me. "We do?"

"We've got the three mattresses in the back for emergencies. John can sleep there."

John smiles. "Thanks." He hesitates, then adds, "I'm almost afraid to ask, but do you have anything that could keep Sherlock...occupied? Like, so that he doesn't run out into the streets and seriously mess with this universe?"

Sherlock looks affronted. "Really, John. I would never. Well..." He trails off, then adds, sounding a little petulant, "Maybe."

John sighs.

I look at Sherlock and try to imagine what could possibly keep him occupied for a whole night. "Well, Felicity could show you her computer setup, I guess..." Then it hits me. Maybe I can't keep Sherlock's brain busy for long, but I can keep his body busy. I add, "And I could show him around the training area." He'll probably appreciate that more than most.

Sherlock cocks his head and turns to John. He acts like a child talking to his unreasonable parents "And if that doesn't occupy me?"

John sighs. "Then I guess you can run experiments."

Sherlock beams.

In my head, I start brainstorming ways to keep Sherlock occupied in the training area, mainly so I can save our 'lair-cave' from being deconstructed in the name of science.

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