Chapter 27

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Cisco and his goggles start glowing. Bloody glowing. Like Bluebell.

Cisco jumps at Sherlock. Sherlock dodges his jump but doesn't grab Cisco. That would've been a nice chance to use Cisco's momentum against him. I wonder why Sherlock didn't elect to do that.

Cisco smiles, but there's a cruel glint to it. He pounds Sherlock with a steady wave of sound. It just keeps rolling out of his hands, driving Sherlock back against the brick wall behind him.

Sherlock doesn't seem to be fighting back.

At this rate, Cisco will kill him.

I suppose that's the idea.


Sherlock is flattened against the brick wall. Using one hand to keep the blast steady, I reach out with the other one. He rolls sideways away from me. I catch a glimpse of anxious, shockingly blue eyes, and then he's out of the cone of sound. He's off like a bullet, back into the center of the space.

Now I know what it's like to be powerful. The little voice that doesn't want to fight says, quietly, Just like Reverb. You're becoming the Salazar Slytherin you never wanted to be.

What is it with the Harry Potter references today? I mentally push the other me away and focus on Sherlock.

I stalk towards him. Slowly. With both of my hands, I trap us in a cylinder of sound. It takes a lot of effort to hold that and my vibrating layer, so I probably can't do anything very powerful now.

I don't think I'll need to. I can just shrink the sphere to pull him close to me.

Then he's mine.


Sherlock dances away from Cisco, but he has far less room to move now. Sherlock narrows his eyes, and then smoothly takes his coat and scarf off and tosses them over the edge of the newly-formed cylinder. They crumple to the ground in an undignified heap. I'm suddenly reminded of trying to get over a fence while handcuffed to Sherlock.

Cisco grins. "Didn't want to have your coat destroyed? I guess it'll give everyone else something to remember you by."

The cylinder draws closer. It doesn't seem to be doing anything bad to Sherlock, it's just a solid wall. Sherlock stumbles a half-step closer to Cisco. There's barely any room for him to stay away from Cisco now.

Cisco reaches out and brushes the edge of Sherlock's sleeve. Little shreds of it go flying in all directions, leaving behind a finger-shaped hole in his shirt.

Sherlock, of course, looks unfazed

. But now I know why Sherlock's running, not fighting.

Cisco's going to bloody shred Sherlock.

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