Chapter 22

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Calmly, I pull out my gun. Better to end it quickly than burn.

I've thought about this before. When you fight a war, you need a backup plan. Getting captured is a fate worse than death.

A bullet through the heart, though beautiful and dramatic, can easily miss. Similarly, a bullet through the brain can kill, but not if your hand wavers in the slightest.

Eating the bullet has always been my choice.


With Rupture having stolen my energy, I can't open any breaches. I'd maybe be able to if I had my goggles and there was a hotspot nearby, but I don't have either. That will cost lives now. Quickly, I focus and start a bubble of sound waves. The flames stick to the edges, but it won't hold for long without my interdimensional energy. I'm running off of what I can siphon from interdimensional space, but I can't pull enough to keep the bubble going until we're rescued.

"John. If you have any last words, now is the time to say them. This bubble won't last forever."

John sighs. "What does it matter? No one will know what I say."

"All the better of a reason to say what you want. No one will have to know."

The bubble collapses inwards, but I catch John's last words before he shoots himself through the head.


"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, I love you."

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