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Mark walked slowly up the stairs with the back folder in his left hand and a Starbucks drink in the right hand. He decided not to take the elevator today for two reasons: he didn't want to bump into his neighbors and talk to them and it serves as a work out since he was unable to finish his work out, in the agency. 

When he was in his apartment, he walked to the window with the folder in hand. He closes the window, which he forgot to close before leaving for work. placing down his drink on the cold wooden floor, he opens the black folder. 

Inside the folder there was another black folder with a black envelop, that contained a picture with writing at the back

ignoring the picture Mark begins reading  the message that was at the back of the photograph:

Mark Tuan, 

You are to be Park Jinyoung shadow until those who place his life at risk at under the custody of the police. You have already been informed about the severity of this case thus I will not state it again. Due to this been a special case, after completing this assignment you are to completely disappear from Park Jinyoung's life. This means that you are to never share personal information with him and by any means, you are not become emotionally attached to him.  This photograph is of Park Jinyoung, you are to keep this until the completion of the assignment and then you must destroy it.    

Good luck Mr. Tuan, and try not to get killed 

                                                                                                                                      Jackson Wang & B

After reading the note, Mark looks at the picture of Park Jinyoung. Jinyoung was wearing leather black jeans, a plain black shirt, and a black jacket. When Mark was about to place the picture aside, he noticed Park Jinyoung's eyes. Mark, looked closely at his eyes, and then at his hair, and then at his hand. These features look familiar to Mark but he is sure that he has not met this person before. He focused on Jinyoung's face and a teardrop leaves his left eye. The more that he stared at his face, the more tears that leave his eyes. Mark's heart beat faster, in content with a hint of sadness. Due to not being able to recall whether he has met him before his heart also fills with guilt. 

"He looks so familiar" Mark whispers "But I don't remember---"

The sound of his phone ringing startled him. He cleans his tears with the back of his hand and laces the photograph down as he picks up his phone. Without looking at the ID Mark answers.


"Mark, it Jaebum"

"What's up Jb?"

"You are assigned to protect Park Jinyoung, correct?"


"Since I am his doctor, your agency notified me. Anyway I called because he is going to leave the hospital in about two hours"

"I thought that---"

"I know, but he wants to leave, whether we allow him to or not. I just called to inform you that he is leaving in two hours without the protection of the police so--"

"I'll be there as soon as possible" 

Mark rushed to his bedroom once he hanged up. He grabbed a random backpack and started to shove casual clothes inside as well as his hieing essentials. He grabbed five suits and run out of his apartment,   after making sure that everything was closed and grabbing the black folder with everything inside. 

He runs down the stairs, almost tripping on the fourth to last step. He knows that he has plenty of time to get to the hospital before Park Jinyoung is discharged and that tomorrow his job officially starts, but something within him wants to get to the hospital and see Mr. Park in person. 

Mark thought that the reason for rushing was because e did not want to fail his first assignment, especially because this was a special case. 

When Mark finally arrives at the hospital, he was greeted by Younjae, at the entrance, with a big smile and a black box

"Mark! you shouldn't drive like a maniac, you can get hurt" Younjae says with a stern expression


"Here" hands Mark the black box, "Inside there is something very important about your past, well a part of it. I have kept it because I was unsure of how you would react. I have never looked inside the box. This box was given to me by you a day before the... um.. anyway I have never opened it and only you and I know about the existence of this box, not even Jaebum knows. I know that you would probably want to open it in hopes that it can help you remember. The box is locked, I don't have the key, and I don't think you have it either. Opening this box is not impossible but please open it when the time is right"

Mark looked at the black box in his hand and smile. This might help him recover some of his memories, this fact gave him some hope 

"Thank you Younjae, how---"

"You will know when the right time is, but if you don't I'll let you know, trust me I will know when the time comes. Now I think you need to rush inside since Park Jinyoung is getting ready to leave and although he does not want to admit it he needs help walking since he is in so much pain"

Mark nodded and walked back to his car to place the black box in the compartment and then he speed-walks to the room that Jinyoung was in


Jinyoung sits down while holding his abdomen, on the white chair that was placed next to the window. After calling Jackson and asking for his best bodyguard, he felt anxious and excited,  some of the emotions that he has not felt in a while. Jackson mentioned that he bodyguard was named Mark Tuan.  Once he heard the name Mark Tuan his heart speed up and he smiled, a big genuine smile that showed all of this teeth, something he as also not done in a while. Jinyoung did not recall knowing a person with that name, but once he received the photo that Jackson send him, he felt guilty for not remembering him.   

Jinyoung smiled sadly as he looked at the picture for the 100th time since he received the picture yesterday night.

"You have changed so much my love, but you still look the same despite your eyes become dull and becoming more buff. Your lips are still of a beautify shade and your skins still look flawless.  I searched for you for years, after recovering my memory, but I never found you, but all this time you were here a couple of miles away. Mark, I wish that you could remember me, or that at least you will love me again. That we could fall in love, just like when we were teenagers."


Thank you for reading  :)

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