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Jinyoung's surgery was two hours long. Due to his intensive blood loss, he remained unconscious for two days after his surgery. Due to Jaebum being good friends with the doctor that was originally supposed to take care of Jinyoung, he agreed to let Jaebum take care of him. During those two days Jaebum and Younjae took care of Jinyoung; in the daylight, Younjae will take care him since Jaebum was busy with other patients, but at night Jaebum took care of him since Younjae needed to rest. Although Jaebum had not slept during those two days, he did not mind because he was finally able to spend time with his best friend. 

Jinyoung and Jaebum grew up together, and since their parents were good friends, they did everything together. Jinyoung was the one that introduced Younjae to him and Jaebum introduced Mark. They have always been there for each other but after the accident, Jinyoung began distancing himself, and after his parent's deaths Jinyoung went into an emotional shock, that blocked all of his memories. Jaebum also suffered when Jinyoung's parents died because they took his parents as well. Jaebum wanted the support of his best friend, since to him Jinyoung was like his brother, but Jinyoung could not remember him. Not wanting to overwhelm him more Jaebum distanced himself until Jinyoung was ready to see, but Jinyoung never came to see him. 

As the years passed, Jinyoung continued to live his life without memories, other than the six months that he spends with his parents. Jaebum focused on s career and his relationship. He never contacted Jinyoung, but he never gave up hope that Jinyoung and he will cross paths again. Jaebum smiled sadly seeing his best friend unconscious. 

"Jinyoung, I have always hope that you will remember me, but you never did. I heard that your company is now very popular and successful, I'm glad. I don't know if you have gotten over the death of your parents, I really hope that you have. I was the person that introduced you to Mark, and I'll do it again. You two deserve to be happy, when you and he were together you will always smile. Nothing matter more than seeing him smile. I got my happy ending when you introduced Youngjae, and now I'll do the same thing again, I don't care if you don't remember me, but please remember him. He is the love of your life, your other half, the one that erased all of your pain and worries. Please accept him just like you did the first time." Jaebum whispers


Mark sobbed softly while holding his aching chest. His chest has not stopped hurting. Jaebum called him asking if he was okay, the day before and he had lied saying that the pain has disappeared and that he did not want to know anything about the injured man.  Mark did not want to worry his friends, besides this is not the first time that his heart ached this much. He felt the same amount of pain when he woke up from his car accident years ago, and could not remember some critical parts of his life. After he woke from in the cold hospital bed, Mark felt empty. He was visited by many, but there was a person that was missing, but he did not remember who it was. In the years after his accident, Mark has tried to remember his forgotten memories but nothing has worked. 

Three years ago, Mark was diagnosed with depression because he was constantly sad and didn't have the energy to move, this was also around the same time that Jinyoung was mourning his parents. Mark overcame depression, or so it seems, two years ago, right around the time that he began dreaming about that man.  No one knows that Mark was depressed because he did not want to be a burden to Jaebum and Younjae. When Mark lost his memories his family members send him to California, he did not know the reason behind their rushed decision. He was not allowed to speak to Jaebum during his stay in the hospital and when he was abroad. He came back to South Korea after six months when his family disowned him after he decided to become a bodyguard instead of his parents' wishes. Mark felt that choosing to be a bodyguard was not the main reason for his family to turn their backs on him. 

After two agonizing hours, the pain in Mark's chest decreased enough for him to be able to train. He cleaned his tears away and began doing push-ups, crunches, and sit-ups. After twenty reps, he moved on to weights. After his two hour workout, he showered and got ready for work. 

Ashe drives to work his mind clears for the first time in four days and enjoys his drive to work. He observes people on the sidewalk, those crossing the roads, and those on the bus stop. A small smile forms as he sees a couple showing affection in public, ignoring the glares of some. 

"They are so brave for demonstrating their love in public" Mark whispered as he watched the happy couple smiling hand in hand as they walk on the sidewalk. 

As he continues to watch the happy couple, Marked left sad and lonely. Every time he sees a couple showing affection, regardless of all of the negative comments and nasty that they get from the people around them. 

"There is nothing wrong with falling in love with a person of the same gender" murmured as he drove past the couple. 


Two hours  after arriving to work,  Mark was called by the manager 

In the outside, Mark appeared to have a lot of confidence as he walked down the halls to the manager's office, but in the inside, Mark felt so nervous and his head filled with worries, that he might get fired. Although deep down he knew that getting fired was very unlikely since he has one of the best. 

When he finally reached the manager's office, he knocked lightly and open the door as slowly as possible when a loud and firm, "Come in", was said from the other side of the door. 

Mark enters the office and closed it as quietly as possible and then stood there waiting for the words, 'you're fired', leave the manager's mouth. The idea that he will get fired came from the fact that he has never been to the manager's office, in fact, he has never met the man before. When he gets a new assignment he usually receives an email and a folder with information is dropped off at his door by a man dressed in black. 

"Have a sit", The manager says in a low and kind of scary tone 

As Mark sits down, he noticed a picture of the manager with a man, and at the bottom, it reads "Jackbam 4 ever"

"I called you in today instead of sending you the information because this assignment is different than the ones that we have received in the past. The man that you have been assigned to protect is a higher up. He is the CEO of the most well-known company worldwide. He is young, and women are not the only ones trying to get him to notice him. His parents died years back, they were involved in a car accident that was provoked by one of the men that wanted to get his hands on their company, although the company was facing bankruptcy, at that time. A few days ago, the CEO was attacked at his own company,  he was the only one injured. We don't know how he found out about us, but he has requested our best bodyguard. Mark Tuan, You are to protect the CEO, and not let any harm get to him. If he dies, that will be the end of our agency. Currently, he is staying in the hospital, due to undergoing surgery for being shoot twice, under the custody of the police. He will leave the hospital tomorrow at two in the morning, you are to pick him up and stay by his side at all times, until the man responsible is captured," hands Mark a black folder, "Here you will find all of the information needed for the assignment, if you decide to take it. I am giving you the choice because this is a very dangerous case, even for you"

Marked looked at the black folder, his heartbeat speed up and his palms began to sweat, he looked at the manager dead in the eyes  and says, "I'd be at the hospital at two in the morning sharp"

"Thank you, Mark, You will also be required to live with him. Other additional information and a picture of the CEO is in that folder. After this case is close, please burn this file"

"Understood" Mark stands up and walks to the door but before he opens it the manager says, "Good look, Mark"

Unsure of what to answer Mark opens the door and walks out. 

"Mark, I hope that you and Jinyoung use this opportunity to fall in love again, just like when we were kids" the manager, Jackson Wang, says while smiling at the door. 

We Meet Again ver. 1Where stories live. Discover now