8.Plan B

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Third person's P.O.V.

Jackson Wang stared at his phone in shock after Jinyoung had told him that he no longer wanted Mark to be his bodyguard. Jackson had tried to convinced Jinyoung that Mark was the best and that he was in good hands but Jinyoung didn't cared at all; he wanted someone else and that was final. After a heated discussion Jinyoung had hanged up on him angrily after cancelling Mark's  services. Although Jinyoung sounded displease with Mark's efficiency, he heard a hint of sadness in Jinyoung's voice as he was stating that he no longer wanted Mark to take care of him.

After his argument with Jinyoung, Jackson had stared at his window while he tried to understand what was going on through Jinyoung's head. After two hours of coming up with possible answers he gave up and called his fiance for help. His fiance rushed to his office at the mention of Mark and Jinyoung. 

Jackson Wang P.O.V 

I watch as my lovely fiance's eyes widen as I repeat my conversation with Park Jinyoung 

"And he did not gave you a reason for canceling Mark's services as a body guard?"

"No.. he tried but he could not come up with something reasonable"

"That's strange... are you sure that he knows who Mark is?"

"Three weeks ago, Jinyoung and I had a couple of drinks, and he had one too many. So like he began telling me his who life story and he said that one of the bad things about recovering his memory was that he did not had Mark by his side. He said that if he will find Mark, that he will never let him go and show him that despite the years that they have spend apart and the lose of memory, that his love for him never faced and is strong as ever. That when he get the chance to see him again, that he will shower him with kisses. That even if Mark did not remember him, that he will not stop until he wins his heart again."

"I wonder what changed his mind"

"Same, can you find out if Mark has recover his memory as well."

"I think that Mark is still in contact with JB and Younjae, I'll ask them."

"Great, can you call Yugyeom, and ask him to pay Jinyoung a visit"


"well since Yugyeom, was Mark's and Jinyoung's baby, he should be able to approach Jinyoung, and ask him hows his doing and hopefully obtain information regarding his decision to push Mark away."

"Okay!Then I'll got going."

"Be careful , love"

"I know, and remember that we are going to go have lunch with---"

"I don't think that I can make it love, I have a lot of work to do and---"

"You promised!"

"I know but---"

"Its fin Jacks, but we will still have lunch together"


"I'll bring food"

"Okay love"

"Bye, I love you"

"Love you too, B"

  Yugyeom's P.O.V. 

I park my car outside of Jinyoung's house, well mansion. It has been years since I have last seen him, and I miss him like crazy, along with Mark. When we were in school they would take care of me and protected me from bullies and helped me out with homework. Even though they did not have much, they took me in when my parents left me. After their accident, their family took them. I was never allowed to see them again, but I still tried. It was not until their parents told me that they did not wanted nothing to do with me, that I stopped trying. I believed them when they said that Mark and Jinyoung hated me, and that I was responsible for what happened to them. I believed them when they said that Jinyoung hated me, and when they said that Mark regretted the time he crossed paths with me. 

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