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Mark's P.O.V. 

Currently I'm packing my things from Park Jinyoung's house because he has apparently canceled my services as a bodyguard due to not being satisfied. I don't understand how he can say that he is unhappy with my services. I have done my job! It might appear that I have done nothing but that is not true! 

I have done more research about his case and  have found new leads. In fact the new information that I have found has given them the evidence needed to arrest them. In about three hours they will call him and notify  him of the arrest and that he is no longer in any form of danger. 

I am pleased to know that I have finished one of the most complicated and most risky cases in two weeks, and that it did not involved putting my life in any form of danger. But what bothers me is that Park Jinyoung says that I did not do my job correctly and that he canceled my services a few hours before I was officially done. Now , I am not tight on money, but because my services were cancelled I am not going to get payed fully. The company will keep more than 60% of my pay check. More than 60%! It will be as if I took two weeks off!After making sure that I have packed all of my belongings, I leave the room just the way it was given to me: clean, and cold. 

I slowly walk down the stairs and stop by his door. Part of me is sad to leave and the other part is angry  because of the reduction of my pay. The part that is sad does not want to leave without saying good bye and personally tell him that his life is no longer in danger and that I am sorry for not being what he expected. The angry part want to leave without saying a word and if I were to see him again I'll tell him how much of a jerk he is. After taking one deep breath, I turn away from  his door and continue down the stairs where Mr. Stone is wasting for me with a sad smile. 

"Mr. Tuan, It was a pleasure to serve you in these two short weeks"

"It was a pleasure to meet such a wonderful person like you Mr. Stone"

"Mr. Tuan, are you leaving because you are done with your work or because he fired you?"

"He fired me, but don't worry about his safety, I have done my job. The men are now under custody of the police and will be facing trial and a sentence."

"Mr. Tuan, thank you very much for still taking care of him after all of these years"

"What do you mean?"

"I was hopping that you will remember you past in your time here, or that at least that you will fall for him again. But now you are leaving without knowing the past you both share"

"Mr. Stone, what are you talking about?"

"Are you still in contact with, Jaebum, Younjae, Bambam, Jackson, and Yugeom?"

"I know two of the five that you mention"

"Well find the other three and ask them to tell you everything and once you know, Use this key and open the black box that you had in hand when you first moved here. In that box you will find many photos and letters, read them and hopefully, along with what your friends tell you, you will be able to remember.  And when you finally understand and maybe remember some of it, if you still have questions about what happened to him after you guys were separated call come back and ask. There are things that only Jinyoung will be  able to answer, thus don't be afraid to go demand for answers."


"Go now and find the answers"


"Mark Tuan, you must remember. He tried for so many years to find you but you where no where  to be found. He has missed you like crazy but he is choosing to let you live your life as if you guys were nothing more than employee and employer. He thinks that this is the best for you to be happy."

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