💚date night 💚

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Third person's p.o.v.
Mark looked at all of his clothes that was scatter on the floor of his bedroom.

He has been looking for something to wear for the past three hours but everything he owns looks dull and not something appropriate for a date.

Today it will be Mark's and Jinyoung's 20th  date and Mark can't find anything to wear.  He usually likes the clothes he owns and knows how to pair them up correctly to look good, but for some reason his mind was blank now.

It is close to three in the after noon and Jinyoung is supposed to pick him up at three thirty .

Mark sights sadly and rushed to take a shower.

Meanwhile Mark is stression over what to wear Jinyoung is throwing a glass of water at JB.

"Don't say stuff like that JB!" Jinyoung says sternly while trying to hide his blushing cheeks

" I'm just saying Jinyoung, I mean you and Mark have known each other for so long it's only natural for---"

"JB, Mark and I are not ready for that just yet. It's too early. Yeah sure we have known each other for so long and love one another so much. But we have also spend so much time apart. We are not the same as we used to be"


"JB, Mark and I have dates twice a week, do you know why?"

JB shook his head

"It's because we are still getting to know the new us. Although this is out 20th date I still thought that he will like what in have planed for our date. Heck the first ten time I was having panicattacks the day of out date. I will constantly sweat as I drive us to out destination. When he plans the dates I panic thinking if I will not like what he had planned, like should I tell him or pretend to enjoy my time. I love Mark so much but he is not the same and nor I am. We both have slightly changed. We ate like old friends and at the same time we are like strangers. JB I am in constant fear that Mark will one day dislike the new me. That one day he will just leave me and find someone better. I love Mark so much but at times I wonder if choosing to be by his side was the right thing. I---"

"Do you---"

"And then when we finally reach our destination we are too nervous and it's kind of awkward
But then he will look at me right in the eyes and I see the love that he has for me and I know that he sees the same thing on mine. In that moment my worries and what ifs are foolish. Once the nerves leaves we are ourselves. A combination of the knew and the old.
When I look into his beautiful eyes all of my fear and insecurities fade. When he is with me. Holding me or I hold him I feel happy. All.of the emotions that I felt before are much  stronger now and that scared me a lot but at the same time it brings me peace. JB. I'm scared that I'll not be enough for him. It terrifies me that I won't give him all the love and happiness he deserves. I loose sleep with the thought that this is all a dream that He is not really with me. That he does not really love. I cry myself to sleep thinking that life won't give me more time to cherish him more. To hold him more. To love him more. That I won't have enough time to show him that he is my world.
And yes JB I want him so much I yarn for him. I ache for him but I don't think  that he is ready. I don't want to push him. I'm afraid that I won't satisfy him. "

JB looks at his friend with a warm smile, " you do really love him"

"I do. JB. I want to propose to him. To call him my husband. To get to make him breakfast every day. To wake up next to him and go to sleep next to him. For him to try to cook something other than noddles and burn down the kitchen. To hear his laugh every second of every minute."

"Tell him how you feel Jinyoung"

"I don't know... What if it's too soon..."


" It's almost time I have to go pick him up"

"Where are you taking him this time?"

"Somewher special. I hope that he'll like it. "

"Let me guess... the park.... no-no I know the cliff so that you two can see the stars and the beautiful city---"

Jinyoung looked down witn glossy eyes, "Is it a bad---"

Noticing his friend teary eyes JB hurry says, "Not at all Jinyoung! I'm sure it will be perfect and Mark will love it."

Jinyoung smiled at JB's gently words and rushed out his house.

"Jinyoung is the blind fold really necessary?" Mark ask for the third time as Jinyoung guides him to their destination

"I want to surpice you, babe"

Hearing Jinyuoung call him babe made Mark's heart beat faster and for his cheeks to turn rosy red.

Jinyoung smiled as he sees his boyfriend's flushed ckeeks

Jinyoung guides Mark to a cliff that gives perfect new of the stars and the city. In the green soft grass there was a black picnic blanket with a white picnic basket. The trees the surrounded then was decorated with fairly lights, which providedd the right amount to light to set the mood. The picnic blanket was surrounded with red rose petals that formed a heart

Jinyoung uncovered Mark's eyes and waited nervously for the older's reaction

As Mark looked at what Jinyoung had prepared for them, he smiled and as a tear of happiness left his right eye

Noticing the tear that fell from Mark's eye, Jinyoung cursed at himself thinking that he had made a mistake at bringing him here

He cleaned Mark's tear and smiled sadly, " Lets go. I'm sorry I made a poor judgment at---"

Mark looks at the eyes of his lover and smiled, he brings his cold hands to Jinyoung's warm sad face. He lifts his lovers fave and makes him right in the eye.

"Jinyoung, I love it. Thank you for all of this. This is thje most beautiful and thoughtful thing that I have ever seen. Thank you so much love, it's perfect. Simple, and filled with love. Just the perfect place for us"

Jinyoung smiled at the older and brings his to his. The both share a sweet short kiss that was filled with so much love.

They sit down to enjoy the food that Jinyoung himself prepared for their 20th date.

As they ate in silence Mark can't keep his eyes from his lover.

Jinyoung is everything that I could ever ask for, Mark thinks.

As they continue to eat they watch the  beautiful starts that adorn the night sky.

They don't need words to express how happy they are right now. Just being together and enjoying their company on since was more than enough for them.

Thank you for reading and I hope  ghat you liked it. 😁

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