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"DANIEL" eva yells at the tall boy who snatched her slice of pizza.

"YOU WEREN'T EATING IT" he argues back, taking a big bite.

"I ALREADY BIT INTO IT, I PUT IT ONTO MY PLATE OH MY HECK" she pouts and walks back into the kitchen. she examines the 7 boxes the boys insisted they needed. she opens up the one closest to her and grabs a slice of pepperoni pizza.

daniel sneaks up behind her and grabs a piece of pepperoni off her slice, eating it quickly. she playfully glares at him before laughing.

"oh my god just date already" they both hear someone say. they turn around and see jack walking in, the boys and jade following after him.

eva looked at them and laughed. "daniel is my pal so no."

"plus eva has her eyes on a special someone" jade says, smirking and winking at eva who blushes.

"no i dont, you are stating false information miss jade" eva states, looking down at her hands she rested on the kitchen counter. she ignores everyones stares especially zachs, who is currently glaring at her.

she grows uncomfortable under his stare.

"jade im leaving, im getting sleepy" eva says before walking out the kitchen.

"no stay eva, its gonna be fun" daniel insists, following after her. she smiles lightly before speaking quietly so only he could hear.

"zach has been glaring at me since i got here, im obviously not welcomed" she frowns slightly before grabbing her bag and car keys.

she hugs daniel before walking towards the door. she opens it and walks outside. she walks down the stone path and gets to her car thats parked near the curb.

"youre just going to leave without telling me bye?" she hears zach. she looks up and sees him walking towards her.

"i didnt want to bother the drama queen who ignored me all night" she laughs at the nickname she gave him. he walks over to the driver side wheres shes standing and stands in front of her.

"well how exactly do i approach the girl who has been on my mind" he whispers into her ear. she shivers once she feels his breathe near her neck.

"well that sucks, now if you excuse me, i have a bed that needs my warmth" she smiles at him before opening her car door and sitting inside.

he leans against the frame of the door and smiles down at the brunette. his stomach fills with butterflies as he admires her struggling to put the key in the ignition.

"stupid thing go in the hole" she mumbles and groans. his cheeks turn red as he gets inappropriate thoughts.

he stops once he hears the car start. he looks at eva before speaking, "so youre gonna go home and be alone for the whole night."

"well yeah, my family is in texas i think" she says as if its obvious. his eyes go wide as he hears that.

"how long have you been home alone? oh my god eva thats not safe" his protective side beginning to show.

"its been a while, joeys career is starting along with his friends so theyve been touring, modeling, and doing interviews. its not a problem though, we have a security system and the house is in a gated community" she smiles and reaches her hand up to hold his head in the palm of her delicate hand.

she caresses his rosy cheek with her thumb and sighs. "zach i promise i'll be fine, you dont have to worry."

without thinking he speaks, "im staying with you, im gonna go pack a bag with some clothes, i'll be out in 5 minutes tops" he pecks her cheek and runs inside.

he sprints past everyone in the living room and heads towards the stairs. he runs up the staircase and into the room. he grabs sweats and a few shirts, along with boxers and socks. he shoves them into a drawstring bag and runs into the bathroom to grab his toothbrush and hair products. he sprints back down the stairs, heading towards the door.

"WAIT" he hears jack shout, "where are you going with a bag?" he raises his eyebrow.

everyone stares at zach, waiting for him to answer. "im staying with eva, she's home alone and i dont like knowing shes alone in that big house so im going to stay with her until her family returns"

"okay have fun but no funny business" corbyn says before walking away.

he nods and walks towards the door, seeing eva still waiting. he gets into the passenger side and smiles at her.

"hi" he says shyly. she giggles at his shyness. "what? did i say something wrong? is something on my face?"

"no, you just said hi in a quiet way" she says before putting the car in drive and driving down the road. zach connects his phone to the aux cord, putting on ariana grande. she immediately recognizes the beat to hands on me and starts tapping her finger on steering wheel.

"i didnt know you listened to ariana" eva states, giggling at the boy dancing and singing next to her.

"how can you not listen to her. shes a literal goddess" he states as if its obvious. she nods her head, agreeing with his statement.

she continues to drive down the now calm streets of los angeles. she admires all the stores and museums with neon lights on the signs. she watches the pedestrians walk down the sidewalk.

"are we almost at your house" zach groans and complains. "you live like 5 hours away."

"we've been in the car for 10 minutes, calm your tits" he looks down at his chest and mumbles something.

"what? i couldnt hear you"

"my boobs are calm" he pouts and looks out the window. eva begins to laugh at the brunettes childish behavior. she sneaks glances at him, butterflies forming in her stomach quickly.

she shakes the feeling and focuses on the road again. she turns into the gated road, waiting for the security guard to buzz her in. the gate opens slowly. she drives in, speeding down the residential roads. she arrives at the end of her driveway and types in the code. the gate opens and she drives up the driveway, pressing the button on her keys to open the garage.

zach watches the metal door lift up, to reveal a white bmw and a black mercedes, matching evas car. his jaw drops, shocked to see the expensive cars.

she drives into the garage and shuts off the car. she gets out, closing the car door gently.

she walks towards the light switch on the wall. she flickers it, the lights and neon signs making the garage light up. zach watches her every move. he sighs and shakes his head.

zach didnr realize it yet, but he was head over heels for eva miller and she was head over heels for zach herron.


this chapter is 1169 words!
IM AN AUTHOR!1!2!3!4

but like yeah hehe heres this long chapter with some character build and structure because i tend to struggle with these kinds of things.

also i just noticed it hit 1.6k reads thAT IS PHENOMENAL!!! THANKS LADS YALL ROCK !!

i really thought it was going to flop but it didnt kinda so thank u :-)


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