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"eva wake up" joey shakes her, pulling off her blankets. "we're leaving for tour and mom wants you to drive us to the airport so you can drive the car back home" eva lifts up her head, confused.

"tour? i just got back from tour" he looks at her and laughs nervously.

"what tour? you stay home all the time" she squints her eyes and looks up. she looks around at her room, confused to say the least.

"joey... what day is it?" she grabs her phone and reads the date 'October 2nd, 2016.' she looks around, trying to process what was happening. she fell asleep and it was May 5th, 2019. she fell asleep in the hotel in new york. "joey. have i gone to new york in the past month?"

"why the hell would you go to new york? you don't even leave the house. look just get ready so you can drive us" she goes back onto her and sees her most recent text message was from jade. 'we should definitely throw a little party while your familia is gone'

she calls jade, needing answers. the phone rings before she answers. "hello? why are you calling me at 8? i was sleeping" jade sneezes, waiting for eva to answer.

"jade. i need you to come over once i drop off my family. i think im going crazy. don't ask questions, just be here at 9:30" she hangs up and paces in her room. so many thoughts and explanations. it couldn't have been a dream. it felt so real. the dream was 3 years long. it didn't make any sense. her heart ached for zach.

she went onto instagram and typed in zachs name. his profile popped up but none of the posts that were in her dream. she wanted to cry. she felt like she had everything in the world but it was just a dream.


jade runs into eva's house, not bothering to knock. "EVA WHERE ARE YOU?!?" the girl rund up the stairs, looking in each room.

"IM IN MY DADS OFFICE" eva shouts back, typing on his computer. she types in her name, her song names, her tour name, her interviews but nothing pops up.

"bro why are you in here?" jade sits next to eva, watching as she types.

"okay so i had a dream, that was 3 years long. jade when i tell you that im not going, i mean it. im going to explain everything that happened and i mapped out a timeline so it's easier to understand." jade nods and waits for eva to continue.

"okay so, it started when i posted a pic.."


after eva finished explaining everything to jade, jade was also confused. "that is a very realistic dream."

"so now i've been googling my name, seeing if there is any trace of my dream but there is nothing" eva shuts off her dads computer and walks out the room.

"have you bothered to dm zach? i know the chances of this happening are low but what if he had the same dream?" eva didn't even think about that. she was so into the fact that she was famous that she forgot about zach.

"can we go get something to eat? im starving" eva asks, slipping on her vans. they agree on taco bell and go in jades car.

jade parks in front of the fast food place, locking the doors once they're both out. they walk inside, walking up to the counter to order their food.

once they order, they stand near the soda machine, scrolling on their phones. the bell rings above the door making jade look up.

in walks the boys, being loud and immature. eva looks up and sees zach, making her smile. "jade, that's zach, from my dream" she whispers in jades ear. jade squeals, making everyone look their way. "oh ny god shutup idiot" jade continues to smile and fangirl.

"what if its fate? like you guys are meant to be here together" eva only rolls her eyes and scrolls through twitter.

"order number 303" eva looks at their receipt and sees that they're 303. she walks over to the counter and grabs the tray before heading over to the table. she sits down, her back facing the counter. "he's looking at you" jade says, biting into her taco.

"who is?" eva asks, drinking her mountain dew.

"dream boy" eva chokes on her drink and starts to laugh. "dream boy?! thats a terrible nickname" she whispers back.

"should i call him over here or is that weird?" jade asks, eating her nachos.

"no what the heck, he doesn't know us" jades eyes grow wide, looking over eva's shoulder. "hes walking over here" eva drops her taco on the table and begins to panic mentally.

"um i know this is weird but i uh do i know you? you seem so familiar" zach asks eva, as she looks down at her lap.

"i don't think so sorry" he nods and walks away, making jade kick her under the table. "you idiot, what if he had the dream too?" eva shrugs and continues to eat.

"like i said earlier, its better to forget and move on"

zach admires eva from across the room. he wanted to kiss her so bad. when they walked into taco bell, he didn't expect to see her. the boys kept telling him to talk to her but he was too scared to breathe near her. jonah told zach he should just forget about her but something was telling him not to. he knew he should forget about her. it would be best for the both of them.

he watches as she gets up and leaves the vacancy, not knowing if he'll see her again. she leaves, regretting not being bold enough to speak to him.


so like
this one
everything was a dream
and both of them dreamed the same thing
and they never spoke to each other again
i think imma stop the epilogues here
i hope you guys enjoyed these little bonus chapters sorta
thank you again for reading my writing snd enjoying it. it means a lot 💓💓 thank you for 40k reads too, thats amazing

now if you'll excuse me i have a daniel story to update

also if you have an INSTAGRAM!! follow me aniciacecilia :-) i'll follow back

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